Armor Frenzy

Chapter 467: besieged

There are a lot of giant insects near the airport, but when they are far away from the airport, the number of giant insects does not increase but decreases, and the battle is not as fierce as it was during the breakout.

However, it didn't take long for the two to encounter a military truck that was breached by a giant insect. The cab door was wide open, a large hole was broken in the windshield, and blood was everywhere on the seat.

The situation in the rear compartment was even more bloody. Although the situation in the compartment was covered by the tarpaulin, it was not clear to see, but the gaps in the compartment board were full of blood. The blood flowing out of the compartment accumulated a large pool under the car. Flying back and forth in front of the truck.

Ye Han looked gloomy, staring at the truck full of blood.

The loader passed by the side of the truck, and the truck shook suddenly, not much, but with human power, there was absolutely no way to make the truck shake so badly.

Ye Han's machine gun was aimed horizontally at the truck, just in time to see the giant insect's head sticking out from the back of the carriage and being knocked down by Ye Han's random guns.

Continuing to move forward, more and more vehicles were destroyed by giant insects on the road, and blood was everywhere. Shredded clothes, messy shoes and hats, scattered belongings, but no human corpses could be seen.

There is no need to observe carefully, almost every bloodstain can find traces of dragging, and the footprints left by giant insects trampling on the blood are all over the street.

Ye Han felt very uncomfortable, but he couldn't do anything other than urge the driver to speed up, and he watched too many similar scenes, and gradually became resistant to blood, or to put it more bluntly, he had already Corpses, death, and blood produce antibodies, and numbness is gradually replacing compassion and anger.

The straight-line distance between the airport and the chemical factory is about seven or eight kilometers. Ye Han and the driver cooperated with each other, gradually developing a little tacit understanding, and dealing with giant insects became more and more handy.

After more than 20 minutes, the loader with a distance of about 15 kilometers arrived at the chemical plant.

The electric retractable door at the factory gate was wide open. Sandbag bunkers were piled on both sides of the gate. There were more corpses nearby than in other areas. It was obvious that a fierce battle had taken place.

Ye Han turned on the radio: "Call Wulian, please answer when you receive... Wulian Wulian, please answer when you receive it!" He didn't answer even after calling it several times. He couldn't help sinking. Could something happen to Wulian? ?

Waving his hand to signal the driver to drive the car into the courtyard, Ye Han heard a hoarse and tired voice: "Five even received, please speak."

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "Five Company, I was sent by the headquarters, and I brought supplies to you."

The loader entered the gate. There were also many dead bodies of giant insects in the front yard of the chemical plant. The factory office building was facing the gate. A window on the fourth floor opened.

"Great!" cheered a tired voice.

"Inform your location!" Ye Han ignored the woman upstairs.

"We're stuck in Warehouse No. 3, and we can see it around the main building," said a tired voice.

There are roads leading to the back on both sides of the chemical plant office building. Ye Han made a gesture, the driver nodded, and drove the loader to the backyard.

Seeing this, the woman upstairs shouted even harder. When the loader passed the office building, Ye Han shouted, "Go back and hide, and I'll pick you up later."

The woman didn't listen at all, she leaned out of the window halfway, almost falling out of the window, until the loader drove out of her sight, the woman retracted into the window, rushed into the opposite office like a gust of wind, lying on the back of the office building. window, waiting for the loader to appear.

She was not alone in the office building. After discovering her actions, more than a dozen people rushed into the back office and looked at the backyard of the factory worriedly.

Before the loader entered the backyard, Ye Han saw a few giant insects lying in the corner of the backyard. At first glance, he thought it was the corpse of the giant insect, but immediately saw that the tentacles on the giant insect's head were not stopping. , so he quickly made a stop gesture.

The loader stopped, about a hundred meters away from the giant insects.

The giant insect didn't seem to find the loader, so Ye Han didn't dare to care about it, and whispered: "You wait here, I'll go take a look!"

The driver agreed, and Ye Han took off the extra bullet chain from the machine gun and put it on his body, leaving only one bullet chain in the gun, jumped out of the bucket and moved forward carefully: "Wulian, what's wrong with the giant insects in the yard?"

"I don't know." Wulian replied, "Maybe they rushed in with us."

"Why do you keep gathering here?" Ye Han asked again.

"I don't know."

Ye Han said angrily, "Then what do you know?"

Wulian was silent, Ye Han was not angry, moved his back against the wall of the building carefully, and when he moved to the corner of the building, he lay on the ground, only showing half of his head to observe the situation in the backyard.

The chemical plant was much bigger than he thought, with neat warehouses and workshops lined up in several rows, densely packed with pipeline equipment, and many large spherical and cylindrical containers.

In a corner of the courtyard, there is a row of dangerous goods transport vehicles, some of which have rot characters written on the tank, some are written for chemical industry, and some are written with flammable and explosive, no fireworks and other reminders .

Ye Han suddenly asked, "Wu Lian, what are you doing here in this ghost place?"

"There is a batch of high-efficiency pesticides that has just been produced. The command hopes that we can transport this batch of pesticides back to the airport."

Ye Han suddenly asked, "Where is the pesticide?"

"I don't know, the people in the office building know that the bullets were almost out when we pulled in, and the office building was locked. We panicked and didn't find a chance."

Ye Han can't wait to beat up all the people of Wulian, it's not a dangerous task, why let them do it like this?

"Okay, you can explain to the headquarters." Ye Han said impatiently.

He carefully observed the situation in the backyard and wondered how to rescue people, but there are too many giant insects gathered here... It is a good way to enter the office building and use the height to kill the giant insects, but the airport urgently needs five companies to return to help, not so Kill the bugs slowly over time.

It is also a way to divert the swarms, but there are gunshots everywhere in the sand source, but these giant insects have been staying here and refuse to move. What is it that attracts the giant insects?

Unable to figure out the joints, Ye Han didn't think about it at all, and asked bluntly, "Wulian, are the walls of the warehouse thick? Can you get through the walls and move to warehouse No. 1?"

The No. 3 warehouse where Wulian was located was in the same building as the other warehouses. The distance between No. 1 warehouse and the office building was only more than ten meters.

"I don't know how thick the wall is, but there is a door on the wall..."

"Then what are you waiting for, transfer to warehouse No. 1 immediately!" Ye Han was almost speechless. How much does this guy like to say these three words clearly?


Ye Han looked back at the driver, pointed to the wall of warehouse No. 1 and asked, "Brother, can you make a hole in the wall?"

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