Arcane Lord

Chapter 397

While Andre was standing at the bow of the ship considering how to resolve the bloodline conflict, the lookout hand at the top of the main mast suddenly sounded the alarm, and at the same time he yelled at the bottom. “Report! A medium-sized paddle boat was found on the port side! It is advancing fast to our side!”

“An unknown vessel is approaching on the starboard side! The other party not at all hang any flags! Alert! Level 1 battle Prepare!” Another lookout also yelled.

For a while, all the crew on the deck, no matter what they were doing, quickly threw down what they were doing, and went into combat in their respective positions. Some cleared the barrel and filled ammunition, and some held muskets in three rows. Others are armed with melee weapons and plan to fight hand-to-hand. Even the guys who are drinking have sipped the wine in the glass, preparing for full of energy.

The deputy captain Bashalomiu drew out the long sword and yelled loudly and issued the one after another command. After a while, the Arcane Eye, which had been anchored at anchor, hung up and moved again. The guns on the side were all opened, and the muzzles of countless black holes aimed at the right side, quietly waiting for the arrival of the opponent.

Obviously, this kind of sudden encounter is not the first time. This can be seen from the crew’s busy and undisturbed response.

Seeing everyone is in their place, Andre doesn’t talk nonsense, taps Chloe on the head gently, pushes her behind Eunice, and immediately activates the magic item-“Captain Blindfold”.

In an instant!

The “Hyperopia” attached to the upper part began to work, and the situation in front of him could be seen clearly.

I saw a medium-sized rowing boat with tattered spinnakers on both sides, rushing head-on at a fast speed, and the oarsmen on the lower deck shouted chants and rowed with all their strength.

At the same time, there are also a group of adult men on the deck wearing leather armor and inlaid armor, and holding a scimitar, staring nervously behind them, many of them are wounded, obviously behind Something is chasing them.

Just when Andre was about to adjust the distance of spell to see who was chasing the ship behind, a row of six large warships suddenly appeared in the place where the sea and the sky meet, each with a displacement. They are all over 400 tons, which is more than twice the size of the rowing boat in front, especially the large number of long-range weapons and fully armed soldiers on it, even more than the Barcaro navy that just defeated not long ago. Elite.

Of course, what surprised him the most was that all these ships were hung with the golden flag symbolizing Linton City, and there was also a red noble flag embroidered with crossed daggers, which undoubtedly belonged to A private fleet of a family.

In order to clarify the situation, Andre immediately turned his head and asked Chloe behind him: “My dear, do you know which family in Linton City is a nobleman who uses two crossed daggers as his family crest? “

“Of course! I don’t think there should be a second person with a similar pattern besides the Bruce family led by the Blood Marquis Kyrgyz.” Chloe gave it out without even thinking about it. The answer.


Andre’s face changed slightly, and he immediately raised his hand and snapped his fingers, instructed loudly: “Everyone is ready for battle! Let’s go forward! The gunner fills in a solid heart. Bomb! No one is allowed to fire until I give the order!”

“Captain’s order! Fill the artillery with solid pellets! Heading up ahead!”

On the side of the sailor in charge of sending the order! Running, repeating the command over and over again aloud, until I made sure that I heard every corner of the boat before stopping.

Barshalomeu heard about the grievances between the two of them, and he immediately stepped forward and asked cautiously: “Here, are you going to fight the Marquis of Blood Donation? “

Andre touched the chin thought for a few seconds, replied with some uncertainty: “It’s a bit hard to tell, I need to depend on the situation. First test the other person’s attitude, if they are not interesting, I I don’t mind sinking all these ships by hitting them.”

After that, a cold light flashed in his eyes, secretly calculating the gains and losses in his heart.

After all, during this period of time, Linton City and Baccaro City are engaged in a trade war in full swing. The aristocratic councils of both sides have issued decree prohibiting all forms of private fights between the nobles. Knowing that in this Sea Territory I had sunk the battleship, which was also a nobleman in Linton City, the consequences would be very serious. At least the punishment would be indispensable.

But just watching the enemy show off one’s military strength in front of him without making a counterattack is obviously not in line with Andre’s character, so he must think of one that can both scare the opponent and avoid fierce conflict Methods.

“Your Excellency, if you plan to do something, please make sure to sink all the other’s ships and kill every prisoner. Otherwise, as long as one escapes back to Linton City, we will all provoke Big trouble.”

Perhaps seeing Andre’s thoughts, Basaromiu lowered his voice and gave a vicious suggestion.

As an Old Fox who has been on the sea for many years, he knows exactly what unwritten rules there are in this Sea Territory, and how many ships are looted by competitors or enemies every year.

In fact, what is complied with here is weak are prey to the strong! It’s the naked law of the jungle!

As long as you are strong enough, you can do anything unscrupulously. Anyway, the ocean is so wide. As long as you start to be clean, plus that many pirates, no one will know who did it.

Andre is not a fool, he can naturally hear the meaning of the words, and the corners of his mouth immediately turn up slightly, a chilling sneer emerges, followed by a lightly nodded.

“Thank you, you gave me a very good suggestion, and maybe it may be put into action. Now let us go and see what the hell is happening in Kyrgyzstan and why it keeps chasing that ship Keep rowing the oars.”

“You are welcome, I am your retainer. It is my duty to make suggestions to patriarch.” As he said, Bashaloumi bowed his chest with one hand. .

Just as the two of them were talking, the medium-sized paddle boat flexibly avoided the stone bullets thrown by the warship behind, and quickly entered the range of Arcane’s Eye. When the people on the boat found that they were blocking themselves Behind the giant ship in front of them, all of them were shocked and horrified. They shouted for the oarsmen to adjust their directions, otherwise, once they hit, the entire row of oars would fall apart.

As for the other six large warships following behind, it is not much better, especially the soldiers standing on the deck are also in a panic. Maybe they are huge compared to the row boats in front. Monster, compared with Arcane’s Eye, immediately became a little bit small.

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