Arcane Lord

Chapter 771

“Report! A weird jar was found. Seventy-one items of various types have been brought back. Apart from this, a dark river was found in the cracks in the lower layer, which filled the air Judging by the faint smell of fish, it should lead to the ocean.”

Throwing the thing in his hand to the ground, the flesh and blood puppet began to report everything he saw.

However, because of the low level of intelligence of the elemental soul, there is not much useful information. After listening to Andre, looking thoughtful touched the chin, muttered to himself: “A dark river leading to the ocean? Interesting, since there is such a way to escape, why does Cecil risk being caught by walking through the passage?”

as everyone knows, anyone who can become a mage may be cruel or selfish , Maybe extreme and crazy, but by no means a fool.

He couldn’t figure out at all, why should a spellcaster with more intelligence than normal people give up a safer route?

It is totally unreasonable!

As the so-called smart people think about problems, the more they think about it, the more complicated it becomes.

Andre is also a smart person, so the common problem of a smart person is particularly obvious in him. All kinds of probabilities for a while, began to emerge in his mind one after another, but in the end, because of the lack of necessary Evidence can only be left behind.

In desperation, he could only temporarily give up his cranky thinking and pointed to the jar exuding gloomy and cold aura.

“Open it!”

“Yes, master.”

The flesh and blood puppet opened its sharp claws and directly tore off the sealing cap attached to it, A male body in a black dress was revealed.

It didn’t take long until it looked like it died. Its pale skin and sharp teeth proved that it was an out-and-out vampire during his lifetime. The cause of death was a fist sized hole in his chest.

Because it is an undead, the corpse is not at all decayed due to the hot climate, and the incredible expression on the face and the horrified eyes remain intact.

“The vampire killed in the vampire lair? Things are getting more and more interesting…”

Andre squinted his eyes while muttering while examining the corpse carefully.

“There are no signs of positive energy and spell damage. From the perspective of the degree of muscle tearing, 80% of them are caused by pure physical attacks… But what kind of weapon can do this?

Stab gun?


Fist Sword?

They don’t seem to be like…”

Obviously, He was not at all trained in forensic medicine, so he didn’t get too many clues from the corpse. The only certainty was that the vampire was so terribly frightened before he died that he did not resist in time.

No fight!

No struggle!

There is no trace of spell either!

It seemed that someone suddenly entered from the front and gave the dead a fatal blow.

After seeing the corpse, Andre briefly flipped through the contents of the bag, more than half of which were related to the necromancer spell.

For example, specially processed bones, organs and embryos immersed in antiseptic solution, a bag of human eyes with a lens formed after a shrunken human eye, bone meal used in the cast, a bunch of newborn babies’ heads The evil magic item made…

In short, normal people can’t help but start vomiting immediately after reading it.

Fortunately, Andre’s nerves were stoic enough, barely disgusting to recognize one by one, and finally took out a black strange book from under the bag.

Out of caution, he not at all opened it immediately, but slightly raised the blindfold, used the detection ability of his left eye to probe, and quickly got detailed information.

“”Undead’s Mystery Book One”, a textbook written by the famous necromancer-Chavez, contains detailed records of the manufacturing and transformation methods of various low-level undying creatures, even A Level 1 mage can also create low-level undead such as skeletons and ghouls as needed. (Note: This book is written with human skin. Anyone who attempts to study it will automatically become one of the evil camp. Member)”

“Human skin? Damn!”

Andre cursed cursed in a low voice, hurriedly tossed the whole book into the sack, without any intention of opening it.

Seeing that no more valuable clues can be found, he promptly said to the giant Fire Element waiting at the side: “Tawi, this mission has been completed. You can take the soldiers from time to time. The Transmission Gate has returned to the Fire Element plane. Thank you for your help, and I will summon separately if needed.”

“As you wish, noble Duke, we are very happy to serve you.” Having said that, the flame general bent down and bowed, turned around and brought thousands of Fire Element, grandiose ran towards the direction of the Transmission Gate.

Watching these simple fire elves disappear at the end of the passage, Andre sighed slightly, motioning to the flesh and blood puppets beside him to pick up everything, and immediately contacted the mage tower.

One second later, two bright white lights flashed, and instantly disappeared without a trace.

With dizziness and a strong urge to vomit, Andre appeared in the Transmission Gate room of the Mage Tower. Before he recovered from the side effects of the teleportation, he saw Angus hurriedly walked towards him. Leaning.

“Your Excellency, welcome back. Could you find anything deep in the tomb?”

“Yes, I found a lot of uncomfortable things, I put them Bring it back, see for yourself.” Andre pointed to the sacks and jars behind him.

Following the direction of the finger, Angus finally noticed the hideous-looking flesh and blood puppet, his pupils shrank instantly, and exclaimed: “Arcane is on! A fascinating demon!”

He couldn’t believe that he could see this terrifying high-level demon in the material world, and the whole person was shaking involuntarily.

You must know that the challenge level of the enchantress in “The Book of Monsters” is thirteen. They are not only proficient in personal combat, but also a lot of spells, which are completely nightmare enemies.

No mage is willing to fight head-on with the tempter, at least he won’t have similar thoughts until he masters Arcane at level 7 or higher, because it is no different from suicide.

Seeing the nervous look in the bald mage’s eyes, Andre shook the head with a chuckle and explained: “No, don’t be fooled by its appearance. This is just a construct with the appearance of a seducer. Now tell me where Cecil is locked up? I have a lot of questions for him to answer.”

Hearing that the demon he saw was not real, Angus immediately sighed in relief and wiped his face and forehead. Sweat from above, smiled bitterly and replied: “Cecile was locked up in the innermost forbidden cell of 2-Layer underground. I confiscated his portable items. If you need it, you can check it out in the warehouse area at any time.

In addition, I have to remind you that it is best not to let too many people see this puppet, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble.”

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