Armor Frenzy

Chapter 241: Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

When the communication was stopped, Ye Han let out a long sigh, opened his trouser legs to look at the wound, took out the first aid kit he was carrying, cleaned the wound, and then stuck it with a large band-aid, even if the wound was completely treated.

As for other scratches and scratches, the number cannot be counted for the time being, and there is no condition to deal with them by oneself, so they can only be put aside.

The time was only early six o'clock in the morning. Although the battle lasted not long ago, it consumed a lot of physical strength. At this time, Ye Han suddenly felt extremely hungry. Fortunately, compressed biscuits, like first aid kits, have been carried with them all the time, not stuffed into them. In a backpack with bullets.

He took out the compressed biscuits and was surprised to find that the compressed biscuits had been hit by a bullet, only half of the biscuits were still intact, and the remaining half had turned into pieces and scum, and many pieces had passed through the pocket The bullet hole was lost, and the loss was almost one-third!

Ye Han couldn't remember when the compressed biscuit was shot, and he didn't think so carefully. He took out a handful of biscuit powder and carefully picked out the thread in the biscuit residue. Then he squeezed a little and put it in his mouth. The sweet fragrance spreads on the tip of the tongue immediately, it is a full feast of delicacies from mountains and seas, and at this moment, it will not be any better than this biscuit.

To be honest, compressed biscuits are dry and hard, not much better than stones, biting with teeth can even make teeth hurt. Undoubtedly a very tormenting thing.

But eating the dregs directly is different. You can save the process of nibbling off a piece from the biscuit, but it is only saved. The dry biscuit dregs are sent into the mouth, and the nearby saliva is immediately absorbed, and the hard dregs are slow Slowly softened by the saliva, it turned into a bit of mushy lingering on the tip of the tongue. It was only at this time that Ye Han slowly swallowed the biscuit batter.

Without water, the biscuits could only be gelatinized and compressed with saliva. Ye Han couldn't help regretting why he didn't bring a kettle with him yesterday. Even if he only had a kettle of cold water, it would be much faster than soaking the biscuits with saliva all the time.

Being behind the enemy, even if it is temporarily safe, Ye Han still has a strong sense of crisis in his heart. Therefore, he doesn't care about what he eats, but he does care about the speed of eating. Compressed biscuits are not a kind of food that can be swallowed quickly. If he really puts a large piece of compressed biscuits into his mouth, his mouth full of biscuits will be absorbed in an instant. All his saliva.

In the world, he either waited for the re-secreted saliva to soak all the biscuits in his mouth, or spit out what was in his mouth. There was no possibility of forcibly swallowing it.

Ye Han still likes to throw the compressed biscuits in water and boil them until they become mushy before eating them. Although the taste is normal, it is not bad to be able to eat a bite of hot food under field conditions.

It took him more than an hour to eat all the compressed biscuits, and then it was a long and painful wait.

I don't know how long it took, the gunshots outside the building gradually faded away, Ye Han glanced at the time, but it was only 8:30 in the morning.

The exchange of fire between the two gangsters could last for more than two hours, which was somewhat beyond Ye Han's expectations.

However, after only five minutes, the gunshots suddenly became much denser, and from time to time, dull explosions could be heard, and the momentum did not decrease but instead increased.

Ye Han was refreshed and thought to himself, this must be the military's shot!

The situation was exactly as Ye Han thought. At the critical moment when the two sides in the conflict were about to cease fire, the army that had been ready to go suddenly rushed into the occupied area from the direction of Fenglu Gang.

The exchange of fire between the two sides of the conflict covered up the military's actions. A large number of armored vehicles were divided and interspersed with thunderous offensives. It only took three minutes to control all the main streets in the Fenglu Gang's site, and relying on this, they continued to rush to the surrounding area. .

Immediately, troops from other directions began to attack the occupied area. The armored troops interspersed with all their strength. The battle took less than 12 minutes. The main streets in the occupied area were basically controlled by the military, and the first phase of the plan was successfully completed.

The military's attack was not all smooth sailing. During the period, it also encountered strong resistance from gangsters, but in the face of the rolling iron stream of the military, any gangster who dared to resist was a mantis in front of the wheel, and they were all run over to death on the spot.

The troops attacking the occupied area are all armored troops that the military has already mobilized near Linyi. The only weapon in the hands of the gangs that can fight against armored vehicles is rockets, which are not only small in number, but also scattered in the hands of various gangs. There is a real commander-in-chief in the district. I am afraid that he would have abandoned his weapons and surrendered in the face of disparity in strength, but how many far-sighted talents can the gang find? Even if you have talent, your words have to be effective.

However, there is no shortage of second-hand gangsters in the gang. Many gang members foolishly jumped out of the bunkers with rocket launchers, thinking they were heroes and fired rockets into the steel torrent.

But old-fashioned rockets can't penetrate the armor of new tanks at all. Although there is a certain threat to armored vehicles, the infantrymen accompanying the armored troops are not vegetarians.

As a result, the gangsters were often knocked to the ground by a random gun as soon as they emerged, or even hit by a machine gun, and they were directly bombarded by the cannon fire.

Only by hiding in the building can the rockets be successfully launched.

Hiding in a narrow room and setting off a rocket launcher, before the rocket hit the target, the tail flames produced by the launch turned the shooter into a roast pig.

The gangsters who dare to do this obviously lack enough military common sense. They don't know that there are only a handful of the most advanced rocket-assisted grenades in the world today that can be launched in buildings without the tail spray hurting people.

There are also some gangsters who know the concept of tail spray hurting people, but the result they found on the Internet is that the RPG7 gun tail is fifteen centimeters away from the wall to ensure the safety of the shooter... The safety distance of the tail spray of this thing is twenty meters, and Fifteen centimeters of the wall can guarantee safety? Even if the tail spray didn't directly burn the person, it would inevitably set the house on fire, and the skin would be peeled off if he didn't die.

Although the loss of the military is inevitable, it is completely negligible compared with the results obtained.

In the face of the powerful blows of the state apparatus, the grass-roots gangs like the gang are not as good as the turkeys. If they weren't concerned about the safety of the hostages, the military's speed of action would be even faster.

After the military took control of the traffic in the occupied area, it did not immediately start the crackdown, but started a comprehensive propaganda. The content of the propaganda was roughly to hand over the gun and not kill, and to deal with it leniently, which shook the gang members' determination to resist from a psychological level.

The military's propaganda works well. Many gang members put down their weapons and choose to surrender, but there are not a few hard-liners who refuse to surrender.

Half an hour later, the propaganda was over, and the military immediately started to attack the diehards in the gang. The wolf gang was fortunate to be the first sacrifice to fall under the military's iron Welcome readers to read the latest , The fastest and most popular serial works are all in mobile phone users, please read.

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