Arcane Lord

Chapter 400

as everyone knows, a sailboat that loses its mast is a living target. It can neither escape nor make any kind of counterattack, except to watch one after another heavy lead bomb. Dropping from the sky, the whole ship was riddled with holes. Some smart guys took off their armor without saying a word, and jumped into the sea with an empty wooden barrel, hoping to escape the disaster.

Perhaps in normal times, jumping into the water has a certain chance to be rescued, but unfortunately, they didn’t know Andre from the very beginning and didn’t intend to let anyone leave alive, so even those who jumped in The crew in the sea was also mercilessly shot by the musketeers, and in the blink of an eye, the sea was full of dead bodies.

In the next few minutes, Bashalomiu commanded Arcane’s Eye to fire on the remaining ships one after another while repeatedly patrolling around, ordering the sailors to aim and float on The object on the sea launched an attack, and only after ensuring that there was no living mouth, did it slowly stop next to the enemy ship where Eunice was.

At this time, apart from a large number of corpses, broken planks, and messy supplies, there are only sharks attracted by the smell of blood. Now even if there are living people in the water, don’t expect to escape Now, because sharks will swallow all flesh and blood…

This naval battle came so suddenly and ended so quickly that the people who followed the oar boat behind , Did he even have a chance to strike, was completely shocked by the terrifying combat power of Arcane Eye, after they came back to his senses, everything had come to an end.

Looking at the water that was completely red with blood in front of him, and Great White Shark, who was devouring a corpse, a man in his 30s with a white headscarf, muttered in disbelief Muttered to himself: “The great god of the desert-Akamala bless! Fortunately, this big ship is not our enemy, and the enemy of or enemy, otherwise we will die without a burial site today.”

“Yes, the weapons on that ship are really terrifying! With deafening roar and terrifying fire, it sinks a battleship full of elite soldiers in the blink of an eye, exactly like a bard’s story , The powerful alchemy weapon that the ancient magical civilization possessed.” Another middle-aged man with a full beard also echoed nodded.

Although the naval battle lasted for a short time, only about ten minutes to be exact, and the next one-sided massacre, he still saw the spectacular scene of dozens of artillery salvos, and his spirit was greatly affected. The stimulus has not been able to calm down.

“You’re right, I can’t believe that chasing our powerful fleet of half a month, we were sent into the seabed with no difficulty, that many fighters above Fifth Level. , Feudal Knight, and a large number of elite soldiers, there is no room to fight back.”

Speaking of this, the man in the white turban gave a lingering glance at the man who was parked not far ahead. Arcane’s eye, there is boundless fear in his eyes.

He is very aware of the limits of the rowing boat he is riding in. Maybe he can increase his speed by rowing in a short time, and get rid of the chasing soldiers behind, but there is always a limit to human physical strength. , Especially in the deep sea where the wind and waves are relatively big, it won’t take long for the other party to catch up by little by little.

In fact, after such a long chase, all the people on the ship are already very tired, and maybe in a few days, they will usher in a cruel fight with death but no life, and eventually become countless burials. One of the unjust souls in the sea.

But no one didn’t expect. Fate actually made a little joke. At the moment when despair was approaching, a huge ship that did not know where it came from rescued the entire ship. People’s lives, but also the bloody killing of the chasing battleship, the terrifying alchemy weapon kept making thunderous noises, and the enemy scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, everything seemed like a dream.

The middle-aged man noticed the worrying eyes of his leader, and immediately lowered his voice and asked: “Uluz, you are the head of everyone. Let’s talk about it. What should I do in this situation now? It’s a U-turn. Just leave, or follow our etiquette, step forward to express our gratitude, and then offer a precious gift?”

The man named Uruz shook the head with a wry smile: “Sorry, Brother, my mind is very messy now, I don’t know how to deal with such a complicated situation. There is no doubt that the people on that huge ship should not be hostile to us, otherwise, they can aim at us when they meet for the first time. Launched an attack.

Obviously, they didn’t do it at all. Instead, they took the initiative to greet the chasers behind, and they slaughtered them by thunder-like means, without any softness or hesitation. , And even the sailor who jumped into the sea did not let go. It can be seen that the two sides must have a very deep hatred, which is likely to be a feud, otherwise they will definitely not use such cruel methods.”

He had no idea that Andre was only on a whim, so while analyzing the motive of Arcane’s eye, he forced himself to calm down and find a solution as soon as possible.

The battle just now everyone can remember in their eyes and have no idea of ​​being an enemy at all, because it is purely courting death, even if about half of the people on the ship have a professional level, Very few combat power is comparable to the powerful feudal Knight, but it is useless if you can’t get close to the opponent.

You must know that there are many warriors and Knights in heavy armor in the pursuit fleet, but what about now?

Either because the armor is too heavy, it sinks directly into the seabed and drowns alive, or it is torn to pieces by sharks swarming, even if the military force is high, it will not be useful.

No way, after all, human beings are not aquatic races like murlocs. Once they fall into the water, they can’t be powerful, unless it is a melee of over seventeen who has awakened a special innate talent. Professionals, otherwise just accept your fate obediently and honestly.

“I remember a saying in the Kamla Desert, a friend’s friend is a friend, a friend’s enemy is an enemy, an enemy’s friend is an enemy, and an enemy’s enemy is a friend. Since that huge ship is The enemy of the enemy should naturally be a friend. According to the doctrine, since the other party has saved everyone’s lives, we must present a precious gift and express our gratitude in person.”

middle-aged Man thought for a long time, gritted his teeth and put forward his own opinion.

A shirtless robust man gently nodded and echoed in a low voice: “I think Idris is right. It’s better to put down the boat and bring a box of stolen jewelry. Send a messenger to have a look at it?”

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