Arcane Lord

Chapter 381

After careful consideration, Andre decided to pretend to be confused and treat this woman with a special status as an ordinary captive. It is neither overly concerned nor alienated. The ransom is the same as the normal lady. According to the standard, as long as they get the money, they will be released immediately.

As for the invitation mentioned by the other party, don’t pay attention to it. Anyway, there are still several months of buffer time. If it is a good thing, then join in the fun, if it is a big trouble, then just find an excuse to push it away.

As this tentative conversation finally came to an end, both parties were in a tacit understanding and did not mention what was just now. After the banquet, everyone should continue to eat, he he, and chat. Chatting, although the large amount of pickled food did not suit the two people’s tastes, they still barely ate a little salted egg and fresh fish just caught from the sea, and then they simply talked with Chloe, Basalome and the others After a brief chat, he returned to the cabin to rest.

For Rowling, who really agrees with the elf bloodline, the banquet on the deck is too simple, and the food and drinks are also quite bad, especially when the sailors look so drunk after drinking a lot, they can be rude. To describe it, the only highlight is the harp played by Chloe.

As a bard about to become a regular, the noble girl has been able to use most of the instruments and sing dozens of heroic stories about since ancient times, instantly becoming the focus of the banquet.

Whether it is a Barbarian warrior with a serious heroic plot, or a homeless sailor who wanders on the sea all the year round, all have become her loyal listeners. Whenever the story is told to the climax, many Under the influence of alcohol, the hot-blooded guy slapped his chest and cursed loudly, even beating his companions.

All of a sudden, people who drink, fight, watch, listen to stories, and stuff food into their mouths…

In short, Arcane’s eye number has completely changed In a messy playground, everyone is using their own methods to vent the excitement and joy in their hearts. At first glance, it looks very lively, especially when the oil lamps are lit on the sea reflecting the silver moonlight, the picture is simply beautiful. incredible.

Unlike most aristocrats, Young Lady, Chloe did not dislike the rudeness of the crew, and the simple food and cheap drinks provided at the banquet. Instead, he enjoyed the unpretentious simplicity of the bottom society. With happiness, the whole person seems to have fallen into a certain state of excitement, constantly performing hard, and finally even walked into the middle of the crowd, took the lead in provoking the clapping dance, and directly pushed the atmosphere of the banquet to the top.

Standing on the stern, Andre watched the lively crowd below, smiled and shook the head and exclaimed: “These guys are really energetic. They have been busy for so long during the day, and they are still so busy now. The spirit, it is estimated that it will take at least two or three hours to end.”

“haha! My dear master captain, let the young men make trouble, and when they are tired, naturally go back to rest. Don’t worry about safety Question, I have arranged the watchman and the patrol in advance, as long as there is danger, I can wake everyone up immediately.”

After that, Bashaloumi raised the cup and gestured. He poured a large glass of ale all in one breath, wiped the wine stains on his beard, and turned a blind eye to the stabs who were fighting below.

The captain who has been working for so many years knows how to suppress those unruly stingers. One of the most effective ways is to find a way for these guys to release the depressed emotions in their hearts. Fighting is the best choice.

Of course, in a normal fight on a boat, whether right or wrong, at least five lashes or hanging on the mast for more than three hours.

But it’s banquet time now, so as long as it’s not too outrageous, Basaromiu will generally choose to ignore it, and when they have tossed enough, they will vent all their energy, and soon they will stop and shake hands. with.

After listening to the old captain’s words, Andre shrugged helplessly: “Well, I respect the opinions of professionals and let everyone have enough. But there is one thing to keep in mind, no matter what time they go to bed tonight After the sun rises tomorrow, I have to set sail. I want to get back to the island before dark.”

To be honest, he is quite dissatisfied with this kind of extensive management, but he can’t produce anything too good. Way.

After all, sailors have always been known to be free, lax, and unruly, and they are trapped on the ship all day long. Not only do they eat extremely poorly, they are also under tremendous mental pressure. If it collapses, it will cause a riot in an instant.

Know that these guys are not docile peasants. If your mind gets hot, whether you are a noble or a king, you should hack to death first. At the worst, you robbed the ship and became a pirate. Unclear desert island, even more how you can go to farther port cities.

It is for this reason that when the crew members are emotionally unstable, Basaromiu will be so nervous, for fear that accidentally will cause a serious riot, when the time comes, it is too late to cry.

In fact, if time and conditions permit, Andre would like to personally train a group of disciplined sailors, but now he has neither time nor energy, so let’s deal with it first.

Basalomeo obviously didn’t know Andre’s thoughts, confidently patted his chest and promised: “No problem, I will call everyone up at dawn, and I will definitely not delay your schedule. In addition, Arcane’s Eye is big enough, it’s a big problem to drag a few merchant ships It shouldn’t be.”

“Then give you the full power here. I feel a little tired. Go in and rest, wait for Chloe to have enough, let her go to the captain’s room to rest.”

Andre finished speaking, patted the opponent’s shoulder lightly, turned and walked towards the poop. Eunice and Nina, who followed behind him, followed closely from behind, and soon disappeared without a trace.

As the three of them walked into the dim and narrow staircase, Basalomiw slapped his lips, lifts the head staring at the enemy hanging on the top of the mast, his mouth was slightly upturned, and a grinning smile appeared. That murmured: “Dear David Herbert Lawrence, how should I treat you tonight…”

After ten minutes, stay in the captain’s room and concentrate on studying the magic shield. Andre suddenly heard a scream from the deck, followed by another cheering, and didn’t know what exciting game he was playing.

He shook the head with a smile, ignored the noisy sounds around him, and devoted himself to the identification of the magic array. After just half an hour, he cracked the magic attached to the shield.

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