Arcane Universe

Chapter 254

Among this group of demon hunting spiders, there are several enlarged versions of demon hunting spiders. Although they were beaten by Bimon giant beasts, they rolled all over the floor and the juice was flowing, but they were not dead for a while. Staying on Beamon’s hands and feet prevented him from impudent to slaughter ordinary Demon Hunter Spiders.

This enlarged version of the demon hunter is an advanced creature of the demon hunter. They have a diameter of more than five meters and a biological level of nearly twenty levels. They are a kind of quasi-Legendary creatures. They are called As “Black Widow”.

After five or six black widows entangled Bimon, the other ordinary demon hunting spiders crossed Bimon’s giant beast like flowing water, and rushed towards the natural elves protected by Bimon behind them.

Among the natural elves, there is a group of people who are particularly conspicuous. They wear gorgeous Battle Armor made of golden metal, which is incompatible with the natural elves who are mostly wearing green armor around them.

Among this group of elves, there should be a powerful wizard, because just in front of the elves team, there are more than a dozen golems. Most of these golems are dark black steel golems, but in the team At the forefront, there are two golems with different colors. If they are ordinary mages, they may not be recognized, but Feng Chou is very familiar with these things. They are clearly two Aogang golems.

The golem blocked the spider torrent. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the natural elves knight-errant and druids in the back continued to perform long-range attacks to attack the demon hunter spider group.

A flame arrow, a frost arrow, bursts out terrible elemental damage on the demon hunter spider. The armor piercing arrow easily penetrates the spider’s carapace and penetrates into their body. within the body.

What’s more terrifying is that some mixed enchanted arrows with piercing armor and fire or frost can easily penetrate the carapace of spiders, penetrate into their bodies within the body, and then burst out terrible Elemental damage can make a Demon Hunter lose its battle strength with one arrow.

This multi-enchanting technique can only be mastered by knight-errant of Grandmaster Rank.

Most druids are using their “thunderstorm spell”, this spell will in a short period of three to five seconds, in a designated area within the druid’s casting range, attract a piece of about the diameter Thirty-meter thundercloud. This thundercloud floats at an altitude of thirty meters from the ground. When the thundercloud is formed, the druid can control the thundercloud to form lightning and strike the target specified by the caster. The thundercloud every second The bell can generate a bolt of lightning. According to the druid’s cast level, it can last from fifteen seconds to one minute. The lightning attack range is the edge of the black cloud and then extends 15 meters, which means that the attack range is sixty in diameter. Meter area.

Although this spell takes effect slowly and has a fixed range after it takes effect, it is easy to be avoided by the enemy, but the formidable power is leveraged. Although it is only a Fifth Level spell, every thunder and lightning that summon comes out, All have formidable power close to the sixth-level single spell.

This kind of spell is not very useful in singles, but at this time it is appropriate. The sky over the battlefield is almost completely covered by dark clouds of thick ink. One after another lightning fell like a torrential rain, three or four times. Lightning can knock over a demon hunting spider.

Some more powerful druids dropped flame storms, frost roars and other powerful range spells farther away from the golem’s defense line, plowing open spaces among the spiders .

There are also some druids who want to wake up the nearby treemen to join the battle, but they found that although these big trees are still alive on the outside, they are actually dead. The life force in the big trees is fading rapidly.

There are also some inexperienced druid summons who have come out of the natural allies, a powerful wild beast from the outer plane, pounced on the battlefield, but they soon discovered that they spell in this range In the chaos of flying, it is difficult to prevent the natural allies from summon from being accidentally injured.

Behind the demon hunter, there is a group of Drow elves who sharpen their swords. The head is a Drow priest standing on a super-large black widow with a diameter of more than ten meters. This tall female Zhuo The elf, dressed in a gorgeous dark golden priest’s robe, was staring at the battlefield closely.

Beside this priest Drow are two super-large spider-like elves. The lower bodies of these two spider-like elves are two super-large black widows with a diameter of more than ten meters. The upper body of a female Drow that is ten times larger than the normal Drow.

The upper bodies of these two giant spider-like elves are also covered with the black carapace of the demon hunter spider, even their faces are no exception. They look particularly hideous and terrifying. On the two ribs of their huge upper body, There are four pairs of arms growing. The top arm holds a huge javelin, and the second pair of arms holds a huge scepter. This shows that this thing has the ability to cast spells. The third pair of arms holds Two long whips, a huge shield on the bottom arm and a long spear over seven meters long, plus the spider claws at the bottom. This thing is simply a killing machine!

Behind the super-large black widow, followed by a group of well-equipped priest Drow and warrior staring at the battlefield glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Seeing this, Feng Chou ordered Universe Pagoda to end the screen transmission. He jumped up from the bed, draped neatly at the fastest speed, rushed down the Patrick, and ran towards the town.

Feng Chou ran to the shop where he bought the Druid spell item yesterday at a very fast speed, and came to the shopkeeper. Apart from anything else, he used the Illusion Technique to show the scene of the simulated seagull in front of him Copy it out.

Seeing this phantom, the shopkeeper was stunned for a moment. Then he seemed to have discovered something. He took two steps forward in shock, staring at the phantom in detail.

Feng Chou took the opportunity to explain: “My Qingxiao Familiar saw this three hundred kilometers northeast.”

The owner hearing this, grabbed Feng Chou and said: “Come with me!”

He took Feng Chou out of the shop and came to the street outside the door. Without the slightest hesitation, he turned into a big bird and shouted back to Feng Chou: ” Come on to my back.”

Feng Chou jumped onto the back of the big bird, the big bird flapped its wings, and after running on the street for a while, he jumped sharply into the air and rose into the air towards the little bird. The ancient golden tree Cenarius behind the town flew away.

The big bird flapped its wings desperately, and passed the forest of huge oak, pine, cedar, grapefruit, elm and other large trees at its feet at a very fast speed. A layer of the canopy of the ancient war tree passed through the gaps between the canopies of several huge Tree of Life and went straight to the huge canopy of the golden ancient tree Cenarius.

Feng Chou knows that the big bird under his crotch is called the Hippogryph. It is one of the main goals of the Druid of the Nature Elf to study transformation. This kind of raptor flies quickly, grabs sharp beaks, and reacts. Swift is one of the most ferocious large raptors.

Feng Chou grasped the feathers on the neck of the horned eagle beast, watching the rapidly retreating scenery all around, quietly sorting out his thoughts in his heart.

He rushed to report to the elves, but he was not purely kind, but he just thought it was a good opportunity to benevolent to the natural elves. Maybe he could use this opportunity in exchange for the virtue he wanted. Rui’s practice information.

Soon, the Hippogryph dived into the canopy of Cenarius, which obscured the sky. After entering the canopy, he continued to fly upwards, and finally came to a huge platform in the upper center of the canopy. .

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