Arcane Lord

Chapter 532

Whether it is the passion that the succubus itself is most eager to taste, or the precious soul crystal pillar in Bottomless Abyss, or the wonderful feeling of power, for her who is good at disguising and deceiving In terms of it, it can be said to be at your fingertips.

After all, most ordinary persons, especially men, may not even be able to walk when they see a beautiful succubus. As long as the other party hooks their fingers, they will be completely lost in an instant, plus proficiency in various Once you have tasted the special skills on the bed, even if you know that the other party is a demon, you will still be willing to become a minister under your skirt.

The short beard on touched the chin thought about it for a few minutes, and Utrede lifts the head and extended a finger: “One hundred years! I ask you to serve for one hundred years. During this Must not betray any behavior, otherwise I have the right to extend or change the conditions.”

“One hundred years?!”

The succubus immediately frowned, and the eyes showed deep Deep dissatisfaction.

It is true that for a demon whose lifespan is almost infinite, a hundred years is no more than a year or even a few hours equivalent to ordinary person, but since she has come to the material world, she naturally wants to enjoy it as soon as possible Happiness and freedom, even more how the old mage doesn’t look like he can live another hundred years, unless there is something to extend his lifespan.

“Yes! It’s a hundred years. I don’t think it’s too long for you, and in the meantime, you can do something you like, provided you don’t disrupt or Expose my plan.” Utreid said in a very positive tone.

For the summon demon, he paid too much. It cost no less than hundreds of thousands of Gold Coin to build this array that was enough to trap the high-level demon, especially the complex patterns inlaid above, all of which were extremely pure It is composed of high Mithril, and there is also the dark red unidentified liquid in the tank. It is the blood of some evil magic creature. A small bottle is worth thousands of Gold Coins.

The succubus who is proficient in observing words, watching and watching colors felt the mage’s unwavering will, and had no choice but to nodded: “Yes! Just as you say, one hundred years.”

Because she knows , This is already the bottom line of the other party, unless he intends to be directly sent back to his home in the abyss where living conditions are bad, otherwise he has to agree first.

Hearing an affirmative answer from the succubus, Utreid secretly relaxed and quickly took out the magic contract that had been prepared long ago, cautiously handed it over with the “hand of the wizard”. Avoid any form of physical contact to prevent accidental strokes.

“Remember, don’t play tricks, let alone try to fool me with a false name. The magic contract will only take effect if you sign your real name. Its witness is the god of vengeance-Werner, Just living in the abyss of the seventeenth and 15th layers, I believe you should be very clear about his character and style of behavior.”

In order to prevent the succubus from being clever, Utreid specially reminded him that he didn’t want to After spending such a big price, in the end, the in one point omission led to the abandonment of all previous efforts.

“Don’t worry, I am not a timid who has just completed evolution from a larva. I know what the magic contract means.” Then, the succubus rolled the eyes and bit his finger at a very fast speed. Sign your real name in words that no one can understand.

For her, her real name means a lot of things, and she must not let anyone other than herself know, otherwise it means she will be controlled by the other party, and she doesn’t even have the ability to resist. Many big demons rely on their real names to keep them enslaved for a long time.

With the blood of scarlet finished the last secret character on parchment, symbolizing the god of vengeance-Werner’s green flame suddenly rose, and the parchment was burned dry in just a few seconds Clean.

There is no doubt that this deity known for being careful and seeking revenge for the slightest grievance has voluntarily become a witness. Once someone violates any content in the contract, he will immediately suffer retribution. After all, he himself He holds the priesthood of revenge, so very few people or demons can get away with it.

“Mage, the contract has come into effect. Can you release this damn array of imprisonment now? I have not eaten such a fierce lust for a long time, even though you use a lot of aphrodisiac potions to make sacrifices Thinking is in a mess, but their instinct within the body primordial is still quite delicious.”

Said, the eyes of the succubus looked towards the young men and women were full of longing, and they even couldn’t help sticking out their tongues and licking them. Lips, after recovering for that period of time, the burnt skin on her body has been restored again, exuding a faint lustful breath, especially the expression on her face, if she loosens her will, she will fall into an inextricable obsession.

“Of course! They were originally the sacrifices for you, please enjoy them as you please, and we will talk about the next plan after you enjoy them.”

As a knowledgeable The Curselinger, Utrede knows the nature of the other party very well, so without the slightest hesitation waved his hand, the magic pattern that originally exuded the dazzling white light instantly became dim, and the cage formed by positive energy was within a few seconds. It dissipated completely within.

With incomparable skills, she sent four ordinary youngsters to the cloud in just a few minutes, and finally opened a small cherry mouth to give each person a deep kiss, usually after being kissed The men and women of men and women began to age immediately, their hair and eyebrows all appeared white, their skin was also loose and drooping, their muscles atrophied rapidly, and they couldn’t even stand firmly. It was as if the life force of the whole body had been taken away. The appearance of a ten-year-old man.

It’s surprising that these youngsters, who are like a lingering year, didn’t feel any pain at all. On the contrary, they all showed expressions of incomparable enjoyment. It didn’t take long before they fell straight into the sink and swallowed thoroughly. Take one last breath.

Obviously, this is the legendary succubus kiss, enough to make countless men willingly sacrifice their lives, even their souls.

Of course, normally being kissed will usually only lose some life force, and will not immediately lead to death.

But this succubus who just came to the material world from Bottomless Abyss seemed to have been hungry for too long, and suddenly did not control the strength of the absorption, and directly swallowed the four youngsters together with their souls.

“Ah…It’s the deliciousness of Supreme! I don’t even remember when the last time I had a full stomach…” The succubus licked his fingers covered with white translucent mucus, and didn’t know Is it because of the excitement that the tail is up.

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