Arcane Lord

Chapter 349

Bulk purchases have greatly stimulated the city’s economy. Many workshops are running at full capacity and are producing materials day and night. The originally turbulent social environment is limited by money and profit. Under the stimulus, the calmness was restored again, as if the tension in the previous period had never existed.

But these have nothing to do with Andre, he just lamented the dukes’ rigorous schemes and deep foresight, and their control of human greed, through a simple economic lever, with no difficulty The situation was once again brought under one’s own control, and the tactics of maneuvering simply used Major Perfection.

Time passed day by day, and just after the first week of April, a Knight wearing the Mali Ye Family crest suddenly rushed into the door and brought an excitement to everyone The endless news is that Countess Anastasia, who has been out to sea for two months, is back…

And she did not come back by herself, but she also brought back a fleet full of white salt. The port has caused a huge sensation. Countless citizens are watching barrels of salt with a price comparable to silver being transported. Merchants have tried their best to inquire about it, wanting to get a piece of it.

Perhaps modern people can’t imagine at all, what it means to have large quantities of salt in this world where productivity is extremely backward, but Andre understands that a feast of his own is coming…

Salt, one of the essential substances for the human body, is also an essential condiment to increase the taste of food. The more technologically backward the world, the more its price and status are often unbelievable to modern people.

Imagine, in an age without refrigerators and industrial preservatives, what would people rely on for long-term storage of fish, meat and eggs?

The answer is simple!

That is salted!

You need salt to make bacon, salt to make sausage, salt to make ham, salt to make salted eggs, salt to make dried fish, and even to make dairy products…

To some extent, table salt is the only raw material that can store food on Olaer Road, and every household consumes a lot of it, especially in areas engaged in animal husbandry and meat and egg food processing. The consumption is simply An astronomical figure. Just ask a child over six years old on the street. He knows that all merchants who can do salt sales are outright luxury traders.

As an indispensable necessity, the consumption of table salt is amazing. The market has never been saturated. To be precise, even one third is not filled. The huge benefits contained in it will make you think about it. People feel trembling and fearful.

In fact, before the widespread use of sea salt, the main source of table salt was natural salt mines or salt lakes. Except for a few salt lakes that can produce relatively pure salt, most of them carry it. There are a lot of impurities, and the output is far behind the demand. Coupled with the bad traffic conditions and transportation difficulties, the price will naturally rise.

I got the news that Countess Anastasia took the fleet back to the city. Without saying anything, Andre left the job at hand, took the people straight to the port, and it didn’t take long to see the dock area. The spectacular scene of unloading, a large number of sailors and temporary hired coolies are like ants. Cautiously moved the salt in wooden barrels to the shore. Several of the barrels have been pried open, revealing the white salt inside, which aroused the crowd. discuss spiritedly.

“The gods are on! The Ye Family of Mali is really going to rise this time! Look at these salt, as long as you resell it, you can make at least twice the profit!”

“Damn! Lucky for them, if only I could have a trading route like this…”

“Fool! A gold mine like this that can continuously bring huge benefits , Any clan will list it as the top secret, even if it is sealed, it will not be known to outsiders!”

“Yes! Instead of thinking about it, it is better to think about how to participate in this feast In China, even if the four dukes shot together, so much salt may not be enough to eat.”

“Yes! Must find a way to get a certain share of it!”


Suddenly, the entire pier became more lively than the bustling market area. Large and small Chamber of Commerce sent people to inquire about the news. Some of the higher identities even directly handed out invitations. Hope Meet the owners of a large number of table salt to see if there is any possibility of cooperation.

Although Linton City is a coastal city, the salt production is pitiful, basically relying on imports from other city-states. Now suddenly seeing such a large amount of salt piled up on the dock, my mood will inevitably change Excited.

But they don’t know that this is just the beginning, maybe one year, maybe three to five years, and it won’t take long for the salt water to be used as a foundation, slowly eroding the Green Sea Alliance. The other city-states finally completely transformed into a huge monster whose controller is the lifeblood of countless city-states.

In this world with relatively backward productivity, once you monopolize several pillar industries, you can secretly control a country, which are mineral and metal smelting, forging, food trade, and salt trade.

The first one needless to say, from weapons, armors, down to iron pots, needles and threads, and agricultural implements. If we leave these things, humans will immediately degenerate back to primordial society.

The second one also doesn’t need to be explained. It’s not just a matter of talking about people’s food as their heaven. Human beings in a hungry state are terrifying more than any beast. This has been long in history. It has been proven many times.

As for the last point, although it sounds a bit weird, you can understand the truth if you think about it.

As everyone knows, salt is a trace element that the human body must take in. It has many functions, including affecting the flow of fluid within the body, regulating the balance of acid-base and electrolytes, helping the stomach to form gastric acid and so on.

It can be said that people cannot leave the salt for a long time, otherwise the body will be swollen for up to two months, indigestion will begin in five months, and it will become a corpse within a year.

In addition to these, even if it is to ensure sufficient physical strength, it is best for people to take adequate salt everyday all, otherwise within a few days they will experience loss of appetite, weakness, dizziness, etc. In severe cases, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, accelerated heart rate, weak pulse, muscle cramps, blurred vision, and weakened reflexes may occur.

The consequences of not eating salt are so serious. Just imagine what would happen if a city or a country was forcibly interrupted the supply of salt?

Maybe one or two months can barely support it, but within half a year, the whole country will completely lose its resistance, allowing the enemy to destroy and plunder on its own land, and there is no way to organize an effective counterattack. .

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