Arcane Lord

Chapter 501

Idealists believe that freedom is the most precious thing in the world. Nothing can match it. Although life is important, it cannot be sacrificed.

Realists believe that life is the most precious thing in the world. If you lose your life, what’s the use of freedom?

Of course, all of this has no value in Andre’s eyes. First of all, from the moment people leave the mother body, there is no so-called freedom. Law, morality, power, and all kinds of things will Perpetually suppressed, forcing it to comply with a certain code of conduct.

As a scholar once said, absolute freedom equates to absolute chaos, even if it is the home of the most evil, chaotic, and ethical demon in the entire universe-Bottomless Abyss , And also follow the basic law of weak are prey to the strong, so absolute chaos does not exist, and absolute freedom does not exist either.

Since freedom is simply a joke, life is naturally the most precious thing in life. Although there is the so-called post-death world on the Olaer continent, except for extremely pious believers, most normal people I would rather continue struggling on whilst at death’s door in the material world than go to Divine Kingdom to enjoy the so-called immortality.

Obviously, Marys is not a devout believer, even if she has faith or not, it is difficult to say whether she has faith or not. Long-term living in a dangerous environment may make her look down on life and death, but it does not mean that she is willing to commit suicide.

After simply measuring the pros and cons, the scheming woman licked the dry blood on her lips, and quickly asked in a hoarse voice: “If I agree to offer my loyalty…what benefits can I get?”

I have to say that her ethics and principles are horribly low, and she hardly hesitates to use herself as a bargaining chip in an attempt to gain more benefits.

“Benefits?” Andre stared at the other’s two erratic eyes, with a playful expression on his face. “Before answering this question, I must first state a basic principle, which is equivalent exchange. To put it bluntly, I will give you equivalent returns for how many tasks you can accomplish. As for the specifics, it depends on you. Personal needs. Money, power, rights, and even items and potions related to magic! I can provide almost everything you can think of…”

Before he could finish, Maris immediately He interrupted roughly: “Rights! I only want rights! In addition, please put away your bewilderment of believe oneself infallible, I am not an idiot filled with so-called ideals or heroic dreams in my mind.”

“hahahahaha! You didn’t expect you are still an anti-idealist. To be honest, I don’t really like the heroes in the bard’s story. I prefer those characters to those who win by luck. A real villain.

Think about it. One is an elite who has worked tirelessly to achieve success through their own hard work and wisdom, and the other is a blindfold. I am afraid that in the end, even they are not quite clear. How did I defeat such a powerful enemy.

There is a good saying that most mortals are stupid, so they look forward to heroes who are touted by the ruling class, but they don’t know that they really want to succeed and change themselves. The best way is to imitate the big villain in the story, first make a careful plan, and then step by step to achieve it.

It seems that it is not accidental that you can stand out among countless people. At least have a clear life goal, much better than the pirates, thugs, thugs and thieves downstairs.

But what I just said is the truth, there is no exaggeration at all. You’ll get to know it after you get along for a long time.

Now that you have asked for rights, then I’ll talk to you about rights.”

Maybe Mentioned about the topic of heroes, Andre’s interest suddenly became very high, because he is also a firm anti-idealist, especially hates those who do things without thinking, also do not consider the consequences, and finally are stubborn. A good idiot who thinks he is for the entire world.

In fact, not only do they fail to play any positive role, they are also extremely dangerous factors of instability. Every time the society falls into violent turmoil, they cannot do without their influence, and even more personally. Throwing into the riot, the horror of destructive power is simply appalling.

Although to a certain extent, these guys have also promoted the development and progress of society, but they are more disruptive. In the end, they often have to wait for realists to clean up the mess for them.

“Tell me, what is your plan, or what is the ultimate goal, know that I will not join a doomed operation, even if it is hungry in the face of the threat of death.”

Maries’ hostile expression finally resolved, and I don’t know whether it was because of the coincidence of the ideas between the two or the smoke bomb deliberately released.

After all, a woman like her who is good at disguising and superficially, once she starts to hide her thoughts, outsiders can basically guess it, unless they use spells such as “detection thinking”, otherwise they can only stare at them. .

Andre stared at Maris with meaningful eyes for more than a full minute before replied: “My goal and plan are very simple. That is to completely overturn the pirates’ Ruling, while destroying the underground guilds that control Warren as the economic lifeline, and seizing the ultimate dominance.

Of course, this is not empty words. In fact, I have secretly gained the allegiance of several top captains. As long as you are willing, you can mobilize twelve pirates with more than two thousand murderous pirates to launch a coup.

How about, are you interested in joining?

I promise as long as you reflect your own Value, not only can you get the right to yearn for something even in dreams, but you can also taste the sweetness of victory.”

“Are you sure this is not cracking a joke?” In Maris’s tone Shocked and unbelievable, his pupils expanded several times in an instant.

“cracking a joke? Do you think I would use this kind of thing to crack a joke?” Andre asked with a smile, playing with the magic ring in his hand, trying to infer the craftsmanship from the carved patterns on the surface .

From the moment he got his hand, he immediately realized that this is a compound enchantment ring that combines Suggestion Spell and Charm humans, two kinds of magic into one. Judging by its appearance, it should be 700 It was made by a certain great master many years ago. The craftsmanship is excellent, especially the glare from the gems. As long as you stare for a longer time, the brain will immediately fall into an unconscious state, unconsciously according to the holder’s Willing to act.

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