Arcane Lord

Chapter 793

“No, on the contrary, I think all the contradictions within the Ratman have already erupted with the death of Uncle Ni. Maybe the situation does not look bad now, but that is Because there is still the old enemy of the guild, once the guild falls, there must be a fight among them.

Especially those small groups of a dozen or twenty people, they don’t care what the group will do in the future. , Just grab a vote with fiercely and leave the idea of ​​Sardinia, and then go to the outside world to live a free life.

The existence of these people has caused a great deal of our control of the lower city Trouble, they attacked all seemingly wealthy buildings, wantonly plundering residents’ property, and many areas that had gradually stabilized, once again turmoil and riots.

The most important thing is that they are very troublesome to deal with On the one hand, we are afraid of irritating the rat people who are in a crazy state, so we dare not directly use too direct and violent means; on the other hand, we have to maintain order.

According to Jess , We are now like mice falling into a bellows, neither can get any benefit.

You’d better make a decision as soon as possible whether to continue to ally with the rat people or let them go to destruction, if I can’t deal with this matter as quickly as possible, otherwise I will end up with a devastated city.”

In order for Andre to give up unrealistic illusions, Mia had to take all the things that happened overnight All the changes are said.

In her eyes, the rat people who have lost their uncle ni restraint have become terrifying wild beasts than any enemy. They either force them to subdue by violent means, or drive them and the guild to consume each other until they are killed and injured. As far as possible, anyway, we must not allow the other party to destroy without scruples.

Smart people know that destruction is always easier than construction, and salvation is always more difficult than killing.

Someone once said that human civilization is actually a flower in a greenhouse. Although it looks beautiful and charming, it can’t stand the test of wind and rain at all. Maybe it’s a fire that hasn’t been extinguished in time. , A group of thugs with mental problems can, with no difficulty, destroy towns that can only be established for decades or even hundreds of years.

Don’t think this is cracking a joke!

Any kind of gregarious creatures on the world cannot do without rules. Although local rules like Warren City may be vague, rules are rules. All residents in a certain area agree and Follow the order.

But once this order is destroyed, then people will have a kind of tension and anxiety due to insecurity.

With the escalation of emotions, the animal nature hidden in people’s genes will be slowly stimulated. If they are stimulated by the outside world, they will often engage in appalling acts, such as robbery, rape, murder, Arson, destruction, etc.

In short, countless examples in the books tell us that human beings are actually very complex and contradictory higher creatures. They not only have superficial sociality, but also have animality hidden in the bottom of their hearts. The animality is hidden.

Andre knows better than anyone in this world what a city will look like after losing order, two cold lights are inadvertently revealed in his eyes.

I saw him take a deep breath, and asked in a non-emotional tone: “Tell me, do you think that among the three forces at present, who has the highest utilization value and who is most likely to continue? Uncle Ni’s strategy, continue to work with us?”

The more urgent the situation is, the more calm you must be, and you must not be influenced by negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, panic, etc., otherwise it will only make the result become worse.

Andre has never been a person who is easily influenced by emotions, and can even be considered cold-blooded to some extent.

In the last life, someone once asked in the tone of cracking a joke, what would he do if one day his relative was kidnapped by a gang and asked him to surrender all his property.

As a result, his answer is that if there is one day, he will give out more than half of his property as a bonus, offering rewards to the kidnappers and their relatives, family members and friends, and coercing the kidnappers to release their relatives. If the other party dares to tear up the ticket, Then he dared to kill all the relatives and friends of the kidnappers, even the newborn baby.

Because he knows that such a situation is absolutely impossible and compromise is just like a country is always impossible to bow to terrorists, otherwise there will be a second time if there is a first time, and a second time if there is a second time. Three times…

regardless of the law and of natural morality’s outlaw will not care whether you are kind or not, they will only think you are weak and deceptive.

Mia perceives the chill radiating from Andre’s body, and subconsciously replied subconsciously, without thinking: “Giant mouse Pierre is definitely the most valuable, and he controls the number of rat people. The professional has a strong frontal combat ability. However, he is also the most exclusive, extreme, and xenophobic guy. The probability of being drawn up is basically zero.

Kencopard used to be engaged in intelligence The collection and sorting work is relatively sensible and sober, but if you want to win over people who think of him as a wily old fox, you must pay a certain price. We can try to get in touch first.

As for the last A Patty, as long as you want, I can let him crawl down like a dog to loyal to you.”

“In this case, I order you to stabilize Patty first and try to keep the young ratman Gather it up, and then inform several of the people in the Shadownet, give me all my strength to attack the upper city, give the giant mouse Pierre a chance, let them bite the dog with the guild dog, if there is an opportunity, make some accidents. Let him go with Uncle Ni as a company.”

Without any hesitation, and without any guilt, Andre directly pushed thousands of rat people to death.

For him, the radicals headed by “giant mouse” Pierre is a dangerous force and a force beyond his control, so let these guys fight the enemy It’s best to live or die

“What about Ken Copper? What will he do? Just let him continue lurking in the city?” Mia frowned asked rhetorically.

“Meet me, try it out, and agree to it as long as the conditions are not excessive. I don’t have time to care about these trivial things, you can do it yourself.

Oh, By the way, has Jace completed the control of the gang in the lower city? If he is not urged to hurry up, the pirate king Francis will return in three days. I don’t want him to see the situation in the city.”

After that, Andre raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the forbidden demon shackles ka-cha on Mia’s hand were released with a bang, and then fell to the ground automatically.

Mia moved her a little stiff wrist, one-knee kneels assuredly said: “Please rest assured, the Xiacheng has been integrated, and you can perform a real drama at any time, at least around the dock area. It is absolutely impossible to let the pirates see any weak spot.”

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