Armor Frenzy

Chapter 264: hold your ground

Ye Han didn't swallow the compressed biscuits. The slow-moving helicopter engine roared loudly. The plane that had just landed rose from the ground and flew north again.

The powerful airflow lifted up the dust and sand in the sky, covering Ye Han's face with his head. He quickly protected the food in his hand, and when the wind stopped, he nibbled at the next piece and chewed it hard.

Xiao Yuan raised his eyelids in surprise: "Why did you fly back again?"

"What else could it be, this side has stabilized, and I hurried back to save people." Ye Han said vaguely.

It is no longer the military's first task to evacuate the people from the occupied area. How to rescue the trapped officers and soldiers is the primary issue.

Xiao Yuan remembered the streets full of bones, and suddenly stopped chewing: "Ye Pai, you say, how many people are still trapped inside?"

"One tenth of being able to survive is to say more." Ye Han took a sip of cold water, "We are lucky."

Xiao Yuan lowered his head and exhaled: "Yes, luck is really good." After speaking, he chewed hard.

Before the two of them could finish eating, a tank rumbled over with exhaust gas spraying from under the buttocks. When passing by Ye Han, it suddenly accelerated. In an instant, the engine roared loudly, and the gushing exhaust gas sprayed Ye Han and Xiao Yuan all over their faces. .

The two quickly fled, and just after a few steps, the tank slammed into the burning barricade and drove into the occupied area that had not yet been recovered with a car full of flames.

Several other vehicles followed immediately, followed by a dozen or so walking flames.

At the same time, another roadblock 100 meters away was also knocked over by a tank, and a group of armored vehicles and Spitfire swarmed in.

Ye Han couldn't help standing up, stretched his neck and looked behind the barricade, but couldn't see anything. He turned his head and saw an armored vehicle parked beside him, so he simply climbed onto the armored vehicle.

The tank on the other side of the roadblock drove directly to the next intersection, where most of the roadblocks had been removed by the military. After confirming that there were no boxing ants nearby, the soldiers on the vehicles behind the tank quickly got off and built a road with waste tires. Low barricades, and some bottles and cans filled with unknown liquids are placed in the tires.

The low wall is more than one meter at most, that is, it cannot stop pedestrians or vehicles, but those that are easy to contain must be flammable liquids such as gasoline or spirits. Once the low wall is ignited, it must be able to form a towering wall of fire. At least it can stop the ant colony for a while.

After completing the construction of a roadblock, the team left two fire-breathers to guard the roadblock, and the others continued to advance to the next intersection.

Ye Han secretly sighed, this is to advance step by step!

Thinking about it, it's right. Previously, the enemy of the military was the ubiquitous gangsters in the occupied area. Relying on superior equipment and combat power to attack and divide the enemy, and then concentrating superior forces to break them down, was a very suitable tactic.

But now, the military's opponents are no longer gangsters with low combat effectiveness, but elusive, overwhelming ant colonies, and they are only fist-sized and pervasive ants. It can effectively resist the invasion of ant colonies, gradually regain the urban area occupied by giant ants, and try to withdraw the masses from the area occupied by the remaining ants as much as possible.

And it's not just the masses. After seeing the horror of giant ants, a large number of gangsters must give up their resistance and surrender to the military in order to save their lives.

I just don't know how the government will deal with these bandits, and Ye Han doesn't know, but he knows very well that the military's transportation force is very weak, and it is already very difficult to send away the people stranded in the occupied area, even if he wants to send all the bandits. If you leave, you have to wait until all the ordinary people are sent away.

In case of lack of motivation or a strong comeback of the ant colony, the above may simply give up the surrendered bandits.

Several trucks full of sandbags drove past Ye Han, and one of them parked directly nearby. A few soldiers jumped off the truck, and then a few bags of unopened cement were dropped. The soldiers immediately pressed the cement bags on the road. Cover a well.

Then another sprinkler drove over and poured water on the piled cement bags.

Ye Han laughed dumbly, this is to use damp cement to hold down the manhole cover!

The giant ants roaming the two ant-occupied areas in the north and south are strong and strong, and it is not a problem to overturn several bags of damp cement, but the size of the fist ants has shrunk too much, not to mention one or two, even if there is a small group, It is unlikely that the manhole cover will be overturned.

However, ants are notoriously good at division of labor and cooperation. If a large group of boxing ants gather in the same well to lift up together, it is hard to say whether those bags of cement will work...

Thinking of this, Ye Han laughed dumbly, and the ants have no wisdom. How could they know where the manhole cover can be overturned, and where is the road that cannot be dug?

A group of military vehicles drove into the occupied area, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but feel a little anxious, the jaws that kept opening and closing chewed the mouthful of compressed biscuits, and then swallowed all the broken biscuits in his mouth with a mouthful of water. I actually ate a whole piece of compressed biscuit in three or two times.

Xiao Yuan wiped his mouth: "Ye Pai, what should we do?"

"Why, do you still want to follow in?"

"You can't just stay here, right?" Xiao Yuan asked rhetorically.

"Find someone to ask where the troops I'll talk about other things after they return." Ye Han said.

"That's fine, I'll go ask now." After that, Xiao Yuan couldn't wait to run away.

Ye Han shook his head and continued to eat his share.

Before he could finish eating, Xiao Yuan hurriedly ran back: "Ye Pai, they say it's too messy now, there are too many people like us who can't find troops, they don't have time to help us find them, there is a shelter over there. Team, you can go to report first, make temporary formation to carry out the task first, and then slowly find the troops.”

"Do you want to go there?"

"I listen to you." Xiao Yuan said.

There are hundreds of people of all kinds, and the army is also a group of ordinary people. Even if strict training can maximize everyone's personality, who can guarantee that there is no treacherous villain hidden in the seemingly loyal team?

In case of being in danger and being sold by his own people at the critical moment, it would be too sad, and it is not that such a situation has never happened, so Xiao Yuan did not want to perform tasks with strangers at all, but he is just an ordinary soldier with a quiet personality. , only to obey orders, how can they have the right to choose?

If it weren't for the great **** Ye Han, he would have let the people from the containment team join the team.

Ye Han swallowed the last bite of the compressed biscuit: "Listen to me, let's go back to the headquarters."

Operations in the occupied area require a large number of manpower, but no matter what kind of arms and positions they originally were, when entering a temporarily assembled unit, they must obey the assignments of their superiors.

This kind of team that has not been run-in will definitely not be reused. 80% of them will be sent to do hard work such as building barricades and pressing manhole covers. Such an important task should be handed over to Welcome to the book Friends come to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in mobile phone users, please go to read.

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