Arcane Lord

Chapter 558

“Ahhh!!! Damn! Those mercenaries are controlled by spell! Kill them all!”

A smuggler yelled in horror and went crazy. He had to rush to the door, trying to escape this tavern that could already be called a slaughterhouse.

But unfortunately, because the entrance door is not spacious, and there are so many people rushing out, I was completely stuck to death by two plump guys at once, and no one will be left for a while. Hope to escape.

“Come on and help me! I need the priest’s treatment!”

Another smuggler who was stabbed in the abdomen by a sharp weapon knelt on the ground, desperately venting his intestines He pushed it back, and shouted for help with a painful face, but received no response.

One second later…

The mercenary controlled by spell rushed forward, fast and accurate, and directly pierced the jaw with a dagger. He didn’t even scream. When it was too late, both eyes slowly lost their luster, and finally fell to the ground with a plop.

Although the three mercenaries are not too many, under Andre’s command, they attacked at lightning speed. Get rid of the most threatening companions, and then pursue and kill the merchants and liars. In the blink of an eye, the bar is full of corpses, except for the middle-aged man standing in front of him and he is shocked. Except for the past maid Jeliya, all of them were left dead, and even the few people who were lucky enough to rush out of the door were harvested by Portia with a flying knife.




Through the grasp of the enemy’s heart and perfect tactical cooperation, Andre proved with practical actions that even if he cannot use Arcane temporarily, he is still an excellent mage, several powerful fighters. He didn’t even have room to play, and he died extremely aggrieved.

This is the mage!

One of the top occupations on Olaer continent!

As long as you are fully prepared, even the so-called omnipotent gods can’t help them!

Many times, with no difficulty, they can solve many tasks that seem to be impossible with no difficulty. To some extent, they just treat Arcane as a way to explore the unknown. Tools, not means of combat.

Looking at the expressions of despair and fear on the faces of the survivors, Andre smiled and spread out his hands, and asked in a playful tone: “How, am I right? The whole process will be fast. Soon they will not feel too much pain.

In fact, life is a very complex thing, sometimes it is very strong, no matter how bad the living environment, no matter how terrifying the disease is, there is no way to treat it Destroyed; but sometimes it is very fragile. As long as you destroy a few important organs, such as the brain, heart, kidney, liver, etc., you will soon lose it.

You know?

The reason why I want to kill everyone in this tavern is not because of the verbal offense just now, nor is it to avenge your harboring malicious intentions, with a smuggler’s words , Narrow retaliation is stupid, it can neither bring any profit, but also may attract unnecessary enemies for yourself.

Please remember that I am commissioned by a certain force to kill you. Need to create panic and chaos in Warren City, so this is a job need, without any deadly feelings, understand?”

“Who? Who is that so-called power? How dare they be in Sardin The islands challenge the underground guild and the pirate king! Anyway, I am going to die soon, at least let me die to understand!”

Middle-aged man may know. There is absolutely no possibility of being spared tonight, so I just went out, staring at bloodshot eyes, and asked loudly with shortness of breath.

Smugglers were originally gamblers who danced with Death God, especially in the South. Every smuggler who went to sea by boat does not lack the courage to face death. They know how much this business is. Dangerous, maybe the guy who made a lot of money fiercely last time may die of unfathomable mystery next time, and even a complete body will not be found.

“Hehe, of course, I am a kind and generous person and I am happy to fulfill your dying wishes. I believe that as a businessman who often comes to Warren to do business, you must have heard a lot about this Among the taboos in this city, one of them is the incident that occurred many years ago and was called a rat disaster by the local residents?”

Andre deliberately used a very mysterious tone to induce, the purpose is obviously Plan to buckle the shit basin on Uncle Ni and his Ratman Gang.

In fact, he had planned the follow-up plan long before he started. First, he distracted the attention of the underground guild and pirates by killing a large number of smugglers, and then forced the relationship between the rat man and the underground guild to continue to deteriorate. , Until Uncle Ni’s endurance reached its limit and fierce bloodshed broke out.

In addition, the maid Jeliya who fell on the ground was not really fainting, but pretending to be fainted. Andre can guarantee that she will definitely keep every word she said in her heart. Wait for the pirates or underground guilds to show up, then sell them for a good price.

“Rat plague? It turns out that the lycanthropes are beginning to restless again…” The middle-aged man lowered his head and pondered for a few minutes, and soon showed a suddenly realized expression.

Obviously, his information channels are very well-versed, and even this kind of old accounts were investigated clearly, and he didn’t even need to be prompted to find the answer by himself.

Seeing that the other party worked hard to perform in full according to the pre-designed script, Andre’s mouth turned up slightly, revealing an imperceptible smile, followed by pretending to be proud, gently nodded.

“Yes, maybe you don’t know, the old Mouse King feels that his life is coming to an end, and the underground guild is pressing harder and harder, trying to cut weeds of all the rat people after his death. and eliminate the roots, so he intends to fight hard for the race, and we are hired killers.

In order to let you die at ease, I will give you some important information at last, that is It is not only the two of us who are hired. In the next few days, more killers will come one after another. When the time comes, many people will go to the world after death with you.

Well, having said so much, it’s almost time to send you off. I still have more important work to do. I don’t have time to chat with you. Don’t worry, my sword is fast.”

After that, Andre raised the rapier, aiming at the opponent’s eye and piercing it.

As soon as his arm was hardened, the middle-aged man suddenly lifted the head, loudly shouted: “Stop! Stop! I have something to say! I want to make a deal with you!

You are a killer, right?

Since you are a killer, there will be a reward for killing me!

If I am willing to add a zero to the reward , Can you let me go?

Anyway, does the employer stipulate who you must kill, just to make you mess up.

Think about it, you just want to let go Pass me, you can not only get the reward, but also earn ten times the life money, what a good deal!”

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