Arcane Lord

Chapter 654

Sunrise and sunset, the eternal track of the world.

As the sun disappears below the sea level, the night arrives as scheduled, once again shrouded in the sky over Warren, casting a faint shadow on this restless city.

Especially most recently, the various assassinations and destructions deliberately created by the Shadow Web have seriously touched the sensitive nerves of the underground guild rule. Many guild members are unclear because of fear of death. After dark They didn’t even dare to go to the streets. In just two days, their control area shrank by one third, and this one third out-of-control area became a place of disorder and chaos.

Countless wild ambition guys took advantage of the situation to fight each other and fight for territory. No matter who becomes the final winner, it means that a new force will be born in the city.

For the leaders of the underground guild, this is not good news. After all, Warren City is so big. Every time a competitor appears, their interests and rights will be greatly threatened, so They are racking their brains one by one, trying to find out who is challenging the existing order and the rule of the entire underground guild.

But it is a pity that, in the three states of no witnesses, no corpses, and no traces of fighting, even Holmes can only stare at him.

sent spies to like unfathomable mystery of disappear from the face of the earth, and so after a few hours, their heads hung in several places will be very prominent, for pedestrians passing by to visit .

I have to say, this is simply hitting the underground guild naked in the face, and it is still drawing fiercely with arms raised. The residents of half of the city know that they are losing absolute control over the streets and lanes. A new right reshuffle is about to begin.

But through this incident, the senior members of the guild quickly recognized the fact that this time the enemy is definitely not small and must be united to spare no effort.

Near Sargasso Alley, a group of masked men wearing black tight leather armor and holding daggers and daggers quietly surrounded the old warehouse that Andre had bought as a temporary base, and at the same time sent a hand-held strong The crossbow’s accomplices occupied a favorable position, and it didn’t take long to completely seal the surrounding area.

Obviously, as long as your eyes are not blind, you can easily see that these well-trained guys are definitely not here to say hello friendly.

Only one of the men who eye shows the ominous light lowered his voice and reported to the other man: “Head, our hands are already in place, we are always waiting for your orders.”

“Don’t rush to do it, send two spies to try them. I am a little unsure whether the person inside is the target we are looking for.” As he said, the man pulled down the black face towel and revealed a With a slightly thin face, it was Ulic, the ace killer of the Underground Guild.

“Temptation? We can arrest all the people inside and take them away, and wait for them to interrogate one by one. I believe that with your torture methods, no matter what secrets are hidden in their minds, they have to explain Clearly.”

The man obviously doesn’t understand his boss’s thoughts. In his opinion, since so many people have been dispatched to catch a few suspicious targets is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain, why bother It’s superfluous.

Ulrich’s expressionless shook the head explained: “No, you don’t understand. The person who provided the news this time is Casimir. I always think he does not have lion’s big mouth this time. Don’t have a purpose, maybe it’s a trap.”

“You mean…he is using us?” The man’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I don’t know, if his thoughts are so easy to see through, otherwise he won’t be called a devil in human skin. Remember, find two clever guys to attack Before, I needed to know who lives in it, understand?” Ulic’s tone was very harsh, especially the expression on his face, which gave people an indisputable feeling.

“Understand! Don’t worry, head, I will pick two good hands.”

After that, the man patted his chest hard and turned to make a few gestures towards the roof. , The two black clothed persons instantly understood and moved quickly along the edge of the roof to the vicinity of the warehouse, and in the blink of an eye they sneaked into the backyard.

On the other side, Andre, who just woke up from eight hours of full sleep, is sitting at the table at the moment, sipping hot bone soup, while staring at the corner with playful eyes. Portia and Panthers glared at each other.

When these two saboteurs were fighting in the afternoon, they made a mess of the entire warehouse. Not only did they smash the bottles and cans in the backyard, but also there were many holes on the roof. Fortunately for these two It doesn’t mean rain, otherwise there is no place to hide from the rain.

Of course, if it’s just such a trivial matter, Andre wouldn’t be able to personally intervene, mainly because the two of them almost overturned the iron stove.

Be aware that if something goes wrong with this thing, everyone in the entire warehouse will have to follow bad luck, especially if he is still sleeping in the basement, or he will be burned alive in his sleep.

In order to teach the two troublemakers a profound lesson, he chose the famous electric shock therapy on Earth, and gave them an unforgettable experience with a current that was not deadly enough. The reason why it is so quiet right now, In fact, it was scared by electricity.

“How, do you two realize your mistake?”

After drinking the last sip of soup in the bowl, Andre wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and asked calmly .

Portia fiercely glared at the big cat, pouting her mouth silently, as if she was going to remain silent.

The Panther barked his teeth in disdain, turned his head and refused to speak out.

Seeing their awkward appearance, the liar Jace burst into laughter immediately: “hahahaha! So childish, I think the lessons they have received are obviously not enough, maybe you can try to do it twice I believe that just a few seconds after the electric shock, they will be like children who have been beaten, obediently and honestly admit their mistakes.”

“Shut up! If you dare to say one more word, I promise Tear your mouth!”

As soon as she heard the word electric shock, Portia’s eyes were filled with fear, and she gritted her teeth and threatened Jace.

The leopard also not to be outdone, open his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and growl constantly, two pale-yellow eyes overflowing with murderous aura.

“Don’t be nervous, guys, relax… relax… I’m just kidding.” Jess, who found himself in a bad situation, quickly raised his hands and put on an innocent expression.

As an ordinary person, he doesn’t want to annoy a fierce panther, plus an experienced senior thief, the former will make people torn skin and gaping flesh even if only two paws are used. The person is the master in the field of theft. If you don’t want your own items to disappear unexplainably, it is best to stay away.

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