Arcane Lord

Chapter 641

Some scholar once said that danger always coexists with opportunity, and how much risk you dare to take, you can get much reward.

After a series of exciting battles and plot against, Andre finally reached the harvest time.

Let’s not talk about the huge benefits of completely bringing the Shadow Web into your control. The magic items obtained from Sam and Utreid alone are enough to drive countless people crazy, especially The last cursed breastplate that looks unremarkable will immediately attract foul wind and bloody rain as soon as the sound of the wind comes out.

Olaer continent is not a society under the rule of law. Here we pay attention to whose fists are big and whoever is the law. As long as bold advertisers and mercenaries have certainty, even aristocratic lords dare to sack, some are powerful. The guys even dared to crack the soil and claim the king. In the chaotic western coastal area, there are many kings from small countries.

Wealth, power, fame, treasure, power, beauty…

All these are the roots of killing and disputes. They are the manifestation of inner desires. The goal pursued by countless mortals throughout their lives.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Andre quickly issued a ban, prohibiting Portia from talking with anyone about the secrets of “Frenzy Demon Armor”.

After all, this magic equipment is infinitely close to the Legendary item. He doesn’t want to use it to test whether the other members of the team can resist the temptation.

In the end, Mabel obtained two magic giant swords, Portia chose the night vision belt, and Fiona was assigned to the physique + 2 crystal pendant, as for the remaining wall of force rings and scrolls Boxes, magic potions, etc., were all taken into the bag by Andre, and a spoils-sharing meeting ended in a short time.

Except for the two parties involved, no one knows how rare and precious the worn-out armor wrapped in a cloak is…

A simple burial was held for an unknown female corpse At the ceremony, everyone began to fill in the soil quickly. It only took a few minutes to bury her in the pit near the entrance of the cave. The liar Jace made a tombstone from stone. The big cat followed closely during the whole process. After everything was over, It couldn’t help letting out a sad cry again.

“It’s so pathetic… what do you plan to do with it?” Fiona asked softly, stroking the fur on the back of the panther.

Andre sighed, helplessly shook the head: “I don’t know, it is a leopard with high intelligence, you can try to communicate, if it has nowhere to go, we can take it back temporarily .”

“Are you sure? It’s an adult panther. It can climb trees, swim, run twice as fast as humans, and can jump three meters high and six meters away. And this This animal is withdrawn and can tear a person’s throat with one bite. I don’t think it would be a good idea to let it stay in the city.” Portia rolled the eyes retorted.

“You can’t just leave it alone, right? There are no large herbivores around Warren for hunting. If we don’t help, it will either be starved to death or sneak close to the city and be The pirate was found killed and eventually became an expensive fur under the butt of a great character.”

Mable’s tone and eyes are full of compassion. He is kind and gentle, and he can’t bear to just let it go. By the black panther, fend for itself.

“Damn it! I don’t care about the life and death of this big cat, let alone whether it will hurt people. I just want to know when I will return to the city. I am tired and hungry now, and I desperately need to eat one. Have a big meal, and then have a good night’s sleep.”

Jace threw away the axe he used to dig the soil, and complained loudly with gnashing teeth. He was extremely grumpy due to exhaustion and hunger. Coupled with the fact that a little activity will affect the wound, the painful and itchy feeling is simply worse than death, and it is not easy to persist until the female body is buried.

Andre ignored the tantrum Jace, stepped to the Panthers, stared at the pale-yellow of the other party, with sad eyes and asked: “I know you can understand common language. Now tell me, are you willing to live alone in the wild, or are you willing to return to the city with us?”

“roar! roar!”

Black Panther looked back reluctantly at the mistress With a low growl from the gravestone, he stood up and followed everyone behind.

Undoubtedly, it chose to go to the city where humans live, rather than staying alone in the wild and hunting like a real wild beast.

Maybe it’s the relationship that has been raised by humans since childhood, or it may be loneliness. In short, it is usually difficult for wild animals that have been domesticated by humans to return to nature, because they are compared to similar species. , They are too smart, they are often treated as aliens, and it is difficult to be accepted even if they stay in the wild.

Andre can understand Big Cat’s thoughts, patted his head lightly, and then spread his hands at the others: “It seems that the answer has come out. It will return to Warren City with us.”

“Oh…no…you will regret it sooner or later!” Portia patted his forehead and let out a scream.

“Hehe, I think it’s pretty good. At least I have it to guard when I sleep later. The enemy will never think of a sneak attack.” Fiona smiled and raised her hands to express welcome to the leopard.

Seeing that the final problem was finally solved, Andre took a deep breath and announced loudly: “Okay, take everything that should be brought, and we will return now. Remember, try not to cause any Human attention, I don’t want to conflict with anyone on the way.”

“Ha! Believe me, this can’t be done by you, especially we also carry a rare black panther. Know it. The fur on his body is worth at least five hundred Gold Coins. This price is enough to make many hooligans and gangsters desperate.” Portia reminded with a sneer.

“Okay, let’s put it another way. When you do it, hurry up and try not to stay alive.” Andre immediately changed the order.

He is very aware of how terrifying human desires are. In order to ensure that he and the others will not be harassed endlessly in the future, he chooses to kill people without the slightest hesitation.

“No problem! Let me take care of it all.”

Mable, who has just acquired two magic giant swords, shows the attitude of be eager to have a try From his excited expression, you can see that this guy can’t wait to try his new weapon.

Along the forest path when it came, the entire group quickly passed through the dense bush forest and entered the city from the secluded alley.

As the halflings expected, they met many guys who spied on the fur of the panthers along the way.

But before the other party started, Mabel charged ahead and wielded the magic giant sword. In three or two strokes, the offender turned into a corpse, ordinary leather armor in the magic weapon There was no defensive effect in front of them, and everyone returned to the old warehouse without much effort.

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