Arcane Lord

Chapter 718

The bald mage’s answer was obviously not what Andre wanted to hear, and he immediately waved his hand impatiently: “No, I am not referring to the sudden high-energy response, but the high-energy response. The planner behind.”

“Do you know who is performing the magic ceremony?” Angus stood up in surprise, his face full of incredible expressions.

Twenty minutes ago, he had just drove around the city and found no traces. There was no magical fluctuation in the air. Unless someone provided information, he would use normal means to obtain it. To any useful information.

“Yes! Someone once warned me that there was a wild ambition guy in Warren who wanted the projection of the summon Great Demon ghost. Guess who this person is?” Andre asked with a sneer. .

as everyone knows, there is no idiot who can become a mage. After a few seconds of contemplation, Angus suddenly lifts the head and replied in a very determined tone: “It must be in human skin. The demon of the world-Casimir Kitz! I know he has some connections with the hell forces, and seems to be an agent of the Great Demon ghost in the material world. Could it be that he is causing us trouble?”

“Hehe, almost, in fact, he is looking for trouble with me. Maybe you still don’t know, this guy didn’t know what summon used to produce a seduce, I tried to catch them, but because of something Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, together with the Corsair Devil, all disappear from the face of the earth.

Of course, if it were just a Demon and an agent of the Devil, I would not I’m too worried. After all, the Mage Tower is in our hands at the moment. If we don’t take protective measures, we will be exposed to the monitoring of the Mage Tower for a few minutes at most.

Do you know that I am? I just read the roster minutes ago and suddenly discovered that there is someone outside of our control who is not under our control. He is Cecil.

For the phenomenon, if Casimir Kitz and Cecil What will be the result of joining hands?

They can not only block the detection of the mage tower, but also quietly hide the magic ceremony in any corner of the city.

even more how Cecil’s madness should be clear to you. He has the ability to poison the waters of the entire Warren City. This is where I am most afraid.”

The bald mage understood the seriousness of the situation, and Andre had to tell some secrets hidden in his heart.

Although it is still uncertain whether Cecil and Casimir Kitz will work together, as a smart person, he has a good habit of thinking about the worst situation no matter what happens. Go in.

The destructive power of the master of pharmacy is extremely terrifying. As long as there is enough material, Andre himself can with no difficulty make the defenseless city corpses everywhere across the field overnight.

Since he can do it, Cecil, who is also outstanding in pharmacy, can certainly do it.

This guy do not even bother to research new poison, only the ghost baby pharmaceutical own invention metering doubled, then dumped into the river among, within a few hours, you can lose thousands of manufacturing The wild beast of reason.

Angus digested silently, his face gradually becoming more and more ugly, and finally couldn’t help it, clenched his fist fiercely and slammed it on the table, gnashing teeth cursed: “Asshole! I knew it. Syl’s sudden departure a few days ago must have ulterior motives. What to do? Do you want to just watch him play us as fools?”

Andre stretched out a finger, lightly He shook slightly: “no! Of course not! I just checked the map of Warren City and found that there is a place in the upper city that is very suitable for undying creatures and Necromancer to live. According to my inference, this place is probably mentioned by Cecil Home.”

“Are you going to search the entire public cemetery?”

Angus’ eyes showed shocked rays of light, and he hurriedly dissuaded him: “Oh my God You are simply a lunatic! This kind of idea is impossible to realize! The surrounding underground has been dug in all directions, it is like a maze, some places will be poured into the sea according to the rise and fall of the tide, very, very dangerous, there is no half a Don’t expect to find anything in the month’s time.”

“Of course I know this very well, but don’t forget, tomorrow is the day when the Thorn Birds Guild will be auctioned, and Cecil will definitely appear. And sent a few bottles of magic potions. We can take the opportunity to follow up and see what he is up to these days…”

After that, Andre put a rough coin on the table , The whole person exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

“The invitation of the Thorn Birds Guild?” Angus glanced at the pattern on the coin, then slightly sighed to remind: “I am not sure about the current situation. The leaders of the guild still have the intention to hold an auction. They are probably getting together to discuss how to defeat the enemy and defend their dignity and status.”

“On the contrary, the more such a moment, the more the underground guild will hold the auction as scheduled, because they want Create an atmosphere where everything is under control. Otherwise, with the loose organizational structure of the guild, once it falls into chaos, the subordinate gang will soon fall apart.”

As a soul from the information explosion era, Andre It is too clear how these people in power deal with emergencies.

Generally speaking, there are no more than two choices. One of them is military control, threatening civilians with violence and death to act according to their will; the other is to control the media and create a kind of nothing happened. Illusion, wait for the situation to get out of control before putting on an unaware face.

Obviously, with the control of the underground guild, it is definitely impossible to use the first method, so they can only use second.

In this world with backward information circulation, what can attract everyone’s attention more than an auction?

Angus quickly figured this out, and said with a sneer with a stern face: “hehe! In that case, let us prepare well and give it to Sisi tomorrow. You’re a great surprise.”

“Okay, let’s talk about this first. I’m a little tired and need a rest. You should go to bed early. After all, over-fatigue is a big problem for the caster. Enemy.” As he said, Andre stood up in a posture of seeing off the guests.

“As you wish! Don’t worry, I will never let Cecil escape the monitoring of the Mage Tower this time.” Angus bowed slightly, turned and opened the door and disappeared into the darkness. corridor.

After watching him leave completely, Andre immediately gave the golem at the door an order that no one is allowed to enter, followed by quickly taking off his clothes, lying on the soft bed, and entering in the blink of an eye Dreamland.

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