Arcane Lord

Chapter 678

Humans are a race that hates immutability. They are eager to change their destiny, whether they are poor, rich, or powerful.

The king is eager to expand his kingdom, the nobles are eager to gain more territory, the businessmen are eager to make more profits, the farmers are eager to harvest every year, and the professionals are eager to improve their professional level… …

However, if you want to get all this, you must have a strong power!

Enough to defeat all enemies!

The power that can change destiny!

Magic is the most powerful force known to most mortals. Although it is extremely manic and dangerous, it still cannot stop those who are rushing to it, and they are even willing to give all of their own for this.

Obviously, the boy has been abandoned by human society. He has no relatives, no friends, no care, and he only wants to get rid of poverty, even if he has to pay his freedom and life for it.

Perhaps for those guys who are full of food and drink all day long and shouting about freedom, equality, and human rights, they will never understand that a person is willing to survive, in order to stop starving and freezing What the price is, but Andre, who has lived in this backward world for more than four years, understands.

Especially in the first year, leading a group of children in the Black Forest struggling to survive. At that time, if someone gave him a mouthful of hot soup and a warm house, he was willing to give everything, even his soul.

Without any hesitation, Andre extended his right hand, said with a faint smile: “You are a smart child, even smarter than most adults, I accept your terms, and Promise to teach you how to use your power. Introduce myself, my name is Andre, Andre Blanchflower.”

“Hello, Mr. Andre, I don’t have a name or a surname, but they all Call me a disaster.” The boy took two steps forward and stretched out his dirty little hand. He looked very cautious, and his eyes showed expectation and fear for the future.

“No name? This is not so good. Everyone should have their own name. If you don’t mind, how about I pick one for you? After all, I can’t always call you child or disaster Right?”

Andre, who saw the tension of the other party, deliberately found a lighter topic, trying to relax the boy.

“Name? Of course I don’t mind! I dream of having my own name! Please give me a name!”

This little fellow heard the word name, Instead of relaxing, he became more excited, and even his voice trembled slightly.

In the eyes of some people, a name is just a code name, but in the eyes of many people who don’t even have a name, it represents the meaning of their existence. Even the poorest serfs would be willing to spend it For a large sum of money, ask the priest or scholar of the temple to give your child a good name.

Obviously, the boy was abandoned by his parents when he was very young, and he didn’t even have his own name, so a name for him is not only a code name, but also a new starting point.

“How about Alfred? It means clever helper and wise counselor in ancient Chinese.” After some thought, Andre gave a name.

To be honest, the reason why he cared so much for the little fellow in front of him was selfish, and he had never concealed such selfishness. Now he clearly expresses his meaning through the convenience of naming.

A warlock, especially a warlock who has just awakened, is a rare talent for any organization or individual. With a little training, he can become a qualified assistant, even more how in the training process, but also to closely observe and study warlock magic power source, just one move, two gains.

In the original plan, Andre planned to bring Alf, the warlock of the Shadow Web, under his command, but now that there is a better one, the Big Fatty is no longer within his hunting range Up.

A fool knows what price it costs to get the loyalty of an adult, and to get the loyalty of a child, you only need to pay less than one percent of the former.

“Alfred? I have a name! hahahaha! I finally have a name!” The boy’s eyes got brighter and brighter, and finally he laughed happily, with a hint of bitterness in his laughter. As if bidding farewell to the suffering of the past.

Andre nodded with a smile, said meaningfully: “Yes, you have a name. From then on, you will no longer be the bullying outcast. You will master the power of arcane and become an ordinary person The caster of aloof and remote in your eyes. Remember this moment, it will leave a strong mark in your life, and don’t forget your original pursuit.”

If you say in this world If there is any profession that can be compared with giant dragons that can become stronger by sleeping, then the warlock must be at the top of the list.

This profession does not require the desperate learning of knowledge like a thinker, and gains strength through understanding of objective things and even the Universe Rule, and it does not hesitate to conduct hard training like a soldier day after day.

They only need to activate the magic power within the body, find a way to release this magic power, and then they can naturally release the magic, although the number is far inferior to the mage, but the number is released Compared with the formidable power, there is nothing less than it.

It can be said that in the entire Olaer continent, there is no profession that can gain power like a warlock with no difficulty.

Alfred, who just got his name, didn’t understand the implication in Andre’s words, because he was hungry, very, very hungry, otherwise he would not risk being killed and sneak into the upper city. Theft of luxury houses.

We must know that although Warren City is known as the City of Chaos, there are not many people who dare to steal in the Upper City. Once caught, they will definitely die.

After thoroughly figuring out that the other party would not harm him, the boy sat on the ground generously, grabbed the food stolen from the kitchen and stuffed it into his mouth.

Looking at him gorging himself, Andre took two steps forward and sat on the ground without minding. He asked with interest: “Alfred, can you tell me about your parents Is it?”

“Parents?” The boy was taken aback for a moment, then sighed with a wry smile. “Hey, I remember not quite clear. Since I remembered things, I have been traffic and begging on the street, because some incredible things always happen around me, for example, some things will suddenly disappear, and some things will disappear. I floated for no reason. Everyone said it was the devil within the body at work.”

“So…not to rule out the supernatural bloodline factor within the body…” Andre looking thoughtful whispered One sentence.

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