Arcane Universe

Chapter 246

The Nether Souls crossed the deck and came to the sky above the battlefield. They attacked the remaining Kou Tao murloc fighters on the battlefield with their “corrupted gaze”, causing these wild fighters to panic and Weeping in pain, she turned around and jumped off the side of the ship, plunged into the waves, and disappeared.

After releasing the corrupted gaze, seven or eight Nether Soul without the slightest hesitation rushed into the crowd of Kou Taoyu, brandishing the imaginary sharp claw, and frantically attacking the Kou Taoyu.

The sudden appearance of terrible enemies caused panic among the Kou Tao murlocs. In addition, the leader was controlled and the boss fled, so that the Kou Tao murlocs’ offensive was suddenly slowed down, if it were not for the merchant ship. The morale of bodyguards is too low and too negative. If you can seize this opportunity, it will be enough to drive the Kou Taoyu people off the boat again.

It’s strange that Feng Chou doesn’t seem to care about the negativity of his men. After he released Nether Soul to stabilize the battle, he no longer pays attention to the battlefield, but looks around again, seeming to be waiting What…

Just when Feng Chou was looking around nervously, a teleported rays of light flashed by, and a strange humanoid appeared five or six meters away in front of Feng Chou. .

This strange humanoid creature is very similar to humans except for its purple skin. Its body size is also like a tall and thin human, but his head is like an octopus in the mouth. There are five or six octopus arms and legs that are nearly one meter long growing on the site, constantly stretching and wriggling.

Grab Heart Demon!

After the Heart Demon was sent over, without the slightest hesitation, he raised the staff inlaid with purple gems, as if he was planning to use some spell, but immediately, he couldn’t help but froze for a while.

It turned out that after the Heart Demon was transferred, the innate talent spell “Spirit Burst” was cast without the slightest hesitation.

Spirit Burst is a very powerful spirit spell, which can cause extremely strong mental shocks to creatures in the range. It is much stronger than the spiritual shock of the wizard, and it is extremely difficult to save. Once subjected to this kind of mental shock, one side of the brain will be blank for a short time and become an idiot-like existence, at the mercy of others.

Furthermore, the range of this spell is also famous for its wide range. Even if the lowest Heart Demon is displayed, it can affect the range of nearly 20 meters in radius, almost covering most of the battlefield on the ship. .

Heart Demon is a terrifying creature with a natural creature level of up to level 10. According to Universe Pagoda’s scanning and analysis, the current Heart Demon’s level is at least Level 12, and it’s in Heart Demon. It only belongs to miscellaneous soldiers, but for other creatures, it is more terrifying than most existences above ten Fifth Level.

After this Heart Demon is sent over, he intends to immediately cast Spirit Burst. Once he successfully casts it, most of the humans on the battlefield can be turned into idiots, and as the mind control of the Heart Demon The slave, the Kou Tao murlocs present are immune to this spell.

Once the Heart Demon successfully releases the spell, the result can be imagined.

But this Heart Demon is now surprised to find that he failed to cast the spell. You must know that Spirit Burst is the innate talent spell of Heart Demon. It does not require preparation, and almost no time, almost impossible failure.

After a while, this Heart Demon realized what happened.

“Anti-Magic Field!”

Spirit Burst also belongs to the category of spell. Since it is spell, it will naturally be suppressed by Anti-Magic Field.

Heart Demon is a magical creature with psychic energy as its core. Once it is suppressed by the anti-magic field, it loses the ability to cast spells, and its ability then went ninety-nine percent.

Realizing that he was being suppressed by the Anti-Magic Field, the Heart Demon panicked. He glanced around while feeling at a loss. He even forgot that he still had a pair of legs.

In fact, even if he remembered it, it was useless, because opposite him, a human holding a shield had already charged towards him with the sound of howling wind.

This person is naturally Feng Chou. When he heard the prompt from Universe Pagoda that the target has been suppressed by the anti-magic field, he charged the disgusting humanoid without the slightest hesitation.

Feng Chou charged with a shield attack, and the effortless smashed Heart Demon into the space door hidden by the illusion not far behind him.

It turned out that according to Locke’s memory, Universe Pagoda Ling and Feng Chou had long studied the fighting and plundering methods of the most threatening pirates on the West Coast route.

The raiding tactics of the brain-eater pirates are very classic. They will use their own fleet to contain the escorted warship, and then send the Kou Tao murlocs to approach the fleet from another direction and directly seize the ship.

Among the Kou Tao murlocs who seize the ship, there is often a low-level Heart Demon. This Heart Demon will suddenly be teleported to the ship when the ship seizes the battle to heat up. Spirit Burst directly ends the battle.

This tactic to capture Heart Demon is very effective. There are almost a hundred shots. Even if humans know their methods, they can’t do anything about it, because the spell of Spirit Burst is really abnormal, and it’s extremely difficult to rely on will to save. Most of the protection spells are ineffective against it. At present, it is known that only the eight-level spell mental barrier can block this spell, and this is a fucking instant range spell!

So, once you encounter the Brain Eater pirate fleet, there will always be a few merchant ships looted, but the number is more or less that’s all.

For such a pirate group, Feng Chou and the Universe Pagoda spirit naturally paid great attention to them, and they formulated a combat plan specifically.

The plan is actually very simple, that is, Feng Chou and Universe Pagoda cannot participate in the battle. Once the Heart Demon is captured and the transmission starts, the Universe Pagoda adds the secret technique eye scanning function to immediately discover the space fluctuation transmitted by the other party.

The Universe Pagoda spirit will determine the transfer position of the Heart Demon based on the transmission fluctuations. After determining the transfer location, the Universe Pagoda spirit will stimulate a certain Austrian steel golem that is suppressed at the bottom of the Universe Pagoda, and let It inspires the anti-magic field.

When the Heart Demon was successfully teleported and appeared on the ship, the Universe Pagoda has opened a road behind it to the bottom of the Universe Pagoda. Someone was stimulated and had inspired the iron golem next to the anti-magic field. The space gate…

The plan was implemented perfectly. Feng Chou slammed Heart Demon into the Universe Pagoda and suppressed it with a shield attack.

Next, Feng Chou pointed out that he took out the newly made Aogang automatic rifle and began to call the Kou Tao murloc on the ship.

The +3 and +4 enchanted armor on Kou Tao’s murloc can’t stop the formidable power fired from this automatic rifle, which is close to the Austrian steel core bullet of the sixth-level single spell.

With every gunshot, a Kou Tao murloc was smashed into his head.

Some murloc fighters launched an assault against Feng Chou, and seven or eight Nether Souls immediately threw down their opponents, protecting Feng Chou’s group in the middle.

The irresistible musket, the terrible Nether Soul, and the most important thing is that the strange disappearance of the leader of the Heart Demon finally made the group of Kou Tao murloc slaves scared and desperate. They fled to the ship’s side. , Jumped down, plunged into the sea, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The battle was finally over, and the crew members who had escaped from the dead gave out unbelievable hysterical cheers.

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