Arcane Lord

Chapter 434

In short, the price of food and daily necessities is quite low. Often a lowest magic item is worth the sum of the wealth that an ordinary person has accumulated over several decades without eating or drinking.

It’s as if the millions on Earth are just a toy for some people, or the cost of a few days of eating and playing, but for some people, it’s a huge amount of money that can’t be touched for a lifetime.

However, thanks to the relationship between these magic items, the financial system has never collapsed in a world rich in gold and silver and other minerals.

Because after most of the gold and silver mines are mined, more than 70% of them go to the hands of the caster, and the casters use their merchants on the same plane to trade in exchange for what they own The precious materials, rare creatures and slaves needed, the stronger ones will directly invade other planes, or plunder the opponent’s resources, or turn them into their own secret bases, depending on the situation.

Undoubtedly, according to Andre’s current level of financial resources, he may be a poor ghost compared to Legendary Lich and the four dukes of Linton City, but for Fiona, it is definitely a huge monster. A trifling’s purse usually used to buy food and reward servants let her lose one’s head out of fear.

Looking at those eyes mixed with desire and fear, Andre smiled, once again put the money bag in the other’s hand, and at the same time raised a hand to stroke the girl’s wheaten face, and said softly : “Relax, it’s just over 300 Gold Coins. The extra part is just a part of the thank you gift from me. There will be more when I return to Linton City.

Knowing that you and your big brother saved my life, I hereby promise that I will make you aristocrats and live a truly luxurious life for the rest of your life.”

grateful and seeking to repay the kindness It’s something that any normal person would do, and Andre is no exception.

even more how Fiona’s simplicity and kindness has won his trust, although I haven’t seen Mabel who fished herself out of the sea, but since the younger sister is like this , I believe the big brother is definitely not much different.

The family environment is the most important place for a person’s character. If a person grows up among a group of villains, then he has more than 90% chance of growing up and will choose to go. On the road of professional criminals.

On the contrary, if a person has grown up in a moral model Fan Family, he will generally be a good person with integrity as long as there is no major change after he grows up.

The so-called hearing and seeing refers to the impact of the growth environment, so Andre judged that he should be able to trust the siblings, without any bad intentions, and at the same time willing to give the other party enough in return.

Although he is not a good person, he is still willing to give good people a reward, especially this simple and kind girl in front of him.

Perhaps because she has never had too close contact with young men, Fiona’s face instantly turned red, and she bit her lower lip and was nodded shyly: “Thank you…”

I don’t know why, she didn’t reject the hand touching her wheaten skin at all, but closed her eyes and lay on the bedside quietly, as if waiting for the other party’s next move.

The ambiguous atmosphere quickly permeated the house…

As an experienced person, Andre knew what a girl’s performance meant, and a smile appeared in his eyes. Gently slide a finger across the attractive red lips, followed by the slender neck, and finally stop at the gully in the chest, admiring the other party’s expression mixed with tension, excitement and flushing.

Just when he was about to measure the majestic twin peaks with his palm, suddenly there was a peng peng knock on the door, followed by a man’s voice.

“Fiona! I’m back! Open the door!”

Hearing this voice, the girl who was immersed in another world immediately gave a clever gesture and hurriedly touched it Touching my hot face, quickly adjusted my breathing, gently opened the door latch, pretending to be happy and asked: “Oh my God! Big brother, you came back so early today? Let me see how I get… “

“hehe! Luckily today, I just met a group of golden spear fish that were preying. I just went down with a few spears and caught three directly. There is no need to worry about food for two to three days. .”

After finishing speaking, this sturdy young man pointed to the three big fishes dragging on the cart behind him, each weighing more than 300 kg, and one of them was not dead. Thoroughly, keep tossing and tossing.

“Wow! Three! We can keep one for ourselves, and send the remaining two to Warren City to sell. By the way, help Mr. Andre buy some tools for ironing. Look, he has already put three hundred I have all the Gold Coins for safekeeping.”

Fiona said excitedly, and like a child, she took out her leather pocket full of Gold Coins and shook it off. There was a sound of oh la la oh la la.

“Andre? So our guest is awake!”

Mabel, who received the news, ignored her younger sister and rushed into the house, looking very surprised. Looking at the teenager lying on the bed, an unbelievable expression appeared instantly.

“Oh… my God! How can this be! I am so weak that I woke up in less than four days…”

“No, you seem to have misunderstood something. My physical fitness is not as good as you thought. Now I can sit up thanks to the help of this body protection symbol. If it weren’t for the three divine techniques stored in it, I’m afraid I’m very reluctant to move, let alone sit up.”

Andre took out the “secondary health talisman” to show it, and explained in a semi-cracking a joke tone.

“It turned out to be a magic item. It seems that those weird and strange things are also magic items. You must be a very powerful nobleman. An ordinary person can’t get so many good things.”

Mable was obviously more knowledgeable than his younger sister, and he found Andre’s unusual side at a glance. Although it was just a guess, he could vaguely feel the dangerous aura emanating from him.

“Hehe, yes, my identity is a bit special, so please call me Gongde when there are outsiders. As for my identity, I am a blacksmith who accidentally suffered a shipwreck.” After that, Andre stretched out his left hand.

The young man took two steps forward and stretched out his big rough hand and shook it hard, smiled heartily and patted his chest: “My name is Mabel, Fiona’s brother, I am glad you are fine. . You know that not who can survive the shipwreck, you undoubtedly have the blessing of the lucky Goddess, at least in my opinion.”

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