One second they were talking about the possibility of the eldest sister being corrupted by the abyss. The next second, the eldest sister walked in with Brother Sun Greyhound, and they just had to talk to each other.

drink! Keep drinking!

Nian blinked and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to ask.

Instead, it was the woman known as the Immortal standing at the door. After seeing the three undead people, he raised his eyebrows.

Without any surprise, he walked down from the door and approached them.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I'm hungry. Let's go out for a meal.

Just like meeting an old friend, Ling looked at the immortal man without any of the fearful reactions Nian and Xi had.

Look at you, are you surprised to see me?

This is yours.

The undead man threw the wine gourd in his hand to her.

She reached out and hooked the tether in the air, played with it twice more, and then sneered.

He is also a man of ingenuity, but his methods are really dirty and despicable.

Then, with a slight squeeze, she crushed the wine gourd.

The undead man just looked at her.

He couldn't feel any familiar smell, and the lingering abyss breath in the crushed wine gourd was easily resolved by the woman in front of him. She was already familiar with things like clearing the abyss.

To say that she was eroded by the abyss, the undead people only think that this is almost impossible, has no taste at all, and is too clean.

Get acquainted again, Ling.

Her blue and purple eyes looked at the undead man in front of her, and there was a trace of nostalgia in her eyes, she said again.

You don't remember me, right? Master Ashes.


Hearing this title, the undead man actually felt a little dazed.

The tone is so similar.

he asked.

Have you met her?

If you want to say whether I have seen it before, then I have.

Ling nodded and shook his head.

But then again, if the encounter in the dream can be considered acquaintance, then too many people can be considered familiar to me, including you.

The undead man was really confused by Ling's words. Why did both of them feel like they were old acquaintances?

The same goes for Xi and Nian. It is obvious that he has never seen them before.

Ling grabbed a clean wine glass from the counter, uncorked the wine gourd he was holding, poured a full glass of wine into the glass, and handed it to the undead man.

The last time we met, you didn't drink my wine and almost turned the table over. This time, I'll buy you another drink.

The undead man took the wine glass, but had no intention of drinking.

He looked at Ling and said.

You speak first...

I haven't seen her in a long time.

Before the immortal finished speaking, Ling spoke.

I don't remember how much time has passed since I woke up. But I only know that it was a long time ago. When she and I met in a dream, the two children Nian and Xi They are all still asleep.”

Then, Ling looked at the undead man, and the corners of her mouth curved.

Drink, why don't you drink? I'll tell the story and you drink, can't you?

The undead man hesitated for a moment, then took off his helmet, placed it on the table, and drank the drink in his hand.

no taste.

Just as the undead man was thinking this, a very familiar feeling suddenly emerged from his throat. It was like being pricked gently by a small needle, but not that painful.

The mellow and spicy aroma stimulated the undead man's nasal cavity at the same time, and he opened his eyes unconsciously.

This feeling was so familiar that it reminded him of the wine glass he raised during that journey.

And those wonderful moments celebrating victory.

This is?!

She taught me how to do it.

I saw Ling swinging the wine gourd in his hand as if to show off, looking at the undead man with a proud expression.

Does it taste good? I followed the procedure strictly, so it should be fine, right?


In that deep dream, Ling saw those eyes that seemed to be shining with hope for the first time.

The person sitting in front of Ling was heard to speak, and she said in a gentle and quiet tone.

Becoming a living corpse will suppress the body's senses, but as a body driven by the soul, as long as we find a way to touch the reaction of part of the soul, it can also produce corresponding feedback to the body.

Ling sat by the campfire like a good child, with the warm flames evolving from the blond woman's memory in front of him.

One of his friends wrote down this method on paper to prevent him from forgetting when he became an immortal. Later, after I broke free from the shackles, I found it during my travels. Among the ingredients brewed by that friend, there was something that could seduce the immortal. The fluid of human soul. As a fragment, you should also be able to find a solution.

She sat elegantly on the steps, her golden hair seeming to shine in the light of the bonfire.

I will also teach you this method. If one day, you really meet him, why not treat him to a drink like this? Maybe you two will get along quite well.

However, there was an unspeakable loneliness in the words.

It's a pity that I don't have the opportunity to hold this cup for him personally.

291.What did she do?

For Ling, she was very familiar with what the immortals called her.

In her early years, Ling Gang condensed her body and consciousness from chaos. When she woke up, she unconsciously used the abilities she inherited.

Time and space are fragile to her, and she often spans hundreds and thousands of years in a single sleep, giving her the opportunity to have long conversations with countless regrettable and pitiful figures in history.

At that time, she had a brief communication with the woman in the campfire while she was sleeping soundly.

Ling's appearance didn't seem surprising to that person. She seemed to have known for a long time that such a day would come.

Regarding the demon in Ling's mouth, the big bad guy who had beaten her away, the quiet and gentle woman just put a smile on her face and softly comforted Ling's uneasy heart.

Ling's fear of the undead was almost eliminated at that time.

Later, several opportunities allowed Ling to meet that woman again unconsciously.

She said she had no name and that her duty was to be what her heroes called her.

He is the one who connects his existence with the flame and keeps the flame burning. Therefore, they are called fire girls, and many people also call them women who prevent flames from extinguishing, that is, fire prevention girls.

And the hero who extinguished the flame at the beginning of the world, cut off all the chains of decay, and looked towards the dark future. After extinguishing the flame, the connection between the fire girl and the flame was also severed. From then on, she was no longer trapped by her duties and was able to leave the fire sacrificial site.

But she did not choose to leave. Instead, she waited outside the initial furnace for the flame to extinguish. When the end of the Age of Fire comes, the door of the initial furnace is closed to maintain the immortal body of the hero who has lost his soul.

Just like what the fire girl saw in the endless darkness.

Across the long river of time, in the distant future, there will be a flame ignited, and that is the flame inherited by the kings.

As for the choice of flame, the fire girl has actually seen it clearly for a long time. The answer to this question has no suspense.

Since a long time ago, many clues have pointed to this hero who has spanned the entire journey of spreading fire and started and ended the journey of spreading fire.

He may not be the person at the apex of every power system. He is not the black-skin king Gwen who created the era, nor is he the old witch who created chaotic life.

But he walked through every inch of Rodland and measured the pain and warmth of the times with his feet.

What he did was combine all the forces in that time period into one, allowing the scattered flames to return.

If I had to choose one person among these people, it would be him.

But the fire girl would choose to stay with him until the last moment, not just because of the so-called destiny.

He is the butcher among many people, the hunter feared by the gods. But to the people around him, he is the simplest and purest friend.

For the fire girl, he is a hero who has accomplished great deeds under her own witness, and is her hero.

Even those who paint the world must abide by the covenants established by ancient proverbs.

What did the undead think about when he faced the First Fire?

The fire girl didn't know, she only knew that she secretly looked at Master Ashes, and when she sat in front of Chuhuo and thought, she finally determined what kind of future the darkness in her eyes was.

How far does a person have to go before he can indifferently abandon the power of the world when it is in his own hands?

The fire girl only saw a stray tired soul, a traveler who wanted to take a nap by the campfire.

That's all.

For Ling, this undoubtedly refreshed her understanding of the undead.

The memory he inherited is different from the year and the evening.

What she remembers is part of the time spent on the ancient battlefield.

It is precisely for this reason that Ling chose to go to the border after being persuaded by his elder brother who also inherited some memories of the battlefield.

All these years of fighting on that endless battlefield.

The more Ling fought with demons, the more he realized how powerful these guys were.

Life and reason are distorted here, and pure desire is infinitely magnified.

Those who face the abyss will surely be tempted by the abyss.

And what exactly did that taciturn man go through to be able to stabilize his heart even in the face of the abyss?

These doubts and incomprehensions gradually turned into curiosity in Ling's heart, guiding her to take the initiative to contact the undead.

Perhaps, when the undead had just arrived in Great Yan, that unconscious dream was the manifestation of Ling's deepest desire.

The undead man looked at the wine glass in his hand, his eyes unconsciously dull.

For a moment, several figures flashed through his mind.

In the end, it was settled on a bonfire. Sitting beside the bonfire was a round figure with a cup raised in his hand.

After a moment of silence, the undead man handed the wine glass to Ling and said.

Any more?

Ling was stunned for a moment, then smiled and took the glass.



It's not about alcoholism or anything like that. The undead's need for alcohol has never been to anesthetize themselves.

For him, drinking is just a way to celebrate victory and remember the past.

When they were in Rhodes Island, Ace and Huang invited him to drink. It was only after the battle that they would have a drink with everyone.

At that time, ordinary wine still couldn't give him any taste.

Only after ingesting a sufficient amount of emergency sanity solution can one regain normal senses within one to two days.

But the body's reaction will not evoke the memories and emotions of the undead after all.

The wine in the wine gourd gave the immortal a familiar taste after a long absence.

Listening to her talk about her relationship with the fire girl and the stories she heard from her, the undead man couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

I didn't meet her many times, but every time we met, it was in a place like a large venue.

Ling said while recalling the scene at that time.

There are five thrones and passages extending in all directions. But except for the bonfire, there is no other source of light.

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