Armor Frenzy

Chapter 141: Ant Extermination Program

It's not impossible to make trouble, but you must not bring a gun there. Otherwise, if a big hat is buckled, the nature of the matter will change.

"I'm afraid of you, okay!" Long Jianguo grabbed Ye Han, "It's only been three days, and the research institute hasn't come up with results yet, so what's the point of making a fuss?"

When Ye Han heard this, he became annoyed: "The money hasn't come down yet, what are you talking about with me!"

Long Jianguo folded his hands and looked very innocent: "When did I say that I would give you a promotion and no bonus? When did I say that a promotion can replace the bonus? I just said that good things have nothing to do with the bonus, okay? Yes You misunderstood yourself!"

Ye Han was struck by lightning: "You you, you fool me!"

Long Jianguo's smile was very cunning: "Can this be considered a joke to you, I just follow your thoughts and say it."

Ye Han simply didn't know what to say. Why didn't she calm down when it came to money? Even Long Jianguo took the words out!

"Okay, don't act like a little daughter-in-law!" Long Jianguo shoved the special move order and promotion order into Ye Han's hands, and took out a brand new lieutenant rank from his pocket, "Let it be the past. Go ahead, I don't dare to say anything else here, I'll top it first if something goes wrong, and I'll eat with me when the melon falls."

Ye Han couldn't help hesitating. Should he take it? Still don't take it?

This commitment is not very good. After all, he is only a battalion-level officer, and it is very rare to be able to share weal and woe.

Long Jianguo didn't give Ye Han a chance to hesitate at all, and shoved things into Ye Han's hands directly: "I didn't expect you to have a story, go back, and I'll let you know as soon as the bonus comes down."

Ye Han walked out of Long Jianguo's office in a daze, and his mind was still in a mess, and he couldn't make up his mind. Why is there such a strange thing in today's incident?

He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't understand whether Long Jianguo had been prepared to talk on purpose, or if he just wanted to climb the pole—Long Jianguo usually had a serious face and a sane look, but he didn't expect that under the serious appearance. , is actually a cunning black-bellied man. In the future, he must guard against Long Jianguo, lest he be sold and help count the money!

With this feeling in mind, Ye Han returned to the dormitory.

A few days later, the first batch of ant eggs raised by Queen ant Yiyi successfully hatched, and the reward promised by the research institute was finally fulfilled. After receiving the reward, Ye Han shared the reward with several soldiers who participated in the mission, and deliberately asked for leave to go back to Fu. Yun, deposited the tens of thousands of dollars that were handed out in the bank, and then returned to the train factory with satisfaction.

Tens of thousands is not much, but to Ye Han, who has always been down and out, it is already a huge sum of money, so that he always subconsciously touches the bank card in his pocket.

Ye Han's petty arrogance made Long Jianguo an eye-opener, and he resented him angrily: "Isn't it just tens of thousands of dollars, what about you?"

"Why not!" Ye Han said confidently, "I have never touched so much money in my life!"

"Okay, okay, touch it if you like!" Long Jianguo resignedly surrendered, "If you touch enough, come to my office for a meeting!"

"Oh, right now!" Ye Han agreed and followed Long Jianguo straight to the "office".

The two sat on the bed facing each other, Long Jianguo coughed, "Now there's a meeting."

Ye Han petrified on the spot: "Just the two of us?"

"Just the two of us, what's the problem?" Long Jianguo was expressionless.

None of those officers who were borrowed by the brothers' unit were returned, so why would it be strange for the two of them to have a meeting?

"At least call two more squad leaders?" Ye Han said weakly.

"Are you okay with your head? Let me, the battalion commander, hold a meeting for the squad leader?" Long Jianguo rubbed his temples twice, "After the meeting, it is up to you to convey the spirit of the meeting to the squad leaders."

Ye Han was completely speechless, but the eyes he looked at Long Jianguo changed again and again, this guy, in addition to being a black belly, actually wants to save face, the more contact with this guy, the more stinky things he finds... You are so stinky. What's wrong, do your soldiers know?

Long Jianguo didn't care about Ye Han's thoughts at all, and said to himself: "Long story short, the institute has cultivated a batch of worker ants, and a breakthrough has been made in the artificial synthesis of pheromones. The next task is no longer to capture giant ants, but to compress the living space of giant ants as much as possible."

"How to compress?" Ye Han asked curiously.

Long Jian Guo slashed with his palm: "Decapitate, destroy the queen and cut off the roots of the ant colony!"

Ye Han frowned: "How to eliminate it?"

Giant ants live underground, which is equivalent to living in an air-raid shelter. As long as they hide in the hole and cannot come out, conventional weapons pose little threat to giant ants. Unless they use ground-penetrating bombs, it is possible to eliminate giant ants.

However, the penetrating bomb must be accurately placed on the location of the queen, so that it is possible to destroy the queen. How to find the queen is the biggest problem.

Long Jianguo's eyes flashed, and he handed Ye Han a briefing: "Four options, start with the simplest."

Ye Han glanced at ten lines at a time, and suddenly raised his head: "Okay!"

Later in the day the completed train factory was officially decommissioned and evacuated from the ant-occupied area under the traction of the front of the train. Half an hour later, the train consisting of four armored carriages slowly stopped at the edge of the ant-war zone. This armored train will be the base of Long Jianguo.

The same scene also occurred in other directions of the ant-occupied area. On every railway leading to the depths of the ant-occupied area, a fully armed armored train was parked.

Early the next morning, Ye Han directed two armored vehicles loaded with poison baits to drive into the ant-occupied area. Ye Han carefully checked the ant colony distribution map and guided the armored vehicles to find the core area of ​​the ant nest.

After spending more than half a month in the ant-occupied area, the soldiers had already figured out the boundaries of each ant area. According to the boundaries of the ant colony, the core location of the ant nest could be roughly estimated.

Ye Han instructed the soldiers to disperse the poisonous bait near the anthill, and release the corresponding pheromone to lure the worker ants to take the poisonous bait. After the worker ants climbed out of the anthill and dragged the poisonous bait away, they quietly left the ant-occupied area.

After doing this several times, within half a day, the five ant colonies at the edge of the ant-occupied area all dragged back a large amount of poisonous baits. As long as the worker ants feed the queen ants with poisonous baits, they can poison the queen ants in one fell swoop, thus disintegrating the ant colony.

If it wasn't for the military, in order to prevent the recurrence of the overturning incident, it was strictly forbidden for the train to enter the ant-occupied area, and the armored train was directly driven into the ant-occupied area, and the delivery speed and area were at least several times higher!

After the poison bait was put in, Ye Han and the soldiers observed it for two days without interruption, but did not find any changes in the ant colony compared with the past. Everyone could not help but wonder: did the worker ants feed the queen ants with poison baits? ? Did the ant queen who ate the poison bait actually die? How to judge whether the queen ant is dead or alive from the actions of the worker ants?

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