Arcane Lord

Chapter 553

In fact, these two strangers are not others, it is Andre and Portia, because they are professionals who are good at agility, and they have long-term experience in dangerous environments. The organs are extremely keen, not to mention this old-fashioned hitting, even a crossbow shot from a few meters away is difficult to hit.

Of course, what’s more important is that although Jace was tricky, he was not at all excellent physical quality. A trick of the level just now is not even an appetizer, even more how Portie Ya herself is the best thief in the entire Warren City. She noticed that someone was observing herself when she walked in the door. If Andre hadn’t stopped her, she would have used a black hand, at least let the other party break a bone or two.

“Yes, I happen to have a handkerchief here. First take it to wipe the blood on your face. You should know that you don’t look good now, especially the nose. If you don’t get timely treatment, it’s very likely It will break the picture.”

Andre said over and over again, handing over a silk handkerchief embroidered with delicate patterns. This is one of his few well-preserved portable items, even though it was soaked in sea water for a long time. For this reason, it looks a little faded, but in the eyes of insiders, you can still tell its value.

Liars, especially brilliant liars, must have a lot of corresponding professional knowledge, and the value of identifying items is the basis of the foundation.

The moment Jace touched the smooth silk, he immediately understood the value of a handkerchief like this, and the exquisite embroidery on it fully demonstrated that the other party was worthy, and might even be a noble child.

After discovering this, he hurriedly blocked his bleeding nose and owed himself a little embarrassed: “Thank you very much for your help. You must know that in Warren City, like you, you are both enthusiastic and There are not many polite gentlemen. I was lucky enough to meet them today.”

Obviously, this guy finally couldn’t bear the beginning to stir heart, and planned to attack Andre. , And strive for fiercely’s win.

Looking at those pretentious eyes, Andre, who has lived for two whole lives, couldn’t be clear about the other party’s plan. The corners of his mouth were immediately turned up, and he stroked his chest with one hand in return: I just did something that any educated person would do. Please don’t be polite.”

Since he came in this world, he has been playing various roles The roles include the stubborn and independent child in the eyes of his parents, the omnipotent boss in the eyes of peers, the genius mage in the eyes of the upper class of Linton City, etc. It can be said that in order to keep his secrets from another world, he has been acting from beginning to end. It has already surpassed those so-called Oscars, and it is not too much to describe it as a natural pretender.

Perhaps in the eyes of most people, Jace is an outstanding liar, very good at deceiving targets by changing his identity, but in the eyes of Andre, his acting skills are still too artificial, especially speaking Shi’s gestures and facial expressions are simply more exaggerated than the actors in the bloody TV series.

It’s a pity that Jace didn’t know this, and he still pretended to be enthusiastic and said, “No, no, as a cultured person, I must invite you to have a drink. In order to express my heartfelt gratitude, please don’t refuse anyway.”

“If this is the case, then I am disrespectful.” Andre accepted the invitation with a smile on his face.

In fact, he is just a little curious, what is the difference between a liar in this world and Earth? Maybe he can learn a lot of useful things.

Don’t underestimate liars. In fact, there are many outstanding diplomats, explorers, and politicians in history who are all liars. They use gorgeous rhetoric and exaggerated descriptions to make those rich The powerful upper class supports themselves, and the most famous representative is Columbus who discovered America.

This guy claimed to be able to find another route to India, and promised to Spain that he would bring countless spices and gold to the entire kingdom, but the queen almost ruined her fortune, even jewelry. It was sold a lot, and it was not until more than a hundred years later that Spain barely established a few colonies in the Caribbean islands, and the meager tax was not enough.

As for the discovery of a large amount of gold, silver, and jewelry in the Americas, it is another explorer and conqueror with a legendary color.

There is another famous liar, Marco Polo himself who wrote “Marco Polo’s Travels”. Although he portrayed the East as a country full of gold in the book, he never set foot I have never seen the decay of the Yuan Dynasty and the crude and inferior methods of governance by the Mongolians.

But these two famous liars have been praised by countless people. The reason is that they lied to the right people at the right time, at the right place, and turned from the liar. Become a famous navigator, traveler, and explorer, but the essence is just walked the lucky dog ​​excrement.

For the liar, Andre does not regard it as a scourge like most people do. He wants to smash him into pieces. Instead, he thinks that people in this business are very interesting, as if they are playing an intellectual game. See who is better in the end.

Of course, this is only limited to super liars who have superb methods and specialize in selecting difficult targets to attack. Those who specialize in picking old people and children to attack, he is full of contempt in his heart, as if adults are going to beat Children under ten years old are extremely contemptible.

Jace, who thought he was the target of the bait, flashed a trace of unnoticeable pride in his eyes, and quickly raised his hand and snapped his fingers: “Maid, give three cups of cracked knee! It is credited to my account. !”

Soon, a young girl with proud twin peaks came to the front with three glasses of pale-yellow drinks, and first cast a wink at the handsome Andre. Then jokingly said in a joking tone: “Wow, it seems that you are about to get rich, so you are willing to invite people to drink such expensive wine? Besides, this young man, my name is Jieliya, I am very happy to meet you. If you are not in a hurry, when I get off work after midnight, we can find a place to talk about the ideals of life.”

“Damn! Go away, lustful little bitch! Who do I invite? Drinking has nothing to do with you!” Jace waved his arms roughly, trying to drive the maid away as soon as possible.

He can hear that there are a lot of hints in the words just now, maybe it will ruin his plan tonight.

Andre glanced at Jace, who was a little nervous, with a playful look, smiled and shook the hand of the maid and said: “I am also very happy to meet you, beautiful Young Lady, and thank you very much. Kindly invite. But now there are at least three hours before midnight. I’m afraid I can’t wait until that time, so I can only say sorry, it is really regrettable to miss such a beautiful date.”

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