Armor Frenzy

Chapter 179: life on the line

Another giant cockroach fell, and there were several corpses scattered between the landing point and the armored vehicle. None of the ten armored vehicles had a suitable shooting angle. One armored vehicle volunteered to start the armored vehicle and rushed to the side to find a suitable shooting angle.

There was no suitable position on the road, so the armored vehicle simply drove to the sidewalk. The moment after crossing the green belt, the wheels suddenly sank, the ground sank, and half of the body was deeply immersed in it, with an inclination of almost forty-five degrees.

The engine of the armored vehicle No. 122 roared rapidly, and its eight wheels exerted force at the same time. It just pulled out the wheels from the pit, and rushed out more than ten meters in an instant. It was only able to stop when it hit a dead cockroach.

Everyone who witnessed this scene laughed and joked about 122's driving skills.

In the darkness, no one noticed that a steam-like white column of air spewed out of the pit left by 122. The air column as thick as a fist slanted out of the ground, just pointing in the direction of the gas station.

"What is that!" Someone finally discovered the air column, and before the voice fell, the edge of the diffused gas mass had already met the flames burning in the gas station. The fire instantly ignited the leaked natural gas, and a huge flame burst out of thin air. The huge explosion sounded roaring in everyone's ears, and the visible shock wave swept across thousands of troops, and even the open flames in the gas station were almost extinguished.

Ye Han was shocked by the explosion, his eyes were black, and he almost fainted. It took a while for him to return to normal, but his brain was still dizzy, and his ears were buzzing, as if two **** of cotton were stuffed. sound.

The other people in the car weren't much better either. All of them looked ignorant. Hu Ya's nose didn't know where it hit, and blood flowed from his nose.

The girl at the back was not much better. The boy who had been sleeping beside her was woken up by the explosion and cried out in fright.

Looking outside the car again, the explosive air column has turned into a thick fire dragon, and the burning fire dragon spews and spins, swaying with the wind. The swirling flames ignited the cables and wires in the air, and the burnt cables immediately fell from the air; the fire dragon jumped to the nearby residents' upstairs again, and the benzene board on the surface of the building wall was immediately ignited by the high temperature, and quickly spread around.

The bottom of the fire dragon was originally full of dead giant cockroaches, but now those huge corpses are like dirt kicked away by a kick. The shock wave of the explosion was lifted more than ten meters away, forming an open space with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

The armored vehicle No. 122 was also hit by the wave. Although it did not fly out like a corpse, it was also overturned by the shock wave.

Several armored vehicles blocked between the blast site and the fire truck were hit by the flying insect corpses, and they were unable to move under the huge insect corpse.

Looking at the other side, the fire truck blocked by the armored vehicle was not damaged, but all the firefighters fell to the ground motionless, letting the fire extinguishing agent in the water gun spray everywhere.

Ye Han's heart trembled, and she had an extremely bad premonition.

As a professional soldier, Ye Han is very familiar with various weapons and explosives. The power of the explosion just now is no less than that of a 203mm heavy grenade. The fragmentation radius of the 203 grenade is 80 meters, and the absolute killing radius is close to 30. meters, and the distance between the firefighters and the blast site was less than twenty meters!

In other words, even if the firefighter was not directly affected by the explosion, the shock wave generated by the explosion would shatter his internal organs and cause his seven orifices to bleed to death.

Ye Han pulled the neckline away, panting heavily, as if to spit out all the fear out of his mouth.

The No. 012 armored vehicle is closer to the explosion point than firefighters. If there is no armor protection, everyone will die in the explosion, and unknowingly walk around the edge of life and death, even if Ye Han has participated in actual combat, he can't help it. He wasn't heartbroken.

Others were no better than Ye Han when they saw the scene outside the car.

I don't know how long it was sluggish, the sound in Ye Han's ears finally subsided, and gradually a little sound could be heard.

As soon as he regained his hearing, he heard Long Jianguo's anxious roar on the radio: "Does anyone hear me, answer me right away..."

"I'm here, you say." Ye Han let out a heavy sigh, but Yi Di, who was beating rapidly, couldn't calm down.

His voice was ridiculously loud, but he didn't realize it, and the other people in the car didn't think anything was wrong.

"Who, who are you?" Long Jianguo asked loudly.

"I'm Ye Han."

"Great, great!" Long Jianguo was so excited that he couldn't help himself, "What happened, what happened to you, why didn't anyone speak?"

"Maybe it was a natural gas leak that exploded, but my ears are still in good shape." Ye Han said.

"Are you all okay? Are there casualties?" Long Jianguo asked again.

"I don't know. The people in my car should be all right. I don't know about other cars. The firefighters were all wiped out. There must be many casualties in these buildings." Ye Han described the nearby situation in the most accurate language possible. once again,

Just as he was about to end the call, Ye Han suddenly heard a low hum in the air, and quickly added: "There is still support, I need support!"

"Understood, I will contact the headquarters immediately!" The seriousness of the situation far exceeded Long Jianguo's He hurriedly shouted on the radio: "One company, immediately support the gas station, the fastest!"

"Yes!" Lu Qingzhi answered very quickly.

"Headquarters, I'm Long Jianguo, please reply!"

"Command received!"

"The situation was initially investigated. The natural gas leaked near the Donggang gas station, and the fire detonated the natural gas. All firefighters may have died. The nearby residents suffered serious casualties. Please provide immediate support!"

"The command understands that we will immediately mobilize fire officers, soldiers and medical staff to provide support. Please continue to carry out the mission."

"I'll rush to the gas station immediately, it's over!" Long Jianguo said.

"Also, Lao Long, firefighters, doctors and nurses are not soldiers. I'll leave their safety on the battlefield to you. Please take full charge of the command of the gas station!"

Long Jianguo said without hesitation, "I understand."

"Also, Lao Long, the situation is very serious. I just received news that the fire at the gas station can be seen all over the city. There will definitely be more giant cockroaches attracted by the fire in a while. The burden on your shoulders is not light!"

Long Jianguo gritted his teeth: "I will try my best!"

"Safety first, I'm waiting for your news." After that, the headquarters cut off the communication.

Long Jianguo showed determination, "Pass my order, and Yingzhi immediately rushed to the Donggang gas station."

"Yes!" The signal soldier answered loudly.

Long Jianguo picked up the microphone again: "All units pay attention, giant cockroaches are about to gather at the Donggang gas station, the scale and speed are unknown, all units will immediately gather their troops and support the Donggang gas station at full The majority of book lovers come to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in mobile phone users, please read.

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