Arcane Lord

Chapter 757

“Only Goddess is the highest!”

Every coin flashing with golden rays of light is printed with words unique to the dark elves, which is a kind of fanaticism Their religious beliefs also represent their oppressive, cruel, cruel, and ruthless society.

Since the civil war that lasted a few years ago, the defeated dark elves have escaped into the ground and completely fell to the chaotic evil side. The original tolerant, cheerful, life and art-loving sides have been discarded. Leave an elegant and deadly side.

They are the well-deserved overlords of the entire Underground World. Except for the very few races with super-powerful individuals such as Heart Demon, Beholder, and Giant Dragon, the rest are basically enslaved objects. Even the gray dwarf, known as the second Great Influence underground, is nothing but struggling on whilst at death’s door.

According to ancient legends, dark elves seem to have a large number of evil magic skills, able to incorporate vicious curses into weapons, armors, and even any item.

Some of the adventurers who have been to Underground World claim that their weapons can cut through the best whole body plate armor on the surface with no difficulty, and penetrate the giant dragon covered with hard scales. The only disadvantage is that once When exposed to the sun, it will turn into a pile of dust in just a few days.

Of course, since the dark elves are mentioned, they cannot fail to mention the spider Goddess who has always guided them to the fall.

She is the only faith of more than 90% of the dark elves. Through cruel and pathological religions, she holds the believers tightly in her palms, breaks all the shackles of ethics and morality, and allows them to frame and kill each other. Even close relatives are no exception.

It can be said that what Andre is holding is not so much a Gold Coin as it is a microcosm of the values ​​of the Dark Elves. Many merchants connected with Underground World will purchase this Gold Coin at a high price. Because the dark elves do not recognize any other currencies except Spider Gold Coin.

But what really interests him is not the Gold Coin itself, but the exquisite and complicated enchantment…

As everyone knows, there is a kind of morbid desire to collect Heart Demon. Whether it is technology, knowledge, or different types of intelligent creatures, all are the targets they collect.

Since there is the Dark Elf’s Gold Coin manufacturing technology, there will naturally be strong demon methods derived from Ancient Era, the elves brought from another world.

You must know that it is a completely different system from the ancient magical civilization. It is very valuable for research, and no wizard will let it go easily.

Filing with the Gold Coin in his hand, Andre thought about it for a few minutes before suddenly proposing: “Dear friend, some of your conditions touched me. I think we should sign a more detailed Agreement, so that you can get what you need in future transactions, what do you think?”

Susk’s pupilless eyes flashed with a flash of silver light, and he was gladly nodded: “It is true, I also think that I will build a The framework can reduce unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings. After all, we will have more and more transactions in the future, and the number will increase. It is very necessary to maintain good friendship.”


Andre sneered secretly in his heart, but on the surface he was still smiling, pretending to be a big believer.

“Since both of us have reached a consensus on this point, I am not welcome and I will put forward my own views first.

First, I intend to divide the transaction into two major categories , One is the exchange of materials, for example, I provide you with fresh brains, and you provide me with underground specialties such as gold, mithril, fine gold, gems, etc.

Because this type of transaction does not involve more Precious knowledge and technology, so there is no limit in theory. As for the price, we can always find a balance that is acceptable to each other.

The other category is about magic items, or It is the exchange of psionic items.

Because there is a big difference between the two, it is temporarily classified according to the standard of spell energy level. Items with the same energy level are considered equivalent.

Secondly, regarding knowledge and technology, I think we should be cautious and not to snoop into each other’s core privacy, otherwise all cooperation should be terminated immediately.

Finally, it is the most important On the point, you must not secretly control, charm, or suggest a third party through your spirit strength without my permission, let alone come out like this at will.

These are my requirements, you can mention yours now.”

I have to say, negotiate with Heart Demon, so that Andre can find a feeling of being in the business circle in his previous life. .

It’s just that the worst situation in the business world is bankruptcy, and now there will be a mortal danger with a little carelessness. The latter is more exciting and challenging.

Waving four tentacles, Susk did not respond for a long time, as if communicating with the mastermind.

Although Heart Demon’s intelligence is very high, he rarely speaks. Most of the time, he discusses issues through a spiritual connection. This will not only ensure that he will not be heard by outsiders, but also exercise his own strength. , Completely one move, two gains.

After two or three minutes, Susk seemed to have received some order, and immediately controlled the Phantom to move forward, and stretched out a tentacle to hold down Andre’s forehead.

In an instant!

A cold, mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

“Humans, we agree in principle to a condition, but one more thing must be added, which is to answer some questions about Arcane for us. In return, we will also answer some of your interests for you Questions, and at the same time lending a helping hand when you are in danger.”

“You are not Susk! Who are you?” Andre keenly noticed that there was something wrong with the other’s tone, frowns asked.

“Me? You can call me a great will or a mastermind. I am the center of Edison and the ruler of the city Supreme.

I know You have a greedy heart, but it’s okay. As long as it can meet my requirements, whether it is fine gold, mithril, gems, gold, Underground World, all kinds of technologies, all can be given to you.

But there is one thing. If you find that you are deceiving me, the consequences will be very serious.

Okay, today’s transaction will stop here, three days later, we will conduct the second time. This time it’s about knowledge and technology. I hope you can prepare well in advance.”

After all, the voice claiming to be the mastermind soon disappeared without a trace from the mind. It is like an invisible ghost. Also hurried, and hurried to go, not giving Andre any chance to explain.

Perhaps in its opinion, it is a great gift to condescend to talk with a human being. In the past, it would definitely use mind control to turn it into a 100% obedient slave.

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