Arcane Lord

Chapter 484

“Damn! This tortoise shell is really hard enough!”

He cursed secretly, exhausted all his strength, and suddenly thinned the ordinary steel handle. The sword was thrown out as a hidden weapon, followed by the mithril scimitar, and a horizontal split immediately occurred. The whole process raised the body coordination ability brought by the super agility to the limit, and did not give the enemy a chance to breathe.

Under the blessing of “Potion of Bull Power” and “Potion of Light Spirit Technique”, Andre’s power at this moment has breakthrough 15 points, and his agility is more than 20 points, plus “weapons The addition of “skilled” to light weapons made him look like a leopard pounced on its prey, rushing to the front in just an instant.

In fact, whether the so-called martial skill or the sword technique, there are two points that cannot escape in the end, that is speed and strength. All skills must revolve around these two attributes. If the difference is too far, Then no amount of superb skills can bridge the huge gap in strength.

Obviously, Cruze is not an agile warrior. He can’t do three-point attacks at the same time, so he immediately tightened his muscles, tightened his abdominal muscles, and forcibly caught the flying rapier. He followed up with the broad sword to fend off the attack of another rapier, and finally blocked the left side with a shield to resist the mithril scimitar’s horizontal split.

“Ahhh!!! Boy! You are dead! I’m going to take your skin off!”

He was injured with red eyes and a backhand with a sword, and then issued An angry roar.

Andre couldn’t dodge, a cut was made in the leather armor, and the leather pocket hung around his waist also suffered, and all the things in it oh la la were scattered to the ground at once.

Just when he wanted to take a few steps on his hind legs, Kent, the sea wolf who was always standing at the top of the stairs, suddenly moved.

I saw him rushing to Cruze at a thunderous speed, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then without the slightest hesitation, he pierced the long sword in his hand into the gap between the opponent’s ribs, and succeeded Destroyed one of the most important organs of the human body-the heart.

“You! You…you…”

Cruz completely didn’t expect that the captain would hurt himself for no reason, and stretched out a finger and kept shaking With horror and resentment in his eyes, he quickly swallowed his last breath.

He didn’t figure out what happened until he died, why the other party wanted to kill himself, he slowly fell into the narrow corridor, blood quickly poured into the body along the wound, forming a pool of dark red The pool.

After doing all this, Kent took out the long sword and rubbed it on the corpse, then took two steps forward, picked up a Gold Coin from the ground, and placed it under the oil lamp for a closer look.

This Gold Coin is completely different from the others. The surface is as smooth as a mirror, but in dim light it will reflect dark lines like spider web. There is also a spider in the center of the web. With different angles of incoming light, it will take on different shapes, which is the gift that Legendary Lich gave to Andre.

After observing for a few seconds, Kent immediately put away his weapon and offered Gold Coin with both hands while bowing deeply in one-knee kneels.

“I’m very sorry, no one came out of you just now, dear net weaver. My name is Kentexi, an insignificant servant, and I will listen to your dispatch at any time.”

Having said that, he lightly kissed the spider on the surface of Gold Coin, and his eyes showed zeal, as if he saw the god he believed in.

“Are you?”

Andre narrowed his eyes and deliberately dragged a long note.

Although Lich said when he gave the Gold Coin to him, this little thing can bring some good luck to balance the power gap between him and Laureta Bottons, but Did not specify the specific purpose, so I dare not take the conversation easily.

“I am a Level 3 member of the Shadow Web. I am responsible for lurking inside the pirates and waiting for opportunities. There are several captains and other personnel who sneak in with me. If you need it, we At any time, you can mobilize at least twelve ships and two thousand fierce pirates. With a single order, you can rush into the pirate king’s nest without any problem.” Kent clenched his fists and said in a very excited tone.

I don’t know what exactly Legendary Lich uses to control a person’s thoughts and let him give everything without reservation, even facing death without a trace of fear.

“Rush into the pirate king’s nest?”

Andre shook the head with a beautiful arc, chuckles, “You think I’m the kind of overweight Stupid? Or do you think that the top castle in Warren City can be captured by only trifling two thousand mobs?”

As a powerful actor, with no difficulty, he puts himself into the villain BOSS mode , The whole body exudes evil aura, especially the coldness of the two eyes, even when the ambient temperature exceeds 30 degrees, there is still a shuddering illusion.

Of course, all this is just a superficial phenomenon. What he has to do is to figure out the meaning of that coin as soon as possible, and what organization and scale the “Shadow Web” mentioned earlier is. It is who is in charge of the control, how much part he can use…

Kent obviously doesn’t know that this is a temptation, and is still very enthusiastic replied: “No, respectable net weaver, after years of Infiltration, there are our people in every corner of the Sardinian Islands.

Although they are not many, as long as you give an order, you can immediately set off a large-scale rebellion, even if you can’t completely destroy the pirate king Francis His rule can also cause him to lose control of most pirates. By then, as long as you raise your arms and shout, you can quickly get the support of more than half of the pirates, and then contact the underground guild in Warren City. I believe those smugglers and gang members are very You will soon understand who can really benefit them.

Your Excellency, maybe you don’t know yet. In fact, Captain Yvonne, the guard stationed in the castle, had a handle more than a month ago. In my hand, I might be able to use this as a threat to force him to open the door at a critical moment, so that it is not impossible to attack directly and replace it.”

After listening to the other party’s explanation, Andre felt a palpitation instantly.

He didn’t expect that the Sardinian pirates, who were regarded as the number one enemy by Linton City, have slowly fallen into the control of a great influence without knowing it!

Be aware that it is a pirate alliance that has at least more than 300 battleships that can attack more than half of the trade routes of the entire Green Sea Alliance at the same time, plus nearly 10,000 sturdy sailors, once the cost is not considered Attacking a certain city, even if the city is strong, it is estimated that it will suffer heavy losses. At least the port generation will definitely be reduced to rubble.

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