Arcane Lord

Chapter 623

Just when the war is about to start!

Andre, who was always watching the game from a distance, turned up slightly, muttering to himself: “Hehe, it seems that everything that should be exposed has been exposed, and that if it is not changed is exposed, it is finally my turn. He went out to clean up the mess.”

After that, he completed a spell at a very fast speed, followed by raising his hand and snapping his fingers, directly activated the teleport ability on the ring, and disappeared directly. In place.

“Damn! Don’t say a word before you start!”

After discovering Andre’s disappearance, Portia immediately whispered a whisper, and the whole person quickly fell into the shadow.

As a thief who is accompanied by darkness, she never lets her companion fight alone, even if she is not good at fighting head-on, she still uses her professional advantage to lurch around the battlefield waiting for opportunities .

Seeing the two one after the other leave, Mabel scratched his nose a little bit not knowing what to do, and asked his younger sister: “What do we do? Follow?”

Fiona rolled the eyes and replied her anger: “Don’t be silly, my dear big brother, one of them is an experienced thieves and the other is an unfathomable mage. If we two follow, not only will we help What’s your busy schedule, and it may be delayed. Watch it patiently, I believe there will be results soon.”

“Well, what you said makes sense.” Mabel smiled bitterly and shrugged. Continue to pay attention to the battle in the distance.

For him, tonight is really an eye-opener, especially the combat power that Sam is facing is too shocking. The sword technique that combines power and technique perfectly is just like It is an art.

Of course, Fiona’s gains are not small, at least she understands how to maximize the formidable power of blunt tools, and will no longer be stupid. She only knows to lift a hammer and knock her head.

Although the pair of siblings are just watching from beginning to end, they still draw enough nutrients from it, and in time they will surely grow up quickly and become powerful helpers.

But Andre has no time to care about this now. When he appeared on the battlefield by teleporting spell short distances, Sam suddenly lifted the head, his eyes burst out, and the whole person was like a listring. The arrow rushed forward, and two giant swords were pierced at the two deadly parts of the heart and liver respectively. Any successful hit would immediately lead to death.

“Hehe, really an outstanding warrior, it’s a pity…”

For the sharp blade of cold light, Andre didn’t show any panic, on the contrary it was a pity to shook the head .

I saw the unremarkable wand in his hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling white light, followed by the whole body was immediately covered by hard granite, and a light blue energy shield appeared around the body. It has also become very vague.

Obviously, he activated the three magics in the “secondary defensive staff” at one time, Stoneskin, Shield, and Obscurity, to protect himself in all directions.

“hahahaha! Idiot mage, don’t you know how special my sword is?”

After discovering that the protection spell was in effect, Sam instantly laughed fiercely, although The obscurity technique affected his vision, and the wall of force generated by the shield technique forced the sharp blade to deflect as it passed through, but the two giant swords still slashed on Andre’s body, and the flames suddenly splashed.

One of the giant sword green light flashed, just like Utrede’s copy not long ago, his hands were immediately corroded by strong acid, and severe pain was transmitted to the brain through the nerves.

As the pungent sour smell spread in the air, Sam knew that he had abolished the hands of a wizard again, and immediately sarcastically said with a condescending tone: “How does the sour taste feel? You are not the first mage to die under my sword, nor the last!”

“I like your confidence, but I have to regret to inform you three things. First, It is true that someone will die soon, but it will definitely not be me. Second, you have no chance to kill anyone. Third, a true wizard will never be defeated by what has been exposed.””

After speaking the last word, Andre suddenly stretched out his right hand and touched the other person’s neck at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, a scarlet magic aura appeared on the fingertips. , The hands that had been destroyed by strong acid returned to their original state in just a few seconds, and Sam felt that the life force within the body was completely exhausted, an incredible expression appeared on his face, and finally fell slowly, never again Failed to get up.

“Level 3 Arcane-the vampire’s trigger action! “

“The target failed the exemption test! “

“Spell causes 21 damage to the target! “

“You have been treated with 21 points of life force! “

“Target health exhausted: death! “

“You got four thousand EXP points! “

Seeing the information emerging from the retina, Andre finally secretly sighed in relief.

After careful observation just now, coupled with the precise plot against, he finally managed to kill For a powerful enemy who is already on the verge of death, this profiting from somebody’s misfortune may not be considered glorious, but for a mage, the most perfect result is the greatest victory at the least cost.

In fact, if the feet of the Shadow Web are not in danger of the entire army being destroyed, he does not want to reveal his strength.

But unfortunately, many times the reality is always very different from what he expected. Far.

Fortunately, so far, only a short-range teleportation, a secondary defense staff, and finally a Level 3 Arcane-Vampire Touch.

Especially the last one played a decisive role.

Although this spell is not high in level, it is very practical. It allows the caster to draw life force from the target through touch, and then use it to heal himself If the caster is not injured, then this part of the life force will be stored first. Once injured, the wound will be automatically healed.

As for the amount of life force drawn, it is determined by the caster level. On average, the damage doubles for every two mage levels. At the Andre Level 9 mage level, the upper limit is 24 points, and the lower limit is 4 points.

He is very lucky. On the one hand, he just happened to be within the hands. The body’s magical energy completely restores its balance and can exert 100% of its power.

On the other hand, Sam is seriously injured, otherwise the trifling of more than 20 points of damage is nothing to a high-level warrior.

Looking at Sam’s involuntary eyes, Andre’s involuntarily sighed, picked up one of the giant swords that fell on the ground, and whispered, “I’m sorry, I need to borrow your head to use it. I hope you don’t mind, after all, you are dead. Instead of staying here and being eaten by the wild beast, let me take it away and save a woman who is under control. “

Regardless of whether the corpse on the ground can understand or not, after finishing what should be said, he raised his sword and cut off the opponent’s neck directly.

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