Armor Frenzy

Chapter 191: relentless

As soon as Long Jianguo's expression changed, he pulled his legs and ran back.

The others didn't react slowly, they followed closely behind Long Jianguo. In the blink of an eye, except for the sentinel who was still standing by the gate, the others ran away.

The team of police officers outside the door was stunned in shock. The man with glasses who had no sense of presence all the time sniffed his nose hard and shrugged his shoulders tightly.

Only Deputy Mayor Liu frowned, took out his mobile phone and called the joint headquarters directly.

Inside the camp, the soldiers were fully armed, rushed out of the barracks and quickly lined up in front of the building.

The squad leader on duty quickly assembled the team, but the officer on duty did not appear on time. The soldiers could only stand motionless on the playground, waiting silently for the officer on duty to appear.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the battalion headquarters was solemn, Long Jianguo took a document, strode into the conference room, and said straight to the point: "This is the emergency notification I just received. Linyi Wuyang District and Shuangshan County have found it. Giant cockroach, the superior ordered us to set off immediately and rush to Linyi as quickly as possible, first company commander!"


"Stay behind!"

"Batch commander, let us join the company. Our entire company has the confidence to complete any task!"

"Okay, don't be useless." Long Jianguo said, "I know what you're thinking, now is not the time to grab a mission, do I need to say more about Fuyun's situation? Staying in a row will not only guard the camp, but also Eliminate the remaining cockroaches, do you think you are easy?"

Lu Qingzhi hurriedly shut his mouth tightly and didn't speak again.

"Second company commander!"


"Your mission is Wuyang District. The province has sent a unit to support Wuyang. All the weapons, ammunition, and supplies required for the mission are in charge of the friendly troops. Please cooperate after you go there."

"Yes, there are many battalion commanders, don't worry."

"Third company commander!"


"To support Shuangshan County, there is no army stationed there, only an armed police force. They just have the ammunition we need there. After arriving in Yishan, make time to establish contact."


"The battalion department will go with the second company, Ye Han, you and the third company!"


"Okay, that's all I have at the moment. The superiors will send the details later, start preparations immediately, set off as soon as possible, and end the meeting!"

Several people immediately stood up and quickly left Long Jianguo's office. The three company commanders rushed to the front of their respective teams and made proper arrangements.

Immediately, the first company took over the defense of the entire battalion, and the second company and the third company immediately prepared to set off - the troops were always in a state of combat readiness, and all the supplies were stacked on the car, and as long as people got on the car, they could set off immediately.

Ten minutes later, all the officers and soldiers participating in the war were ready. With an order, all the participating vehicles started their engines, and the roar of the diesel engine suddenly resounded through the garage.

The battalion's armored command vehicle was the first to drive out of the garage, and the other turned sharply towards the gate.

The No. 012 armored vehicle followed closely behind the command vehicle and set off second.

If Ye Han was not one of the only two officers in the battalion headquarters, the second position would not be 012 anyway.

Armored vehicles of various types followed one by one, and a long surging steel dragon opened towards the camp gate against the cold autumn wind.

There are still more than 100 meters away from the camp gate. Long Jianguo unexpectedly saw Vice Mayor Liu and his party still waiting outside the door, but he didn't care at all. He didn't let Vice Mayor Liu succeed with empty hands. Afraid of what will happen to him?

Vice Mayor Liu fixed his eyes on the rolling iron stream coming out of the camp. Seeing that the command car was about to open the gate, Vice Mayor Liu, who was originally standing on the side of the gate, suddenly used a shape that did not match his figure. The speed rushed to the middle of the door, and stretched out his arms to block the door.

The driver braked suddenly, and the armored vehicle nearly collided with Vice Mayor Liu.

The sentry at the door was startled, and immediately jumped off the guard post, shouting loudly, "You're going to die!"

Long Jianguo, who was in the car, accidentally bumped his head into the display screen, and he jumped out of the car in anger: "Liu, what the **** are you trying to do!"

Deputy Mayor Liu calmly said, "Commander Long, what are you doing here?"

"Military secrets, no comment!" Long Jianguo said bitterly.

"If you don't tell me, I know that you were transferred to Linyi, right?"

Long Jianguo frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Captain Long, you don't need me to tell you about the situation in Fuyun. You are the only battalion garrisoned in the city. If you leave, who will fight the cockroaches? Who will protect Fuyun?"

Long Jianguo, who was on the verge of rage, couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He just abused his power for private affairs, but how did he become so righteous and awe-inspiring when he smoked a cigarette?

Didn't the surnamed Liu take the wrong medicine? From the founding of the People's Republic to the present, I have never heard of anyone who dared to replace military orders with government orders. Did the surnamed Liu suffer too much stimulation and have a problem with his brain?

It doesn't matter what he wants to do, it's just right to stay the same!

Thinking of this, Long Jianguo said solemnly: "Vice Mayor Liu, we have received a military order, you have no right to interfere with our actions, please move away immediately."

"Military orders? Humph!" Vice Mayor Liu snorted coldly, "You don't use military orders to press me, and a few days ago, you ordered the troops from several nearby cities to come to It's been a few days. Now, see for yourself, it's been a few days, where are the reinforcements?"

Long Jianguo was stunned for a moment. He really didn't pay attention to this matter. Thinking about it now, when he was withdrawing from the Montenegro Mountains, the order did say that the surrounding troops should be mobilized to support Fuyun.

"I can't tell, right?" Vice Mayor Liu sneered. "You don't need to tell me, I'll tell you that they were stopped by local officials. You said it yourself, if they don't come to support us, why should we support them!"

Long Jianguo took a deep breath: "The reason why the reinforcements didn't arrive is not that you can guess with just a few words, but take 10,000 steps back and say that it is their business whether the reinforcements will come or not. Like a mountain, obeying orders is the duty of a soldier, I can't control other people's troops, I only know that my troops must obey orders!"

Deputy Mayor Liu's expression changed: "Commander Long, this is chaos!"

"I know if it's a mess, and you know it too. I also remind you that the army belongs to the country, and it's not your turn to point fingers!"

"Long Jianguo, don't mistake yourself, I have already contacted the joint headquarters, and the headquarters authorized me to stop you from leaving!"

Long Jianguo laughed angrily: "Are you mentally ill? What level is the joint headquarters, and what level is the order I received? You treat me like you, and you can't even tell the difference between big and small kings?"

"Commander Long!" Vice Mayor Liu stomped his feet with hatred, and knelt down in front of the armored vehicle with gritted teeth, "I represent the hundreds of thousands of folks in Fuyun, please, can't you please!"

Long Jianguo was stunned for a moment, and other people present were also overwhelmed by Vice Mayor Welcome readers to come and read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all at~www. users please go to read.

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