Arcane Universe

Chapter 115

Early on the 2nd day, Hogan came to the Red Lion Tavern to meet Feng Chou.

After the two met, they soon left the tavern and left the town from the north gate of Amberit. Under the leadership of Feng Chou, they went straight to Northwest, which was led by Amberit.

Led by Feng Chou, the two entered the forest from the northwest corner of the territory, and marched toward the depths of the forest.

After approaching the goblin camp, at the reminder of Feng Chou, Hogan used Rogue’s stealth skill. As a part-time Level 4 Rogue, Hogan’s stealth skill is quite good.

Feng Chou directly activated the invisible ring on his finger.

Feng Chou, who suddenly became invisible, took a big leap from Hogan. It stands to reason that a mercenary like Feng Chou can’t afford such a good magical equipment as an invisible ring. This makes him The alarm bells in my heart.

Fortunately, Feng Chou didn’t take any other actions, but took Hogan to the edge of the open space outside the goblin camp.

Hogan climbed up a big tree and confirmed that there was indeed a troll in the camp.

Feng Chou whispered to Hogan: “The hunting goblin wolf cavalry will set off very early. They should have set off early now. Let’s go all around and have a look. You should be able to see them staying today. Fresh traces of the forest.”

Hogan was nodded, and the two got into the forest.

As a predator living in the grasslands and forests, the wolves hardly leave any traces when they move in Ling Zhongxing.

This morning, Feng Chou replaced the familiar with a goshawk and took the Universe Pagoda back and attached it to himself. With the help of the scanning function of the Universe Pagoda, Feng Chou quickly and accurately found out The faint traces left by the wolf.

At first, Hogan also wondered if Feng Chou was really tracking something or was still leading the way, but after Feng Chou casually pointed out a few traces that were almost invisible, he shut up Up.

Shut up Hogan was shocked. As a veteran mercenary, he knew many excellent mid-level Rogues, but he had never seen such a powerful tracking technology. Is this Allen a high-level Rogue? No, this made Hogan more vigilant.

Following Feng Chou’s rapid pace in the woods, they finally stopped by a small river.

Because of the nourishment of the river, there are lush shrubs on both sides of this small river. Only this small section of the river where the wolf cavalry wades, the shrubs on the shore are artificially cleaned and can pass.

It is not difficult to judge that this place should be the only way for this group of goblins.

Feng Chou told Hogan his inference.

Hogan thought for a while and asked: “Do you think we should set an ambush here?”

Feng Chou said: “Yes, instead of catching up, we’d better stay here with ease. Set ambush, after killing this group of goblin wolf cavalry, we can continue to set ambush here to find their goblin, what do you think?”

Hogan thought for a while and said, “Good idea. “

The two crossed the river and hid in a thick bush not far from the bank.

They waited until the afternoon when a giant wolf suddenly appeared in the sight of the two of them. The appearance of the giant wolf was not much different from that of an ordinary wolf, but it was bigger than an ordinary wolf. It’s five or six times bigger, and it’s about the same size as an ordinary horse.

This is the famous wolf, a terrible creature in the forest that even tigers fear.

The wolf’s coat is dark brown, with simple armor and a saddle tied to its back. A green-skinned humanoid wearing a simple leather armor rides in the saddle.

This green-skinned creature is short in stature and has pointed ears. It is exactly a goblin.

But this goblin is different from the timid, rat-like creature in Leo’s memory. Although his body is short, it is very delicate, alert, and cold and firm in his eyes.

With the appearance of this goblin wolf cavalry, wolf cavalry constantly rushed out of the forest and entered the sight of Feng Chou and Hogan.

Feng Chou and Hogan hurriedly activated the invisibility and stealth skills.

The wolf rushing under the crotch of the goblin wolf cavalry in front suddenly stopped, and the goblin on the wolf hurriedly raised his hand to signal the companion behind him to stop.

After the wolf cavalry team stopped, the leading goblin Knight leaned down and lay beside the wolf ear, as if communicating with his mount.

The wolves are very smart. After a long period of training, they can communicate with their owners in a simple way.

After communicating with the mount for a while, the goblin straightened up and said something to the companion behind him with the piercing voice characteristic of the goblin.

After a while, the group of twelve wolf cavalry suddenly dispersed and pushed towards the bush where Feng Chou and the others were hiding in a semicircle.

Feng Chou whispered: “I was discovered, go straight on.”

It is not surprising to be discovered. Although the two of them activated invisibility and stealth in time, they stayed there before. The smell in the environment cannot escape the wolf’s nose at all.

Hogan and Feng Chou jumped out of the bushes and rushed towards the ends of the wolf cavalry semi-circular formation.

Feng Chou draws a sword in his hand, squats down, lowers the center of gravity, leaning sideways, taking small steps, rushing forward in an arc, he hides the two-handed sword in his hand with his body Behind him is the most dangerous Hidden Sword Style in the white crow sword technique.

Hogan also uses the same Hidden Sword Style.

As they rushed out, the half-moon wolf cavalry array changed. The horizontal row was cut off from the middle and rolled towards the two.

Feng Chou rushed to a position four or five meters away from the nearest wolf cavalry, turned his feet, and moved a few steps to the left, avoiding the wolf cavalry who rolled towards him from the right. He went around to the side of the wolf cavalry on the far left edge again. Then, he stepped up, twisted his waist, turned his shoulders, and waved his arms. The two-handed sword hidden behind him passed the wolf’s waist and abdomen like lightning. .

The +3 black steel two-handed sword cut open the waist and abdomen of the wolf like tofu, and cut off a leg of the goblin wolf cavalry by the way, cutting up from his ass, and cutting his abdomen from Side cut…

Hogan almost used the same tactics as Feng Chou to solve the first goblin wolf cavalry.

But the next tactics, the two are completely different.

Feng Chou, after beheading the first goblin wolf cavalry, followed the sword in his hand and unfolded the full sword style. The long sword with both hands turned into a sword light. Several wolf cavalry came around. After rolling around, there was a corpse left…

And Hogan, after beheading the first goblin wolf cavalry, turned the Hidden Sword Style into a half-sword style. Fight with the other wolf cavalry who came up.

Feng Chou not only shocked the other goblins, but even Hogan was shocked when he started the full sword pose.

Feng Chou finished killing the wolf cavalry on his side, and without the slightest hesitation, launched the “charge technique” towards the goblin wolf cavalry on Hogan’s side.

“Charge” is one of the basic skills of intermediate warrior. It is a skill that injects the power of Heidegar into the legs and feet to greatly increase the running speed of the warrior in a short time.

Feng Chou’s figure turned into a series of afterimages and rushed into the goblin wolf cavalry surrounding Hogan…

These wolf cavalry can’t let one go. Once someone escapes, Let the goblin tribe be prepared, and the next weakening tactics will be ruined.

Feng Chou’s charge immediately reminded Hogan and the remaining wolf cavalry.

The remaining wolf cavalry no longer cared about besieging Hogan, and fled in all directions.

Hogan hurriedly lifted his sword and rushed forward, cutting off the hind legs of two wolves from behind, and also inciting a charge, chasing the third wolf cavalry.

Feng Chou charged and then jumped, killed a wolf cavalry, and then turned and chased another wolf cavalry.

The warrior’s charge technique can increase the speed of straight running to two or three times the usual speed in a short period of time, and the speed even exceeds that of the wolf.

Feng Chou and Hogan chased and killed their respective targets, then turned back, chased and killed the two goblins who had to walk away after Hogan had their wolf’s legs chopped off. This hunting squad was wiped out.

After killing the goblin wolf cavalry, Hogan looked towards Feng Chou’s eyes completely different, full of fear.

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