Arcane Lord

Chapter 735

In fact, compared with the living, the undead really has too many advantages, especially the eternal life, which can take hundreds of years to slowly complete a huge And complicated plans, even many people are not aware of their existence.

Obviously, this vampire who has yet to show up, and Cecil, who was transformed into a spawn, made this idea.

I have to say that their mode of action is very secretive, but it is a bit of bad luck. If it is not implicated by Casimir Kitz, it is impossible to be detected by Andre.

Angus didn’t express his opinion. He just handed the two parchments in his hand. Eye shows the ominous light and said: “I don’t know if they are playing the mage tower, but the position It has been recorded. According to my inference, it should be in the deepest part of the catacombs, at least four more than a hundred meters away from the surface. It may not be easy to sneak in.

Because every channel is After setting up the trap, countless corpses are transformed into skeletons and ghouls. In addition, the negative energy is too strong, which makes it impossible to use the positioning teleportation, nor the power of the summon mage tower to attack.

In addition, according to the last picture sent back by the magic eye, I found that there is a strange energy surrounding the bottom layer, and under Arcane’s visual observation, it presents an extremely evil dark red.

I personally think that it is with the plug There is likely to be more than one vampire in Cyr’s group, but a group of people!” In the eyes of this bald mage, since the true identity of the other party has been exposed, there is no point in discussing the reasons. Focus on coping.

After all, the combination of vampires and wizards is not easy to deal with, especially in the underground that extends in all directions, many of the powerful plastic energy magic can not be used, it is very difficult to completely destroy the opponent.

“An ethnic group? hmph!” Andre’s mouth turned up slightly, a sneer appeared. “Even if it is a group of people! What can be seen from the cautious and secretive style of behavior, they are actually not strong at all, otherwise, why play this kind of crafty plots and machinations?”

“Maybe What you said makes sense, but as long as they hide underground, we really don’t have a good way to sneak in. The low-level skeletons and ghouls everywhere will riot as soon as they smell the living.

As for the storm…

I don’t think this can be done with the current power of the mage tower.” Angus shook the head helplessly.

To be honest, as a Level 9 mage, he is not very afraid of head-on collision with vampires, but unfortunately, fighting on the ground is one thing, and entering the underground with abundant negative energy is another. Going on.

According to the description in the book “Energy and Life”, most life exists in the form of positive energy.

The so-called positive energy is like the sun, light, heat, etc., and the treatment spell in the divine technique also relies on positive energy to promote wound healing. It can be said that as long as it is surrounded by positive energy, then even a person The chopped meat can also be pieced together in an instant.

Since the opposite of positive energy is negative energy, it is a bit similar to the black hole in the universe. Generally speaking, when a lifeform dies, it will have an impact on the world where it is located. With the strength of the consciousness before death, it will expand several times, even dozens of times.

Some of these souls with strong feelings, such as hatred, hatred, regret, and anger, are likely to resonate with the plane of negative energy, forming a horrible hole in the depth of one’s soul vortex.

This kind of hollow vortex continuously extracts the surrounding light and heat, and at the same time produces extremely strong desires, which must be slightly relieved by killing.

So wherever undead creatures haunt, it tends to become very cold, especially low-level undead. When they see the living, they will rush up and bite like crazy. There is no reason at all. The root cause is the emptiness formed in the soul at work.

To sum up, an undead, even an undead like a vampire, is nothing to the caster, but if they are grouped together, the void in their souls will become terrifying The chain effect is that the land will become barren, the plants will become withered, distorted, and the living people will start to burn life force if they stay in the area for too long, which will eventually lead to aging and death…

I know that even the priests and Paladins who have the means to disperse the undead on a large scale, will not easily get close to the areas where negative energy gathers, because in these places, the power of the undead will be strengthened, their strength, faster, and higher level of intelligence… …

The most important thing is that the negative energy scattered in the air, soil and water can heal undying creatures, even if it is severely injured, as long as it is not destroyed on the spot, it can be restored after a period of rest. .

Imagine that when you have suffered untold hardships to clean up a tomb of undying creatures, you are exhausted, and you are about to turn around and return to the ground when you suddenly find that your retreat is blocked. What kind of despair and pain will it be?

Angus didn’t want to experience such a scene at all, even more how as a Curselinger, he had already opposed spell, the strongest destructive power plastic energy system, and severely lacked Arcane for mass destruction. .

Seeing the bald wizard’s cautious gaze, Andre laughed disapprovingly: “Haha, who told you that we can’t do this with our power? You seem to forget where the power of the wizard comes from! It is not a splendid and terrifying spell, nor a mountain of wealth, but wisdom, a clever brain.

We can pass through the summon of the mage tower, summon some cheap cannon fodder, the whole The catacombs are cleaned up.

After all, for the undead, the most terrifying things are sunlight and flames. I want to open a large Transmission Gate to the Fire Element plane. It shouldn’t be too difficult. “

“Open a Transmission Gate leading to the plane of the Fire Element? You are crazy!” Angus widened his eyes and couldn’t believe that this was what a mage had said.

As everyone knows, Fire Element has always been known for being passionate, irritable, and hard to control. Except for a few archdruids who can get along with the elements in harmony, even a wizard can’t control too much at once. .

If you open a Transmission Gate leading to the plane of the Fire Element, the most likely thing is that the irritable Fire Element rushes out from the inside, first roasts the summon into coke, and then burns everything unscrupulously. Burning things can completely turn a city and its residents into ashes in just a few hours.

Don’t think that this is just a joke. Similar things have happened on Olaer continent many times, and there are more than 30 cases on record alone…

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