Armor Frenzy

Chapter 176: messy

Ye Han only felt that the armored vehicle under him trembled, as if experiencing a major earthquake, but the sound he heard in his ears was not as loud as he expected.

He let go of his hands in shock, turned his head to look at the screen, and pointed at the camera at the gas station. There were bright green beating everywhere, so that he couldn't see anything clearly.

Looking back at the girl, the girl let go of her hands calmly, but the explosion didn't wake the boy up!

An anxious shout came from the radio station: "Moving to move, call to move, move to move, call to move, Ye Han, answer me right away!"

Ye Han swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Dong Yi Liang received, Dong Dong Yi, please tell me!"

Long Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief clearly heard on the radio: "What's going on with you, why did the gas station explode?"

Ye Han is not at all surprised that Long Jianguo knows his position. The military data link can not only convey orders from superiors to each terminal, but also feed back the position of each terminal to the headquarters, so as to grasp the distribution of troops.

Ye Han recounted the situation just now, and Long Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief: "It's just that you didn't blow it up, and continue to carry out the task."

Ye Han lifted the top cover again and got out of the car, looking at the gas station from a distance, the heat wave was rushing towards his face, and even at a distance of more than 200 meters, the heat wave still made his cheeks hurt.

There was a sea of ​​fire in the gas station. The nearby buildings were severely damaged in the explosion, and there was hardly a single piece of glass in sight. The flames splashed from the explosion adhered to the surfaces of several nearby buildings and burned intensely, and a large fire burned the surrounding area to white ground. stance.

Among the rising flames, you can still see the giant cockroaches that have long since died and are burning in the flames.

An inappropriate thought suddenly popped into Ye Han's mind, and he lowered his head and asked, "Should we call 119?"

"Just call the command center directly, right? The joint command center can definitely also command the firefighting." The veteran said.

"There's no need, there's an old dragon." Ye Han kicked the ball to Long Jianguo without hesitation without the client's knowledge.

"Ye Han!" Long Jianguo's voice suddenly appeared on the radio.

The sudden voice frightened Ye Han, he coughed dryly, and picked up the microphone: "Please tell me if you receive it!"

"The firefighting will be here in a while. Your team will stay there first to cover the firefighting."

"Received!" Ye Han put down the microphone with a distorted expression, "Look, I'm right!"

"Why do I want to be happy?" The veteran looked at Ye Han innocently.

"If you want to laugh, just laugh." Ye Han showed an indifferent expression, "After this, you really can't talk nonsense, especially you can't talk about Lao Long."

The old soldier grinned, but in the end he was too embarrassed to laugh. Huya in front of him felt strange, what's so funny about this?

Ye Han ordered Car No. 10 to go around to the other side of the gas station. Two armored vehicles blocked the burning fire, waiting for the arrival of firefighters.

Not only did the burning flame not mean to shrink, but it became stronger and stronger. The towering fire column was as high as a four or five-story building. The dissipated high temperature scorched the walls of several nearby buildings, and the thermal insulation benzene board on the walls even emerged. Layers of blue smoke appeared, and it seemed that it was about to burn in the high-temperature roasting.

Some residents escaped one after another from several residential buildings, and Ye Han had to get out of the car, waving his arms and shouting loudly, "Go back, go back!"

The residents who had just escaped would not listen to Ye Han's instructions. Those with cars ran without cars, and some even ran towards armored vehicles.

That scene was about to repeat not long ago, but this time Ye Han couldn't find a reason to reject them, but there are at least four residential buildings threatened by the flames, and how many people can they hold when two armored vehicles are full?

"Cockroach—" A shout suddenly came from the earphone, and Ye Han subconsciously looked back at car number 10.

From a distance, Ye Han saw a giant cockroach of about fifteen meters jumping out near the No. 10 car at some point, shaking his **** and rushing to the gas station. Several residents who were planning to ask the No. 10 car for help screamed. The beggars turned into birds and beasts, and some of them couldn't escape and were hit by giant cockroaches.

The giant cockroach swept its long legs full of barbs, and hung four or five residents who were desperate to find their way on their legs.

Tom—Car No. 10 hit the giant cockroach with a cannonball. The giant cockroach that rushed forward moved a few more steps and fell to the ground. When it was dying, it pressed several residents in front of it on its body. Several people were crushed to the point of breaking bones and tendons, almost torn in half.

"Go back, go back right away—" Ye Han's voice became hoarse, but the busy residents remained confused.

"Leaf Pai, cockroaches!" This time the voice came from the veteran.

When Ye Han turned around, he saw a giant cockroach rushing over on the road ahead. The giant cockroach just happened to hit a car that had just driven out of the community, knocking the car over on the spot without a doubt. The car rolled over several times, and when it stopped, the body was beyond recognition, and several passengers in the car were unconscious, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

Ye Han couldn't care less about persuading the residents, so he quickly retracted into the car: "Open the cannon!"

Tom - The veteran who had been prepared immediately fired, the shell penetrated the head of the giant cockroach head-on, and then penetrated deeply into the chest and abdomen of the giant cockroach, but it burned through the giant cockroach's body in a few ~The continuous sound of gunfire finally awakened the chaotic residents, who screamed and ran around, swarming to the nearest residential building, trying to enter the building for shelter.

At this time, no one could have imagined that the residential building was threatened by flames, only that the sooner one entered the building, the safer it would be.

The originally scattered crowd immediately crowded into large groups in front of the building.

An SUV that was about to leave the garage was blocked by the chaotic residents. The panicked residents rushed in when the garage door was wide open. No one thought about whether the garage could stop the giant cockroaches. There is a place to live.

Some of the residents also tried to get into the SUV and kept slapping the windshield and windows. The family in the car was terrified, and the little girl burst into tears.

There are more and more people focusing on the outside of the car, and the sound on the window is getting louder and louder. People are crowded, shouting, and cursing, as if entering an SUV is equivalent to entering a safe shelter.

With a crisp sound, the rear window was suddenly smashed, and a large cobweb-like crack appeared. If it wasn't for the film on the rear window, I'm afraid the window would have been completely shattered.

The little girl cried even louder. The young mother held the girl tightly in her arms, and big tears flowed out of her eyes.

The car owner collapsed instantly, and he let out a low roar like a wounded beast: "You forced me, you forced me!"

With one foot on the accelerator, the engine of the SUV made an unnatural low noise, and the SUV that started instantly was like a runaway rhino, slamming into the chaotic crowd, knocking away three or four people blocking the front, and the others were terrified. , and quickly jump to both book friends to come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all users, please come to read.

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