Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1936: Solve the satellite first

Saturn, Lone Wolf hovers silently above the halo, neither advancing nor retreating.

The branches in that dark spot in the distance had long since retracted, and there looked no different from the rest of the halo.

On the bridge of the Lone Wolf, the main screen is divided into two, one side shows a dark spot, the other side shows the upper layer of Saturn's atmosphere, an alien creature with a brown body and the shape of an airship is slowly moving among the clouds.

Ye Han glanced at the time, it was four hours after the missile discovered the boat bug, but the Lone Wolf still hadn't received a reply from Beiyuezhou, and couldn't help but feel anxious.

In fact, he is very clear that at present, the straight-line distance between Saturn and the earth is more than ten astronomical units. .

Beiyuezhou received the news and reported it up layer by layer, and then held a meeting above to convene a meeting to discuss. Is one hour enough? That's definitely not enough!

The Lone Wolf has been observing the top layer of Saturn's atmosphere for a few hours. Originally, I wondered if there could be more discoveries, but so far, only the boat worm has been in and out of the clouds, and there is no more. Find.

This made Ye Han very puzzled. Could it be that there is only such a boat bug on Saturn? Or are other boat worms hiding in the depths of Saturn?

He even came up with an idea, whether this thing is a native species of Saturn, and has nothing to do with aliens... Of course, he just thinks about it casually. The possibility is slim.

At this time, Beiyuezhou was just as Ye Han thought, a group of bigwigs headed by Wu Han were troubled by the new situation on Saturn.

It's not the boat worms themselves that bother them, but the extent to which the aliens have penetrated Saturn!

Moreover, this incident also reminded the executives. In the past, they thought that it was impossible to interact with creatures on giant planets, but aliens never played cards according to the rules. Since there are creatures on Saturn, what about Jupiter?

The high-level wants to see the situation of Jupiter, but the Jupiter fleet no longer exists, not even the satellites are left, and they can't be seen for a while!

No satellite of Jupiter can escape the eyes of the space telescope, but if there is a boat worm on Jupiter, it may not necessarily be visible!

Several big bosses gathered together, and simply took two battleships from the asteroid belt fleet and ordered them to rush to Jupiter as quickly as possible to fully monitor the situation of Jupiter.

Subsequently, the astronomical community was also organized by the military. After a small-scale announcement of the situation on Saturn, the expert group was asked to start from the perspective of Jupiter's environment to study whether it is possible for extraterrestrial creatures to survive on Jupiter.

But the experts invited by one agreed that the odds of this happening on Jupiter are negligibly small.

This is because although the atmospheric structures of Saturn and Jupiter are similar, Saturn's temperature is much lower than that of Jupiter, and a large amount of ammonia and methane forms a thick upper haze, so that the outer layer of Saturn's atmosphere is full of clouds, unlike Jupiter, Clear lower cloud bands can be seen.

To put it bluntly, the outer layer of Saturn's atmosphere is suitable for hiding, while the outer layer of Jupiter's atmosphere has no place to hide at all, and alien creatures have long been discovered.

As for the lower cloud belt hidden in Jupiter... Hehe, with such a high temperature and pressure, don't think about it when you go in, and in the end, you must die without knowing how to die.

This result greatly relieved the senior officials and began to concentrate on the Saturn problem.

However, the discussion went on and on, and in the end the discussion did not come to a useful result.

It’s not that everyone is short-sighted, but that this situation has never happened before, and no one knows how far aliens have developed on Saturn, and they don’t even understand the situation. How could it be possible to discuss effective countermeasures?

"Since it can't be solved, let it go for a while!" Wu Han said at the meeting.

So after a full twelve hours, Lone Wolf finally received a reply from Beiyuezhou. Before opening the file, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Han.

Ye Han browsed through the contents of the order, took a long breath and said, "The above ordered us to put the dark spot and Saturn, and solve the satellites of Saturn first!"

He Lu let out a long sigh of relief: "It should have been this way..." As he said it, he felt that he was accusing Ye Han of a problem with his command.

No matter who is in command of the Lone Wolf, the response to such a situation is to first check the situation, and then try to see if the problem can be solved.

But even though the situation was such a situation, he didn't think that was the case when he said it directly. He glanced at Ye Han with a guilty conscience and explained it intentionally.

Ye Han didn't think about this at all, and nodded in agreement: "It's a lot of time wasted, hurry up and set off immediately!"

The alien fleet is still flying here, just to make a time difference and get rid of the enemy to blow up the satellite.

The Lone Wolf restarted and flew to Enceladus again... Shortly after the battleship set sail, the boat worm that had been in and out of the sea of ​​clouds got into the clouds and never came out again.

The Lone Wolf didn't leave, and the boat bugs didn't run away. As soon as the Lone Wolf left, the boat bugs disappeared. Ye Han was the first to not believe it when he said that this thing didn't attract the Lone Wolf's attention!

But what is the purpose of the aliens doing this? procrastinating? Not so simple, right?

Can't figure out the reason, just leave these annoying problems and concentrate on dealing with Enceladus.

The orbital distance between Enceladus and Enceladus is only more than 50,000 kilometers, but the two satellites are not in the same direction. It took Lone Wolf nearly a day to reach the vicinity of Enceladus.

Ye Han didn't care whether the aliens were ambushing or not. After the warship arrived at the designated position, he issued an attack order without saying a word. The super cannon continued to illuminate the surface of Enceladus, and soon a deep ice hole was punched in the ice layer. Then a super nuclear bomb was sent into the ice cave.

Then the Lone Wolf changed direction, repeated the process, put another nuclear bomb in, and after a few times, finally detonated all the nuclear bombs together. The orbit is within the outermost E ring of Saturn's rings, and most of the large and small fragments fly away from the ring, but under the action of Saturn's gravity, most of the fragments will become part of the ring.

However, the blasting of the Lone Wolf was very incomplete. The largest fragment left by Enceladus was more than 70 kilometers in diameter!

Ye Han felt that it was too big, so he blew it up again, and until he could no longer find any large fragments, he ordered the battleship to leave with satisfaction, and continued to rush to the 1060-kilometer diameter Titan! carapace frenzy

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