Arcane Lord

Chapter 659

Ulrich took two steps back cautiously, his eyes fixed on the wand inlaid with rubies. He knew that this little magic item was a real life-killing thing. After being silent for more than a minute, he asked, “Why should I believe that you are not lying?”

“You are lying?” Andre’s eyes flashed with weird rays of light, followed closely Smiled contemptuously. “Haha, I have to say, you are really a typical fool.

First of all, do you think I still have to deceive you with the current situation? I can completely remove your soul from the body Pull it out and slowly torture the information you want. Believe me, that taste is definitely more cruel and painful than any kind of torture in the world. No one can keep a secret after tasting it.

Secondly, as I said just now, you have lost the right to choose. Either answer the questions and survive, or shut your mouth and die with your men.

Finally, know me Why do you want to keep you? Because I need someone with enough identity to go back and submit a war note to the leaders of the guild, telling them that the irreconcilable war has begun.”

After listening to this remark, Ulik His pupils shrank and spread in an instant, and then he yelled with shortness of breath: “Are you crazy? Enemy with the entire guild? We are the rulers of this city Supreme! No one has threatened the status of the guild for hundreds of years! You don’t even know how powerful we are. Every guild leader controls unimaginable resources…”

But before he could finish his words, Andre waved impatiently:” Stop! I’m not interested in listening to these boring boasts. Powerful? No one can threaten your dominance? This is really the funniest joke I have ever heard. In the riot called the rat plague several decades ago, if Without the help of pirates, you are now a history.”

“Uncle Ni has teamed up with you?!”

Ulrich suddenly remembered the dark executors under the guild a few days ago. The news passed back quickly showed unconcealed horror.

The rat man is a heart disease of the leaders from beginning to end. It is like a silent volcano, a plague lurking, and once it erupts, it often means terrifying consequences. Anyone who has experienced the riot of the year People can’t forget the terrifying scene in their minds for a lifetime, and now with a powerful mage, the situation is really serious to the extreme.

“Guess what?” Andre not at all answered this question head-on, but asked playfully.

At this time, he did not forget to pull the Mouse King into the water, which is quite sinister.

After all, many times, ambiguous answers often give people plenty of room for association and release false inducements. Just look at Ulic’s eyes to know that he already believes in his heart that Uncle Ni has really chosen At the same time as the enemy of the union.

Feeling the smell of meat in the air and the burnt smell of burning wooden houses, Andre suddenly noticed that two silhouettes appeared in the sky in the distance, although it was a little fuzzy and the flying speed was not fast. But there is no doubt that it is coming here.

He didn’t dare to neglect, and immediately turned around and shouted at the halfling thieves behind him: “Portia! Take everyone to Mia immediately! Remember, leave at your fastest speed. In this area, don’t look back no matter what happens. The next battle is not something you can participate in.”

“What’s wrong? Is there any troublesome enemy coming?” Portia was very surprised. ask.

It was the first time that she saw Andre so nervous, even though she still kept a relaxed smile in front of more than forty night owls, but now she lets herself and the others escape.

“It’s a mage, the enemy’s mage is here! Hurry up! Otherwise, you won’t be able to leave!”

Andre didn’t have time to talk nonsense. He quickly drew out a protective scroll and activated it, and saw one The dazzling light flashed, and his whole person was seven, each of which was exactly the same as before.

Undoubtedly, this is Level 2 Illusion Technique magic—mirror shadow technique, which randomly creates one to four false phantoms, and adds one for every three mage levels. It is the most used to confuse the enemy. One of the best methods, loved by the majority of low-level spellcasters.

Marely a trifling is obviously not enough for the next Arcane duel, so after completing the spell, Andre did not stop, and blessed himself with “flame shield” and “secret technique vision” “.

The former can offset most of the fire damage, while burning enemies in front of you; the latter can allow the eyes to see all the magical aura, which is based on the color and light intensity of each item. Determine the effect of more than 90% of the magic item.

The duel between real senior mages is not a play of a child, as long as there is a misjudgment, it will lead to unforeseen serious consequences. Therefore, protection and detection are extremely important. If you cannot predict it The opponent’s next move, or even a few moves, will immediately fall into a passive beating situation.

Seeing Andre releasing Arcane one after another, Portia quickly realized the seriousness of the problem, and without a word, directly led everyone to the most populous place in the down town.

She knew that Mia had a dilapidated hut nearby, which happened to be used for hiding.

Time flies quickly, and as Andre sings the last incantion, the silhouette of in the sky gets closer and clearer, and you can even see their looks clearly.

One of them seems to be over 40 years old. The whole head is bare, including the eyebrows. All the hair has been shaved, and the face, head and neck are printed densely packed. Tattoos, two dark green eyes are very sharp, through the “secret technique vision” can be seen, these tattoos all emit a strong black aura.

The other has gray hair and beard, giving people the illusion of a loyal elder, but the human skull hanging on his neck reveals his bloodthirsty and cruel nature.

Perhaps for most selfish wizards, using the same kind of body to make magic item not at all, anyway, is just the body left by the creature after death.

But this skull is different. There is still a soul struggling in it. When making the magic item, this person was cut off from his head alive, and then used the necromantic spell. Processing, the poor soul is suffering all the time, and this pain is the source of the power of the magic item.

Playing with the souls of the dead, whether it is the aristocratic class that controls the secular or the Church of Good God, which controls the divine power, regards it as an evil taboo. It is better to say that it is daring to study it secretly in the mage tower. Wearing it on the body is definitely a naked provocation.

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