Arcane Universe

Chapter 274

After closing the laboratory, Feng Chou used the Pagoda Universe Time Acceleration to study spells and meditate to exercise spiritual strength, while using the new laboratory to complete magic experiments. It only took half a year in the real world, Pagoda In less than five years in Universe, he had fully mastered all the intermediate spells and became an intermediate master of the whole department!

Feng Chou had already prepared the materials needed for the experiment when he prepared the upgrade materials for the Universe Pagoda spirit.

After completing the Full Mastery of all intermediate spells, Feng Chou not at all rushed to upgrade the Universe Pagoda, and he continued to study the knowledge of the senior mage for refining Gold Element.


As Feng Chou wandered in the ocean of magical knowledge, a terrible battle caused by him was erupting in a Baron territory in the north of Tyronn. .

This is a Baron collar by the sea. Because of the perennial typhoon, the land in the territory is barren.

In the middle of this Baron collar, known as the Charles collar, there is a bay inserted into the depths of the territory.

The core of Charles Baron’s collar is a small town called Charles. This small town is located at the end of the bay. There is a small town on the shore of the bay. Wharf for 100-ton ships.

This small town with a population of less than two thousand has no reputation among ordinary persons in Tyron, but it has a small reputation among pirates and smugglers.

Charles collar is actually an important stronghold of the Vigros Pirates in Tyron. This unremarkable town is actually a den for pirates on the west coast.

Actina took advantage of the opportunity of Earl Patrick’s return from a banquet night to ambush his carriage.

Patrick is a quasi-Legendary-level vampire, but under the siege of a Legendary priest, two Legendary Drow warriors, and more than a dozen Grandmaster Rank professionals, he was subdued while breathing.

After the kidnapping of Patrick, when the Drows quickly left Tyron, they detoured from the sea to Charles Town, which is more than a hundred kilometers north of Tyron.

Next, the Drows interrogated Earl Patrick with extremely cruel torture.

Earl Patrick didn’t support it for too long, so he poured out everything he knew.

But the poor Lord Earl was not at all freed from the torture of torture. Instead, the Drows made him worse.

Because Aktina simply doesn’t believe him, if Locke is really just like Patrick said, just an ordinary vampire earl, how could he be in front of the Legendary priest of Aktina? of one’s eyes drove away such a big merchant ship? When she is an idiot?

So Earl Patrick was tortured day and night, and the special physique of the vampire made Patrick unable to die. In just over two months, this poor vampire was treated by the cruel Drows. Tormented completely crazy.

Earl Patrick’s disappearance immediately aroused the vigilance of the vampire family behind him. Considering that Patrick himself is not weak, the vampire family dispatched an investigation team composed of three marquis and five earls. As a member of the Earl Patrick’s family, he came to Tyronn to investigate Patrick’s disappearance.

At this time, the ordinary crew of the Patrick returned to the city of Tyron one after another, bringing news of the disappearance of the Patrick.

The vampire family sent another investigation team to Bao Feng City to investigate the disappearance of the Patrick.

Although the Drows used spell to block Patrick’s dungeon and prevent him from being found by Spell, this group of vampires are after all the local tyrant of Tyron City. The channels in their hands are a hundred times that of the Drow pirates. So they quickly found clues about the activities of the group of people who kidnapped Earl Patrick in Tyron.

The investigation squad sent by the vampire family to Bao Feng City has yielded more quickly.

After Aktina killed the intelligence leader of the Vigros Pirates in Bao Feng City, she recklessly teleported and left, leaving behind to the eyes and ears of the Vigros Pirates in Bao Feng City It was a mess.

When the vampires arrived in Bao Feng City, the intelligence organization of the Vigros Pirates in Bao Feng City had just cleaned up their mess, and simply didn’t think of covering up their past surveillance of the Patrick.

Vampires have an advantage in investigating intelligence that other races do not have. As long as they find the suspect and bite it down, they will not be able to keep any secrets.

So, after the leaders of the Vigloss Intelligence Group became the vampire spawn, the Vigros Drow family used to monitor the Patrick, and all the things that followed Locke’s vampire spawn were exposed. In the eyes of vampires.

Receiving news from Bao Feng City, I heard that the eldest daughter of the Vigros family, a powerful Legendary-level chief priest of the spider queen, personally led the team to investigate the Patrick, and the vampires were shocked. , Hurriedly dispatched a Legendary-level vampire mage and two ordinary vampire dukes to take charge of the overall situation in Tyronn.

Through the news from Bao Feng City, the vampires locked the Vigros pirate group, using their strong network in the gray area of ​​Tyron City, and quickly tracked down as the Viglos pirate group The small town of Charles, the den of stolen goods, is no secret to the existence of this small town in the gray world of Tyron.

One month and starry night, a vampire attacked Charles Town.

The tactics of the vampire nobles are simple and cruel. Hundreds of vampire spawns were ordered by their masters, fierce and unafraid of death had to launch an attack on the town.

The fierce attack quickly forced Aktina’s subordinates to take action. As soon as this group of Grandmaster Rank Drows took action, they naturally confirmed to the vampires that the Vigros family was indeed hidden. In this small town.

Under the powerful offensive of the vampire, Aktina had to pray to the spider god again, opened the door to the spider Divine Kingdom, and released a swarm of demon hunting spiders!

The blood-sucking spawn driven by the blood-sucking nobles is obviously not the opponent of the demon spider hunter. After the loss of the blood-sucking spawns was exhausted, the blood-sucking nobles evacuated the battlefield, but they were not without gain.

During the battle, the Legendary-level vampire mage cooperated with two vampire dukes and captured a Grandmaster Rank Drow warrior in the Drow investigation team and evacuated the battlefield.

Through the interrogation of the captives, the vampires finally figured out the cause of the matter.

What puzzles vampires is, how did Locke, an ordinary vampire marquis, escape Drow’s pursuit? Now that Locke and Patrick have escaped Drow’s pursuit, where is he now?

After this collision, the vampires deeply felt the power of Drow. They did not want to continue to clash with the servants of the powerful spider queen just because of a vampire marquis, so the vampires released their captives, hope He brought the goodwill of the vampires to reconcile.

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