Arcane Lord

Chapter 733

“Oh? I don’t see that your ability in this area is really amazing. You actually gave birth to thirty-two offspring before you were less than fifty.” Andre stared in surprise. With big eyes, he looked up and down at the slightly blessed businessman in front of him.

Olaer continent is a world of multicultural integration and exchange. It is very open in marriage and sex. Although many orderly gods advocate monogamy and maintain the purity and sacredness of marriage, it is For the powerful, this makes no sense at all.

Of course, in order to conceal, most people in the upper class will only marry a wife or husband. Generally speaking, it is a political marriage. After giving birth to a healthy heir, both spouses fulfill their obligations. In the future, whether it is to find a lover or raise noodles in the capital is personal freedom, at least when the strength of the two families is almost the same.

Some extreme countries, such as the Kamra Desert, the chiefs of some large oasis, and even hundreds of wives and concubines, are very likely to be ordinary male members except for a few close friends. I have never touched a woman in my life.

Apart from this, for those high-level professionals with terrifying powers, the so-called monogamy is a fictitious description, and they don’t need to find them themselves. Countless nobles and rich Chamber of Commerce are vying to be The most beautiful woman in the family came to the door with the goal of integrating the healthy and excellent bloodline into the family.

Finally, there is one more point, that is, the love Goddess advocates without suppressing the desires in the heart, to pursue true love and enjoy the happiness brought by sex.

I have to say that her fornication doctrine is very marketable among the youngsters of the upper class. Even so-called sacred ceremony will be held in the temple every once in a while, and the priest will lead the believers to be unscrupulous. It is said that when the gods of the gods did not close the passage of the material world, Goddess would occasionally join them personally, teaching young and handsome men how to please women.

Obviously, based on the physical quality of an ordinary person, either an extraordinary natural talent or a believer in the love Goddess, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have relationships with hundreds of women in just a dozen years, and Give birth to more than 30 children.

A smuggler who believes in love Goddess?

Just thinking about it makes people feel very interesting.

Inadvertently, Andre’s mouth drew a curve, revealing a playful smile.

Willie Galt was seen as a little hairy, lifts the head cautiously probed: “Your Excellency, do you have any questions?”

“No, no, your request It’s not too much.

Let’s go to the Mage Tower at noon or in the afternoon tomorrow, and I will arrange for them to take a test. Yes, you can stay and learn Arcane.

However, you should know that the cost of learning magic is very huge. Although you are rich, you may not be able to support too many apprentices.”


Andre smiling gives advice, just Angus intends to reform, expanding the number of apprentices, and placement of one or two mediocre aptitude nothing, anyway, are not their own money.

“Thank you very much! But is it okay for my sons and daughters to enter the Mage Tower with such a big fanfare? Will Master Gerald Jenkinson…”

This, Willie Galt deliberately delayed a long note. He knew very well who the real master of the secret technique was, so he was not sure whether this promise could be fulfilled.

For the merchant’s careful thoughts, Andre disdainfully curl one’s lip, and replied with a sneer: “Don’t worry, Gerald Jenkinson is dead. He died under my strategy. Now I am the Mage Tower. The controller, I said yes.”

“Wh…what? How is it possible!” Willie Galt couldn’t believe what he heard.

After he heard the news of Utreid’s death, he was a little unacceptable. Now he learned that the most powerful spellcaster in Warren was also killed by the youngster in front of him. State of shock.

After all, in his opinion, whether it is Utreide or Gerald Jenkinson, they are powerhouses that release horrible spells with their gestures. In addition, the wizard himself pays special attention to self-protection. How terrifying power must be mastered to kill both in a short time?

As a person who has never learned magic in the system, he can’t understand the details of microseconds in a spell duel. In many cases, it’s not that the stronger and higher the level of the spell is, the more powerful it is, but the Spell with precise calculations and appropriate benefits is the most deadly.

In the book “The Encyclopedia of Spell Duel”, a witness has counted that 30% of the mages who participated in the duel died of Level 1 Arcane-magic missiles, and many of them were above level ten The high-level mage.

The reason is very simple. This magic is the fastest and easiest to release. It also has special attributes that must be hit. As long as it can break the protection of the opponent, it can put the enemy to death in minutes.

So, the level of the mage does not mean absolute strength. Only the mage who gives full play to his own advantages and integrates wisdom into tactics is the true opponent of terrifying.

Looking at the businessman’s horrified eyes, Andre couldn’t help feeling a sorrow for him, because he knew that this was a huge difference caused by different visions.

Perhaps in this businessman’s understanding, a Level 12 mage like Gerald Jenkinson who can cast level 6 magic is already an invincible existence, as everyone knows that there is still hidden in the shadow of the world A group of Legendary mages who can kill gods.


I need more power!

After silently crying out from the bottom of my heart, Andre picked up the things he bought on auction and opened the door, without looking back, saying: “I don’t have to lie to you, Gerald Jenkinson really When he died, his soul was even taken out and made into a soul crystal pillar. If you don’t believe it, you can go to the mage tower to confirm with your own eyes tomorrow, and I will arrange for an apprentice to wait at the entrance.

Okay, that’s all for today’s conversation, I have other things to be busy, goodbye.”

tone barely fell!

He leaped and jumped directly from the galloping carriage. As soon as his feet were about to fall to the ground, strong flames and hot air flow immediately around his body, and he really flew high up like a cannonball. .

Undoubtedly, this is one of the abilities bestowed by the Prince Fire Element-flame flight.

Watching Andre disappear into the night sky, Willie Galt quickly came back to his senses and exclaimed with a wry smile: “Flying? It’s an enviable ability. It seems that I am really Made a good choice.”

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