Arcane Universe

Chapter 159

Fortunately, Jeremy and the others did not lose the chain this time. They took out a new force field prison wand and cast the spell again, trapping the remaining four black steel golems.

When the four black steel golems hit the invisible wall again, everyone couldn’t help but relax.

The force field prison can last for two hours, so long, it is enough for Master Eugene to clean them up one by one.

Mage Eugene built a Transmission Gate in the square leading to the seal room of his mage tower.

Then he canceled the magic prison one by one, using the powerful hand formed by Bigby’s smashing palm, grabbing the black steel golem one by one, and throwing it into the Transmission Gate.

When the last black steel golem was sent into the Transmission Gate, the people at the scene almost cheered.

Archmage Eugene also felt the long-lost excitement.

This time, not to mention the wealth and territory promised by the Benedict family, these ten black steel golems are already worth the money.

The Black Steel Golem also completely overthrew Archmage Eugene’s doubts about the strength of the ancient Arcanist.

With the passing of time, among modern mages, fewer people have seen the remains of the Arcane era, and there is less and less awe of Arcanist.

Prior to this, Eugene had only learned about Arcanist and Arcane in the literature. Like other mages in this era, he had a strong skepticism about the power of Arcanist.

These ten black steel golems completely broke his suspicion. This kind of golem from the Arcane era is far more terrifying than any kind of steel golem he has seen. It almost It violates Eugene’s perception of the Iron Golem.

Eugene couldn’t help being excited when he thought of studying this kind of golem when he went back. Maybe he could copy this kind of golem.

Everyone took a break and cautiously walked into the first floor of Arcane Tower.

If the upper layer of the Arcane Tower is not destroyed, the Tower Spirit of Arcane Tower is still there. After the 1st floor defensive force is eliminated, the upper layer guards should be teleported down continuously, and the battle will be Unfolding continuously on the periphery of Arcane Tower, not to the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, will never let the enemy enter the Arcane Tower.

But this half of Arcane Tower, which lost the Tower Spirit, was unable to respond to it, allowing these people to walk into the first floor of Arcane Tower.

This is a very wide hall, much larger than the Arcane Tower seen from the outside.

Although it has faded for too long, it can still be seen that this hall was once decorated very ornately, with cumbersome and gorgeous chandeliers, thick and soft carpets, sculptures and oil paintings all around the walls… …

This hall looks more like a Duke’s banquet hall than the main hall of the Arcane Tower.

There are a dozen closed doors on the walls all around the hall.

Archmage Eugene can easily see that these doors are locked by the secret technique.

Maybe these gates are not important, so the level of these secret technique locks is not high, and it looks like it was set by a low-level wizard.

Master Eugene easily opened these secret technique locks.

They found that behind these doors, some were kitchens, some were food warehouses, some were wine rooms, some were dormitories for apprentices and low-level mages, and some guest rooms, small entertainment lounges, and so on. None of them are of much value.

They found two Transmission Formations in the gates on the right and left of the lobby.

The Archmage Eugene produced a cheap wooden structure from the summon of his mage mansion, placed it on the Transmission Formation in the left room, and then inspired the array.

The so-called construct is a bit similar to a robot. It is assembled by a wizard using alchemy. Generally, it has a human shape, but it also has a beast or other shapes. The core of the construct is the soul of the intelligent creature. The wizard will After the soul captured by oneself is processed by magic, it is injected into the structure as the intellectual core of the structure, and then awakened and controlled by the magic ceremony.

The constructs activated in this way have low intelligence and can only execute simple commands.

If you want to get a highly intelligent construct, you need to use the Level 9 ceremony of Constructed Wisdom to wake up the construct, and you can get a construct with no lower intelligence than a human.

However, this Level 9 ceremony is very laborious and expensive, and is generally used to activate the Tower Spirit of some mage towers.

When making a construct, the wizard can give the construct certain spellcasting abilities, of course, except for golems.

The golem is a special construction, this construction within the body is attached with an anti-magic field, has the ability to be immune to magic, and naturally it will not cast any magic.

The wooden structure disappeared in the array, there was no information, and he did not follow his order to record the situation on the other side and then send it back.

The Great Master tried the opposite Transmission Formation in the same way.

This time the wooden structure was quickly teleported back and brought back the scene opposite the Transmission Formation.

The opposite of Transmission Formation is the restraint room, but the restraint room seems to have stopped operating.

After several times it was confirmed that there was no danger across the Transmission Formation on the right side of the hall, Archmage Eugene tried to teleport two fighters.

The fighters soon teleported back, and they reconfirmed that the opposite side is safe.

The next thing went very smoothly. Mage Eugene first teleported a few of the strongest fighters, and then personally followed it.

The bondage room is a very empty and dark hall. The hall does not seem to be special, but in the vision of the Archmage’s secret technique, the entire hall, including the floor and ceiling, is mysterious and mysterious. The magic loop pattern is full.

But these patterns are bleak, and they have obviously stopped running.

After confirming the safety, the Archmage used the same method to verify that the next level was also safe.

They successfully reached the main goal this time, the second underground floor where the negative energy pool is located.

Mage Eugene was not surprised to be able to reach the second basement floor so smoothly.

Generally speaking, the owner of the mage tower will live in the Arcane garden or laboratory on the upper level of the mage tower.

Very few wizards live in the basement, even a dead Spirit Master rarely do.

So, most wizards like to place the defensive power of the wizard tower on the upper layer of the wizard tower to facilitate control and maintenance.

When outsiders attack the Mage Tower, because the master of the Mage Tower and Tower Spirit are both on the upper level, most of the time they attack upwards.

In addition, once the Mage Tower is attacked by the enemy, the usual method is to gather the enemy outside the door. Most of the battles take place outside the Mage Tower. When the enemy comes in, it means that the defense line of the Mage Tower has collapsed. .

In addition, the restraint room on the basement level of the Mage Tower itself has a powerful defensive ability. No one will walk right into a trap and come here.

Combined for these reasons, most mage towers do not have too much defensive power underground.

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