Arcane Lord

Chapter 378

“She should be still wandering in the cabin of the captured merchant ship at the moment, saying that she is looking for the hidden treasure…”

Speaking of Chloe, Pakistan The corners of Shalom’s mouth twitched unconsciously. Although he had already heard of the eccentric temper of this Eldest Miss, he was surprised to find out that the rumors had nothing to say after seeing the inconspicuous behavior. True.

Be aware that a ship is so big. Except for the supporting structure, the space that can be used has been transformed into a cargo warehouse, sailor rest area, utility room, carpentry room, etc., where is there? Places like secret rooms.

Hearing that Chloe started to get a little confused again, Andre sighed helplessly: “Forget it, let her go. Remember to do what I just ordered as soon as possible, and send a few more to fix the We will return to the voyage early tomorrow morning for the broken masts and sails.”

Generally speaking, after an attack or looting at sea, we will normally return to the port or secret base for rest.

Although Arcane’s Eye has been out to sea for less than a day, it has captured a full five merchant ships, and they must all be transported back to continue the attack.

It’s like a snake will take the initiative to find a hidden place to digest slowly after swallowing its prey. Once it is attacked halfway, it will immediately vomit the contents out of its stomach.

Similarly, the most important thing for Andre at the moment is to drag the merchant ship and cargo back to the deserted island, and then hand it over to Lady Anastasia for processing slowly, so that he can be unscrupulous. Launch an attack on the trade route of Bacaro City, or you will have to work hard just to protect these five valuable merchant ships.

In the vast ocean, the captain’s order is equivalent to the law. No matter how ridiculous, ridiculous, and unreasonable it sounds, it must be executed meticulously, because these seemingly useless acts are very It may be the experience drawn from countless bloody lessons, and it can often save lives at critical moments.

Of course, the knowledge that Andre brought from the Earth may not be all available in this magical sea. At least there is no giant sea of ​​several hundred meters on Earth. Strange, there are no murlocs and intelligent lives that live in seabed.

Following his order, all the crew members happily made preparations. Some were busy mending masts, replacing broken canvas, and repairing damaged places on the ship; others Responsible for moving the food continuously into the kitchen to prepare for the upcoming banquet.

As the so-called enthusiasm determines efficiency, the crew members who have just received a large amount of money bounty burst out with unprecedented passion. The speed of work is incredible, and it is less than two. Within hours, I finished the work that usually takes a whole day to get done.

After all, 10,000 Gold Coins and 70,000 Silver Coins are not small numbers. There are only more than 460 people on the ship. On average, each person can be divided into more than 20 Gold Coins. , More than one hundred and fifty Silver Coins, the guy who performed well in the battle can even get a double share.

Perhaps for most nobles, this amount of money may not be enough to eat a good dinner, but for the poor sailors, they need to not eat or drink and work hard for a whole year to earn get.

Many people who received the money burst into tears with excitement, vowing to be loyal to the generous and kind Captain Andre, even if they were to sail to the end of the sea, they would never leave and follow. By his side.

To sum it up in one sentence, loyalty has soared. It is estimated that it has exceeded 200%. In addition to the Shanghai war, the brains of the crew are still in a state of excitement, and finally the sun is about to set. When I finished all the work, I connected several merchant ships one after another and tied them to the stern of Arcane’s Eye with cables, intending to tow them back to the desert island.

Due to the intensive use of lethal grape bullets and muskets in previous battles, the sailors on the enemy ship suffered heavy casualties, and the total number of survivors on the five ships did not exceed 60. Those who were seriously injured were mercifully patched up, and their bodies were thrown into the sea.

There is no way, because whether it is the grape shells fired by the cannon or the projectiles fired by the musket, they are all made of heavy metal lead…

When this thing hits the human body, it often It will release all the kinetic energy. The specific manifestation is that the warhead is severely deformed or even ruptured, resulting in the appearance of a horn-shaped cavity in the human tissue. The wound area is hundreds of times the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile. The damage caused is just horrible to see, and it can also cause severe lead poisoning. The suffering of the injured is beyond imagination, otherwise later international conventions would not include it as a prohibited weapon.

With the current medical level of Olaer Continent, it is completely a dream to take out the broken lead bullets from the body. Apart from using the divine technique, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving. It is better to make up early The last cut completely ended their pain.

As for the rest of the guys who have been scared out of their bodies by the terrifying heat weapon formidable power, they surrendered their weapons automatically, and were locked in the lowest cabin of the Arcane Eye, waiting to be processed after returning to the island.

If the shipowner is willing to pay them a ransom, he will soon be free again; if not, there are only two choices waiting for them, either to be sold as a slave or to Andre, The pirates of Sardinia used this method to constantly suck blood from all the city-states of the Green Sea Alliance, otherwise they would have declined and perished in the siege and suppression.

After dealing with all the messy problems at hand, Andre, who was the captain of the first day, could finally stop and catch his breath, sitting silently on the railing of the deck, enjoying the beautiful sunset on the sea, the golden reflection His body is warm, and it seems from a distance that the whole person is integrated with nature.

“What are you thinking?”

Rowling, who owns the elven bloodline, doesn’t know when he will come from behind, with curiosity in both eyes, and asks in a low voice. .

Different from Nina who grew up in the wild, she perfectly inherited the elves’ slenderness, elegance, beauty, love of life, etc., her words and deeds are in line with etiquette, and people can’t bring up a feeling of evil.

“I didn’t think about anything, just relax and relax. By the way, consider the greetings for the banquet.” Andre turned back to the replied faint smile.

As a wise man, he felt that the identity of the other party from the very beginning is not simple. On the one hand, the temperament of this woman is too outstanding, on the other hand, she actually has a Griffin Knight. The regiment’s trainee Knight is the guard.

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