Arcane Lord

Chapter 372

The enemy ship, who realized that he might not be able to escape, soon began to counterattack. The ballista placed on the deck threw the stone ball in the air, crossing a beautiful parabola, banging The ground slammed on the deck and instantly smashed a section of the guardrail. The flying sawdust would cut a lot of the arms and faces of the nearby crew members. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Seeing that the opponent is still desperately resisting, Basaromiu smiled and raised his weapon roar and said: “All the gunners are ready! Fire!”

“All the gunners fire!”

“Fire! Kill these bitches!”

“The little bastard of Bacaro City! Uncle please eat grapes!”

“hahahaha Go and die!”


As the gunners cursed messily, the guns on the right side of the ship were opened one after another, the black hole’s muzzle was adjusted and aimed The enemy’s flagship deck quickly ignited the lead…

“bang! bang! bang! Bang…”

Thirty twenty-four-pound bronze guns seemed to come from the abyss The terrifying demon made a deafening roar. Thousands of grape bullets dropping from the sky instantly ploughed the enemy ship from top to bottom, whether it was a sailor, a ballista, a sail, or whatever, They were all beaten up, screaming and wailing endlessly.

Fortunately, the penetrating power of the grape bomb is not strong, and it did not cause much damage to the main mast and the hull. If the solid bomb was fired just now, then the ship might have begun to sink now.

Finding that most of the combatants on the opposing deck were dead, Basaromiu immediately shouted in excitement: “Get up! Get up!”

Under his command, The old sailor in charge of the helm laughed and came to a full right rudder. A few seconds later, the two ships banged together. Since the tonnage is not on the same level, the Arcane Eye is nothing but the enemy ship. Almost knocked over, some bad luck eggs escaped the grape bomb attack, but were thrown into the sea by this impact.

As soon as the ship stopped, Andre quickly drew out his scimitar and shouted, “Musketman! Shoot!”

At his command, the Musketeer holding a long spear Arranged quickly into three rows, aiming at the remaining guys below and directly pulling the trigger. Suddenly, peng peng’s gunshots were endless. After half a minute, there was no one standing on the enemy ship’s deck, basically it was not beaten by grape bullets. Opening the intestines and breaking the stomach is just being hit by a musket bullet. Even if he still breathes, he is not far from death.

After all, lead is toxic. Once it enters the human body, it will quickly flow throughout the body with the blood. If it can’t be taken out in a short time, then even with divine technique treatment, it will inevitably die in the end.

“hahahahaha! That’s right! That’s it! It’s fun! This is the fucking naval battle! Guys! Board the ship! Get me out of everyone hiding in the cabin! If resistance is found, all execute Without any mercy!” Basaromou yelled, grabbing the rope like a swing, whistled past from the air, and landed steadily on the bloody deck, his actions skillfully like the pirates of Sardinia. Good hand.

One hundred and fifty Barbarian warriors who were ready to go did not show any weakness. They boarded the enemy ship and began to search the cabin. After a while, they picked out the people hiding inside. Among them, there are chefs who are in charge of cooking, and sailors who are timid and afraid of death. Together, there are about 30 people.

They were all frightened, their whole bodies trembling like chaff, their eyes full of fear and despair.

Just when Andre thought the battle was over, there was a sudden violent fighting in the cabin, and within two seconds, the deck at the stern of the ship exploded and flew out from inside. A man wearing full armor.

I saw him holding a broadsword in one hand, and holding a zither-shaped shield with a griffon pattern in the other hand. His eyes revealed perseverance, and he did not show any signs of being surrounded by groups. A trace of panic, although he was wearing a helmet to look at his face not quite clear, it was certain that he should be no more than twenty-five years old.

One second later, Eunice also jumped out of the big hole and gently waved the whip on her hand to say with a smile: “Wow! A Baccaro City Griffin Knight The trainee Knight of the regiment, this is really a surprise.”

The young Knight was very calm, just glanced coldly, stood up and said, “hmph! It turns out to be from Linton City, It’s no wonder that I’m going to chase. I’m Knight. I’m a noble. Sir David Herbert Lawrence is a noble. The Young Lady in the captain’s room is also a noble. We can surrender or pay the ransom, but you must make sure we can Get generous treatment, otherwise I would rather die than surrender!”

Through the brief encounter just now, he knew very well that he might not be the opponent of the half-demon in front of him, especially the flash in the opponent’s hand. The long sword with dark red rays of light is definitely not blocked by ordinary standard armor.

even more how his mission on this trip is to protect someone on board from harm, so surrendering after negotiating terms is a wise choice.

But it is a pity that he obviously overestimated his combat effectiveness, underestimated Eunice’s aversion to the privileged class, and did not make a correct judgment on the form.

“Would you rather die than surrender?”

Eunice’s mouth was slightly turned up, and a shuddering sneer was drawn across, and she followed her feet firmly, the whole person It was like an arrow from the string, rushing to the front in the blink of an eye, raising a hand was a sword, directly pierced into the steel armor for half an inch, the three-layer plate armor did not hinder much.

At the moment when the two passed by, she gently whispered in each other’s ears: “Idiot! Since you don’t want to surrender obediently, then go and die!”


The young Knight was attacked. Obviously he never expected such a situation to happen. His handsome face changed color, and he quickly focused on his right foot. One hundred and eighty degrees sideways, avoiding being pierced by a sword.

Just as he was preparing to counterattack with weapons and shields in his hands, he instantly felt his legs soften and he almost fell on the deck without standing firm, as if his physical strength and life force were constantly losing. Even the footsteps became frivolous, like weakness caused by excessive blood loss.

There is no doubt that this poor bad luck egg was swallowed up by the ability of the “Sword of King’s Blood”, although the strong physical qualities of Knight did not make him die immediately or fell into a coma. , But the whole person’s reaction became slow.

After a hit, Eunice greedily licked the blood on the tip of the sword with her tongue, the red glow in her eyes skyrocketed, and she asked with a playful look: “How do you feel, my dear Master Knight trainee? Do you feel a little powerless? Don’t worry, this is just the beginning. In the next few minutes, I will slowly drain every bit of your physical strength and life force, and taste the pain and despair. Hell.”

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