Arcane Universe

Chapter 264

Elvis’s southern part is a fertile plain. This is one of the best grain-producing areas in the Sutton Empire. It has a mild climate and dense rivers, but the rivers here are These short rivers, lack of large rivers, naturally lack navigation channels, so how to transport the high-yield grains here has become a headache for local lords.

Until the railway appeared.

This railway of Elvis was the Sutton Empire and the first railway in the Northern Continent.

The railway twists and turns through the plains of Elvis’s southeast part, and finally arrives at the city of Nicholas at the foot of the Emerald Mountain.

Nicholas City is Feng Chou’s destination this time.

The Emerald Forest is much higher than the Star Plain. The entire Emerald Forest is actually located on a plateau that is not too high. The altitude of this plateau is between 2,000 and 4,000 meters. At the same time, its terrain is high in the north and low in the south. So, at the border between the Star Plain and the northern part of the Emerald Forest, there is a height difference of two to three kilometers.

On the basis of the height difference of two to three kilometers, coupled with geological movement, a mountain range is formed, which is the emerald mountain range.

The city of Nicholas is located at the western end of the emerald mountain range, about a thousand kilometers from the western coast.

In the south of Nicholas city, the emerald mountain range becomes gentle here. Here, there is a mountain road that passes through the emerald mountain range and enters the emerald forest. Follow this mountain road over the emerald mountain If you walk about one thousand kilometers southeast, you will reach the northernmost city “Osserlian” in the Kingdom of Spirit King.

It is said that during the Arcane Empire war years, the army of natural elves climbed the emerald mountain range from here, and rescued the storm Legion that was besieged by the Arcane Empire.

Since then, the Sutton Empire has established a long-term friendship with the nature elves.

To this day, nature elves are still a firm ally of the Sutton Empire.

Before the West Coast route was opened, Nicholas was the only export of natural spiritual objects.

Nikles is also the headquarters of the Sutton Empire Druids’ Union.

The destination of Feng Chou’s trip is the Druid General Union of Nicholas. He wants to send a letter to Gavin Elder of the Druid General Union of Sutton on behalf of the father of Laclais. letter.

Gavin is one of the legendary druids of Sutton and a member of the Supreme Council of the Druid Federation.

Back then, when the Ocean Church and the Fortune Church opened up the West Coast route, in order to persuade the nature elves to open the Sea Territory and allow the human merchant ship to supply supplies along the way, the Sutton royal family invited the Druids to visit Austria as a lobbyist. Dahir and Cenarius, Gavin Elder is the head of the diplomatic mission to Cenarius.

In order to persuade Cenarius Elder Council, Gavin Elder lived in Cenarius for almost a year before he managed the stubborn nature elves.

Lacles’ father is also a member of the Elder House of Cenarius, and is also a Legendary-level druid.

Gavin and Laccles’ father was the friendship established at that time.

When Laclas was chatting with Feng Chou, he naturally mentioned a few humans he knew, let Feng Chou know Gavin Elder, from Laclas’s mouth, Feng Chou called out A lot of news about Gavin Elder.

After knowing this, Feng Chou tried to suggest that he could send a letter to Gavin Elder for his father.

On the night before the fleet set sail, Laclays visited Feng Chou and gave a letter from his father to Feng Chou, asking him to help bring it to Gavin Elder.

Sutton’s railway technology is in its infancy. The train speed is not fast, about less than 30 kilometers each hour, which is about the same speed as the carriage, but it wins smoothly and never stops.

Feng Chou sits by the window in the carriage, looking with interest at the endless Mai Lang outside the window. There is also a gentleman sitting beside him. Opposite him is a gentleman and his Mrs.

In Sutton, the train is still new and the fare is more expensive. The whole journey from Elvis to Nicholas costs a dozen crowns, which is almost equivalent to a month’s salary for a good skilled worker. Most people can’t afford to sit.

Although the fare is not low, the environment of this carriage is worth the fare. The seats are relatively spacious, covered in soft leather, and there is no standing ticket, one for each person.

The dining car occupies two sections in the middle of the train. One is a restaurant and the other is a coffee shop, which can provide good meals and coffee.

At a speed of less than 30 kilometers per hour, it takes two days and one night to reach Nicholas. Of course, Feng Chou will not really take one day, one night on this train.

He is actually just curious about the train of this World to experience the experience.

So after a cup of coffee in the Feng Chou dining car cafe, I got off at the next stop.

This is a small town named Lake. The town is located by a lake with nice scenery.

Although the town is small, with a population of more than 10,000, it is a nearby food distribution center.

Feng Chou left the train station, wandered out of the town, and walked along the bank of the lake to the south of the town. When there was no one around, he took out the high-grade teleportation staff, and his silhouette flashed and disappeared. Without a trace.

Nicholas is a small city with a population of only more than 100,000. It is located on the north side of a mountain, and to the north of the city is an endless plain.

This is a city of trade and agriculture. The opening of the West Coast route not at all affects the city’s trade too much. This is due to the limited-sale trading method of the natural spirits. The elven specialty has been in a hungry state.

The plain near Nicholas is adjacent to the emerald mountain range. The local lords used the mountain range and rivers to build reservoirs and built a large number of irrigation projects. Therefore, the farmland near Nicholas is of high quality for drought and flood. Agricultural land, a large amount of grain is exported every year.

This is also a quiet town, not yet polluted by industrialization, the air is fresh, and the life of gentlemen is quite leisurely.

The druid union is located to the south of the town.

From the southern edge of the small town to the foot of the mountain, there is a large dense forest. Towering trees can be seen everywhere. On the periphery of this forest is a thick thorny forest belt to prevent ordinary persons. Break in.

The forest has a unique entrance towards the city, where Feng Chou was blocked by several knight-errant guards.

Feng Chou took out the letter from Laccles father and told the guard that he had brought a letter from Elder Elder to Gavin Great Elder.

I heard that it was related to the Legendary Druid Gavin Great Elder. Several guards did not dare to neglect. One of them quickly ran along the forest road towards the depths of the forest.

After a long time, the guard walked out of the woods with a druid in a green robe.

The druid came to Feng Chou and took the letter from him. He first looked at the letter carefully, and then used a small spell to quickly determine the authenticity of the letter.

It was confirmed that the letter really came from a legendary druid who was a natural elf. The druid exchanged the letter to Feng Chou and said: “Please come with me, Gavin Elder is waiting for you.”

Feng Chou nodded, followed the druid into the forest road.

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