Arcane Lord

Chapter 721

More than an hour passed in a flash. When the sand in the hourglass reached the twelve o’clock mark, Andre finally completed all the work, and even took time to cast spell, predicting the evening. The auction situation showed that he would meet Cecil at the scene as he wished.

I have to say that for the first time, I felt peeking into the future from the torrent of time. It was a very wonderful experience. It was like lifting a girl’s hazy veil and glancing at her thrilling face.

Yes, it’s thrilling. After all, you never know whether this girl’s face is as beautiful as Heavenly Immortal or just like the scene of a car accident…

It was in Andre just about to eat At lunch, Angus hurriedly appeared at the door.

I saw that he was holding two jade-shaped eyeballs in his hand, emitting dark green light, which looked very permeating.

“Hehe, my friend, why are you in such a hurry, are you rushing to have lunch with me?” Andre smiled and jokingly said.

“Lunch?” Angus stunned, followed lifts the head and glanced at the hourglass, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, then patted with a wry smile and complained on his forehead: “Oh… damn it! I’ve forgotten the time I’m so busy, I didn’t notice that it’s lunch time, it’s really sorry.”

“It’s okay, since it’s here, let’s talk while eating. I didn’t even have breakfast. Now my stomach is so hungry.”

After that, Andre rushed to the golem instructed loudly: “Go and let the kitchen prepare food. I want to eat fresh roasted whole lamb for lunch today. Remember. , Don’t put too much spice, don’t be too salty, as for the rest.”

“Yes! The servant will inform the kitchen.” The golem responded with a low voice, following this Then turned around and ran towards the kitchen. Its heavy body made a hong long long sound in the corridor, even accompanied by a slight vibration.

Since taking over the Mage Tower, Andre has learned the lesson of Gerald’s tragic death and completely closed off all magic transmissions in the central control room, even the multifunctional magic mirror in the corner. I didn’t want to encounter a similar assassination one day, so I had to let the golem do the errands.

Angus was keenly aware of this, and secretly sighed that he really deserves to be a spellcaster who can kill a Level 12 protection mage. Just this caution and caution is worth learning by himself.

In fact, for the mage, any subtle weakness, hobby, good and evil tendencies, etc., may be infinitely magnified under the observation and prediction of the opponent. If you don’t want to die too miserably, you have to suppress it as much as possible. Instinct and desire make reason dominate the brain.

After the two came to the table and took their seats, Andre folded his hands and asked with a smile: “Is something wrong with me?”

Angus nodded replied: “Yes, to prevent Cecil disappeared from our field of vision again. I specially made two spying magic eyes. Once you find him at the auction site, activate these two eyes immediately. No matter what tricks this guy plays, there will be no way to escape. The monitoring of the Mage Tower.”

Andre picked up one of them and looked at it carefully. After one minute, there was a hint of playfulness on his face: “Very funny little thing, it’s similar to Fifth Level magic ——Is there any difference between Peeping Eyes?”

“Theoretically speaking, there is no difference, but some functions have been added, such as automatic tracking, invisibility, seeing through Illusion Technique, etc., even if you use teleportation There is no way to get rid of magic. Its production process is very complicated, and it is one-off. As long as the energy is exhausted, it will be completely scrapped. If it is not urgent, I will not waste energy.” Angus Shrugged Bang explained.

“Just to give this to me?” Andre squinted at the bald mage sitting across from him. He didn’t believe that the other party would go alone for such a thing.

“Of course not. The main purpose of my coming is to ask about the system in the tower. You may not quite clear. The rules that Gerald made before are completely copied from Linton City hundreds of years ago. According to the Mage Association, the attrition rate of apprentices alone is as high as 80% each year. I think it is necessary to make some improvements. What do you think?”

Angus’ attitude is very serious. Magic Kingdom-the wizard of Golars, he is very disgusted with this kind of experimentation with apprentices, and at the same time knows some more advanced education models, and plans to practice it here.

Andre indifferent expression laughed, and asked: “Are you sure this reform is good? Can it bring me more qualified mages? If it can, then I agree; if not, then I I oppose it. In fact, many people have said that I am a very utilitarian person, so I only look at the results in everything. Now tell me, will your reform meet my expectations?”

Gus frowns considered for a few minutes, and solemnly promised: “I think it can! But there is a condition. You must give me free space, and you must give me sufficient support in terms of money and materials.”

“Hehe, no problem. From now on, except for the two people I brought, you are solely responsible for the other apprentices. If you think it is necessary, you can expand the enrollment at any time. Don’t worry about money and materials, After I seize the dominance of the islands, I will fully support several lucrative industries including shipbuilding, sugarcane planting, and sugar making. Half of the funds will go to the Mage Tower to ensure that you have enough money to purchase materials. “

For the entire Sardinian Islands, Andre has long specified a series of plans to ensure that it still has strong economic and military strength after stopping the looting without a bottom line, and can initiate a plan at any time. A war capable of destroying any city-state in the south.

“In that case, I swear that I will never let you down. At most two years, I can train at least four Level 1 mages, and more than 30 apprentices who can cast zero-level Arcane. “

After hearing the proportion of funds invested in magic, Angus immediately showed a confident smile on his face.

In his opinion, this mage tower hidden underground in the city, the number of official mage is simply pitiful, many large-scale experiments can not find enough manpower to carry out, it is a complete waste.

In order to conduct more experiments in the future, he is willing to spend five to ten years to train a group of low-level wizards to help him go further on the road of magic.

Just as the two were discussing the issue of system reform, a sumptuous lunch was finally served on the table. They continued to talk while eating.

Andre quietly instilled the concept of modern university into Angus. The latter got a lot of inspiration after hearing it. When he was full of food and drink, the embryonic form of a new system has been born, and many are now The apprentices who eat in the public area don’t even know that they are about to embrace a new way of education.

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