Arcane Universe

Chapter 161

Curiously visited the circle, Feng Chou said to the attentive legal intern: “I need a solicitor to help me draft an employment contract and assist me in the judicial process of the contract. Just.”

The intern said: “Come with me, sir, I will introduce you a very good solicitor, he will definitely satisfy you.”

Internship Sheng took him to the third office at the end of the corridor on the left on the first floor and knocked on the door.

“Please come in.” The voice sounded very young.

The intern opened the door and invited Feng Chou in.

This is a very concise office. In the middle of the office is a fairly large desk. The desk is painted brown and behind it sits a young lawyer. He is dressed in black. Luck’s dress, inside is Miyellow’s “Ki Lai”, with a gray hair set on his head.

Behind the lawyer is a wide and bright window. In front of the wall on the left and right of the window, there are two bookshelves of the same color as the desk, and the bookshelves are full of books.

In front of the desk, there is also a chair opposite the lawyer. After Feng Chou walked in, the young lawyer stood up, pointed to the opposite chair and said, “Please sit down, sir, What can I do for you?”.

Feng Chou handed the intern a Krona back to express his gratitude. Then he walked to the opposite of the desk, extended the hand, and said to the lawyer: “Leo, Leo Amberit Baron.”


Among the urban gentry class, lawyers undoubtedly belong to the superstructure. As a foreign nobleman, Feng Chou feels that he must maintain some respect for these locals who manipulate the law.

The lawyer was not at all moved because of his Baron title. He extended the hand and shook hands with him, said with a slight smile: “It turns out that I respect your Excellency Baron, my name is Zakley, Zakley Lawrence, I am honored to be able to serve you. What kind of business do you need to handle?”

After the two shook hands, both took their seats.

Feng Chou said: “I need to sign an employment contract with the Salma Sword Mercenary Corps. You need to help me draw up a legal document, and you will negotiate with the other party’s lawyer. And is responsible for the judicial justice of the follow-up documents. At nine o’clock tomorrow morning, I will make an appointment with the other party and see you at the gate of the Western Region court.”

After hearing his request, Lawyer Zakley said: “It’s very simple Business, there is no problem at all. Now let’s talk about my charging standard. I usually charge by time. The standard is 12 crowns an hour. If you can accept my charging standard…”

Speaking of which, he Pushing a document to Feng Chou, he said: “…Please sign this contract, and our business will officially start timing.”

After listening to the other party’s charging standards, Feng Chou forbeared Can’t help cursed, fuck me! No wonder people say that lawyers are robbers who don’t take knives, and the service fee of 12 crowns an hour, not to mention civilians, even the decent middle class can’t stand it.

According to Feng Chou’s observations and calculations during this period of time, this World, the purchasing power of a leather is almost equivalent to Earth World’s Renminbi, and 12 kronor is equal to 1200 leather, which is 1200 Renminbi. One hour!

An ordinary mercenary like Feng Chou, who buys a day’s life, most of the time can’t make so much money, and this young lawyer only needs to use his mouth to write and write essays. Earn so much in one hour!

However, Feng Chou was not surprised by this. Lawyers, public officials, bank employees, senior company employees, such people are themselves the main force of the urban middle class, and lawyers are well-known among them. figure.

Feng Chou not at all raised an objection to the price. This is not in line with his status as a nobleman. Besides, for him now, 12 crowns is really just a small amount of money.

Feng Chou read the document once, then picked up the feather dip pen on the table, and signed his name on the signature.

Next, Feng Chou explained in detail the employment affairs between himself and the sword of Salma, and took out the property rights document of the manor in Adunis, which he intends to use as mortgage. This document contains Divine force tag of Goddess of Fortune.

At this time, the lawyer showed the value of charging 12 crowns for an hour. This guy turned out to be the pastor of the Lord of Glory. Although only a trainee pastor, it was enough to cast a spell to distinguish Goddess divine force. The true and false of the mark.

The Lord of Radiance allows professionals such as lawyers and judges to serve as his pastor, just as the God of Arcane allows magician to serve as his pastor.

After confirming the authenticity of the mortgaged property, lawyer Zakley began to draft legal documents.

After several consultations and revisions, the document was finalized by the two. Feng Chou and the other party once again determined to meet at the gate of the Western Region court at nine o’clock tomorrow morning, and then left.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Feng Chou changed into a low-key and luxurious formal dress that was enough to demonstrate his aristocratic status and went to the Western Region court.

Casalanka is divided into nine districts, namely east, south, west, north four districts and southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest four districts, plus a middle district, each Each district has an independent local court.

The judicial system of the Owendell Empire is very simple, divided into three levels, namely the Court of First Instance, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of the Empire.

Casalanca Western Region Court is a court of first instance.

The court of first instance, as the name suggests, is the court where the case is first tried. There are two kinds of judges in the court of first instance, one is the business judge and the other is the judge of the first instance.

Commercial judges are similar to solicitors. They are only responsible for some legal procedures such as contract signing, divorce agreement, company establishment, etc., which do not need to be tried in court. They have no right to preside over court trials, but can participate in court trials as an assistant to the trial judge.

According to Owendell’s practice, judges are generally selected from lawyers, and solicitors are the only kind of judges who will be selected among solicitors.

The judge of first instance is the judge who presides over the trial in the court of first instance. Only the litigation lawyer has the right to be nominated as the judge of first instance.

The trial judge is also called the circuit judge. This is because, in order to avoid judicial fraud, the trial judge will be transferred between different trial courts every once in a while.

The Court of Appeal, as the name suggests, is the body that appeals to parties who disagree with the trial results of the court of first instance.

The presiding judge of the Court of Appeal is called the Appellate Judge. They are the mainstay of the judges. The Appellate Judge has the right to mobilize the trial judge and the business judge.

Only senior solicitors with more than fifteen years of experience in court debate or judges with more than five years of experience as trial judges are entitled to be nominated for the post of appellate judge.

The Supreme Court of the Empire only exists in the capital city of Owendale. It is the final court of the Owendale Empire. The presiding judge of the Supreme Court is the justice. The justices are nominated by the Prime Minister of the Empire and reviewed by the Parliament of the Empire. Finally, the imperial emperor approved the appointment. According to custom, only barristers or litigation lawyers with more than ten years of trial experience are eligible to be nominated as justices.

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