Arcane Lord

Chapter 370

“What! Are you true?” A young sailor cry out in surprise loudly.

An older sailor also hurriedly asked loudly: “Captain Andre! Does Chloe Young Lady’s words count?”

“Gods are here! If it is really good!”

“Yes! Twenty percent! There are now 450 people on the ship, even if the other party鈥檚 goods are worth 50,000 Gold Coins, we can at least There are fifteen to twenty Gold Coins! OMG! That’s Gold Coin! Not a copper plate! Not a Silver Coin! As long as one vote is equivalent to half a year’s salary!”

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I feel the blood all over my body is starting to boil!”

I heard that there is a huge bonus to get, all the crew on the deck Falling into a frenetic state, with bloodshot eyes one by one, waiting for the real boss to be nodded.

Perhaps for the nobles and mages, trifling a dozen Gold Coins is nothing more than a piece of clothing, a can of tea, a box of high-quality tobacco, a pair of silk stockings woven from special spider silk, a small amount Magic raw materials and so on, but for an ordinary person, it is indeed a huge sum of money.

After all, most sailors only have one Silver Coin salary per day. Although they eat and drink on board, they rarely spend money, but they always have to drink some wine when they go ashore and find a woman to solve their physiological needs. At the same time, I still need to leave a little bit for the family. The life is basically tight. Now suddenly the sky is falling fortune, it is strange not to be jealous.

To a certain extent, Chloe got into a big trouble. What she did was equivalent to pouring another bucket of oil on the already burning fire. How much Trouble…

Just look at the beads of sweat on Bashalomu’s forehead. If he had a choice, he would definitely not give the bewitching speech just now.

But unfortunately, it’s too late now.

Just when the atmosphere on the boat began to become a little weird, Andre gently patted Pasarolomew鈥檚 shoulder, walked to the front without a hassle, and loudly said to everyone: “Quiet! What Yi said is correct. From now on, you can get 20% of the looted ship, no matter what cargo is loaded on it, and anyone who shows contact in the battle can also get a double share.

Remember! I never treat any loyal subordinates badly, nor will I tolerate anyone who dared to hide spoils of war. What are you doing in a daze! Go and prepare me for battle!”

As a traverser from the era of the information explosion, he knows very well that for this kind of robbery, not dividing the crew will definitely cause problems.

There is a saying that doesn鈥檛 mean that you don鈥檛 worry about inequality but don鈥檛 worry about inequality. It means that you don鈥檛 worry about how much you get, but you worry about unfairness.

Although in this World, most sailors can only survive on the meager salary and carry private goods, and they rarely have the right to share spoils of war.

But Andre intends to rob wildly in the next one to two months. By capturing the merchant ship, he can earn an astronomical figure. If they don鈥檛 share a part with the crew, they will inevitably There will be some ideas, so it is better to take the initiative to win people’s hearts.

Anyway, for these sailors, it is not very clear about the true value of all the goods. When the time comes, setting the price a little lower can save a lot of losses.

This is not because he is too greedy, but for the good of those crew members who come from ordinary families. After all, he may earn hundreds of Gold Coins in a short period of time. At most, it will only make people around him envy and sigh. A little bit of thousands, will soon attract the intervention of the dark forces, these guys will use all means to get the glittering Gold Coin into their own hands, and they will not hesitate to kill the whole family.

On the Olaer continent full of barbarism, ignorance and blood, if there is no matching identity, status and strength, too much money will not bring too many benefits, but will easily provoke it. killing disaster.

“Have you heard! Great! Generous! The benevolent captain! I have promised to share with you the right to 20% of the spoils of war! Now let me go to my post! Just a moment! If I see someone who doesn鈥檛 work hard in the battle, I鈥檒l smash his eggs!”

When everyone was immersed in a dream and didn鈥檛 want to wake up, Bashaloumi hurriedly wiped it. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and started a violent squirt with a rude language in his throat, which looked like a loyal dogleg.

But the crew is not angry at all, some of the higher-ranking guys also teased with a big smile: “hahahaha! Dear deputy captain! Please rest assured! Now that there are 20% Reward, if someone is greedy for life and fear of death in the battle, I will smash his egg without you, I will smash his egg!”

“Well said! I will take off the pants of the coward Spread some breadcrumbs on the eggs, and let the seabirds slowly peck them!” Another old sailor also cracked his mouth and started a dirty joke.

“Wow! Carls, you bastard is so insidious, you actually came up with such a torture method, the men of the world should hate you!”

“hehe Men hate hate, as long as women don鈥檛 hate it.”

As the crew began to laugh and scold each other to ease the pre-war pressure, Bashalomu secretly sighed in relief, immediately lowered his voice, and said to Chloe with a wry smile: “My Eldest Miss, do you know how much money you lost to Lord Andre by just a sentence? even more how it almost caused the whole ship to riot, Please refrain from making such jokes in the future. I am getting older and my heart can’t bear it.”

As a retainer, he knows very well that although the two have been married, they will become a family sooner or later. But he must stand up to protect the interests of his master, otherwise he would be negligent.

“Is it that serious?” Chloe asked innocently, his eyes widened.

“Of course! Very serious! If adults do not handle it properly, we are likely to face an extremely severe situation.”

Basalomeo has been on the sea for more than 30 years, personally I have experienced various dangerous situations. Among them, sailor riots are one of the most terrifying emergencies, especially the guys who are blinded by huge interests. They can do almost everything, often in about half an hour. The ship turned into purgatory.

Seeing the serious look in the old man鈥檚 eyes, Chloe suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He raised his head and asked cautiously: “My dear, did I really say that just now?”

“Hehe, you did say a wrong thing on the wrong occasion. But it鈥檚 okay. I originally planned to take out a part of the spoils of war to share with the crew. When speaking, it鈥檚 best to think clearly about the consequences, otherwise I might be going to kill.鈥?After speaking, a sharp rays of light flashed in Andre’s eyes.

His this remark is not cracking a joke, but serious.

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