Arcane Lord

Chapter 753

The origin and evolution of life will always be an issue of endless debate among countless scholars.

Some people think that intelligence is the direction of the development of higher-level life. As long as the spirit is evolved to the extreme, the body can be completely abandoned and live forever in another form of pure energy.

Some people also believe that a strong body is an essential feature of advanced life. When the body is strong enough to crush everything, then naturally there is no need to think too much, and violence alone can solve all problems.

Of course, these are merely illusions and inferences extended by Earth scientists based on human beings themselves, and there is basically no reliable basis.

Andre just used it to test the capture of Heart Demon, to see if the other party was really as smart and omniscient as the book records.

Unfortunately, facts have proved that in a world where the overall education level is extremely backward, even if the mind is developed, the knowledge and consultation received are very limited, which is basically impossible to break through the limitations of the environment.

After confirming this, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and there was a trace of taunting that was not easily noticeable.

Susk, who was concentrating on talking with the mastermind, did not notice this dangerous signal at all. It took about five minutes for it to swing its four tentacles again, and said through a spiritual connection: “The Great Will Hope Get all the information about the theory of chaos collision, and hope that you can provide us with fresh and sufficient brains.

In return, we will give you any rare metals, gems, magic materials, knowledge, and weapons in your underground , Armor, and even precious psionic items. In short, we can give you whatever you can think of.”

“Yes, but before that, I hope to pay a reward to show my sincerity. After all, I got through the contact points that I only saw on the two and a half planes. Shouldn’t you guys thank me?” Then Andre raised his arm and shook the cloth bag in his hand slightly. Metaphor.

There is no doubt that this is a kind of blackmail in disguise.

Although Susk was very angry, he knew that he had no right to refuse, so he closed his eyes and contacted the mastermind, and immediately asked, “Say, what kind of thanks do you want?”

Looking at the four tentacles on the other side’s mouth that kept swaying in anger, Andre laughed and replied indifferently: “Fine gold! I need a lot of fine gold! I believe that for a building with thousands of years of history For the underground cities of China, it shouldn’t be a problem to fill up ten cubic meters of space with fine gold?”

“What! Are you dreaming! What is fine gold? Fine gold is the hardest in this world. The rarest metal! The yield is extremely low even in the ground! Often the fine gold associated with a giant vein will never exceed one cubic meter. You actually want to get ten cubic meters at a time?!”

It is estimated that the asking price was too harsh, and Susk finally couldn’t help raising his arms and roaring like a giant dragon.

He couldn’t believe his ears, and at the same time he couldn’t believe that the young human in front of him dared to lion’s big mouth!

You must know that the total amount of fine gold stored in the entire Addison’s warehouse is only about 30 cubic meters. It is a family property that has been reluctantly saved after more than a thousand years. Now the other party thinks Take away one third?

absolutely impossible!

“Hehe, calm down, calm down my friend, too much excitement is not good for your body.”

Andre is not in the slightest The roar that rang out was frightened. Instead, he chuckled on the table with a chuckle, and then emphasized in a tone that would not allow anyone to refute: “You seem to have forgotten. I have the only channel for you to communicate with the outside world.

To put it another way, this transaction is unequal from the very beginning.

I have the right to price, and you can only choose to agree to the transaction, or disagree with the transaction, and disagree The price is that you can’t get a small amount of supplies, even the food you most urgently need-your brain.

Now, either meet my requirements and pay ten cubic meters of fine gold, or roll back obediently and honestly. Hungry.

If you let me find any harboring malicious intentions, then you have to say goodbye to this dimension bag…”

After a series of trials, Andre Finally showing his fangs and biting on the other’s vitals, he believed that by taking Heart Demon’s extremely rational thinking and behavior, he would definitely agree to this condition full of profiting from somebody’s misfortune.

Susk was trembling with anger, and the illusory image was affected by emotional images, and began to shake violently, as if it might explode at any time.

But just when he wanted to use his psychic powers to teach the greedy human in front of him a lesson, the main brain suddenly issued an order.

“Agree with his terms! Our current number of slaves is less than 800, and the male to female ratio is seriously imbalanced. If they continue to eat their brains, there will not be enough slaves to incubate tadpoles in the future. Although Fine Gold It is a kind of precious and rare magic metal, but it is nothing compared to the continuation of the entire ethnic group.”

“Observe, great will.” Susk’s spirit strength is respectful and respectful. Responded.

For a heart demon city, the mastermind is the sovereign of Supreme, a concentrated expression of the will of the entire ethnic group. Every member must unconditionally obey its orders, even for protection when necessary It sacrifices itself.

It is difficult for humans to understand the complex social structure under this absolute order, just like Heart Demon can never understand why humans are always tempted by low-level desires.

Looking at Andre’s right eye with confident rays of light, Susk took a deep breath, resisting the urge to smash the opponent’s face with psychic powers, and slowly said: “We agree Give you ten cubic meters of fine gold as a gift, but you must also ensure that we meet our food needs as soon as possible.”

“No problem! As long as you can afford the price, I guarantee that whatever you want Nothing is wrong.” Andre forcibly contained the ecstasy in his heart, nodded indifferently.

To be honest, he didn’t expect the other party to come up with ten cubic meters of fine gold at all. He just wanted to test Edison’s wealthy Chengdu, but absolutely didn’t expect that he actually got it. .

After all, fine gold is a metal whose density is greater than that of gold. One cubic meter weighs more than 40 tons, and ten cubic meters is equivalent to 400 tons.

Generally speaking, to make a sturdy gold golem, you only need to mix five tons of fine gold in steel. A golem like this can be cut up with ordinary weapons and even a little trace can not be left. A hundred tons can make a full forty.

And forty golden golems can crush thousands of armies head-on, even if it destroys one or two kingdoms, it’s okay. This shows how ruthless Andre is with this bamboo stick , To describe it as frenzied is light.

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