Armor Frenzy

Chapter 478:

The mobile troops had no artillery, and Bian Ge got the seven artillery pieces from the airport supplies.

The defenders have long known that there are a batch of mortars in the reserve materials, but artillery is a technical branch, and even relatively simple mortars are not so easy to master, so these mortars have never come in handy.

However, the mobile suits are either special forces or scouts. They have enough knowledge of various active weapons, regardless of whether they are flying on the ground or swimming in the water. As long as they are active duty equipment, they can find suitable operators.

Even if he gets a few heavy artillery pieces, Bian Ge can still find qualified gunners, just a few mortars.

The indiscriminate bombing at all costs successfully protected the safety of the evacuees. When the last batch of personnel evacuated the airport, Bian Ge immediately notified the troops to withdraw.

The twenty armored vehicles were no longer entangled with the swarm and drove back immediately.

However, the swarm did not intend to let the armored convoy go like this, and still rushed towards the armored vehicle relentlessly.

The armored vehicle retreated and fired, but it couldn't clear the wolves on the vehicle.

The team gradually approached the line of defense, and at the same time, a large number of wolves also pressed against the team step by step.

Bian Ge waved his hand: "The medium-caliber machine gun targets the armored vehicle, raise the muzzle to shoot freely, the large-caliber machine gun clears the wolves, shoot!"

As soon as the voice fell, more than 60 machine guns on the defense line fired together. The dense gunfire sounded like a sea tide, and the deadly bullets were like heavy rain, pouring on the insect swarm head-on.

The gap to evacuate the airport was only 40 meters wide, but more than 20 medium-caliber machine guns and more than 30 large-caliber machine guns were concentrated, and the firepower density was terrifying.

Well-trained fighters are by no means unrestrained and random fire. Every burst has a clear target. It is not because of the aggressive and aimless shooting of giant insects, but to save bullets as much as possible.

The shooting speed of automatic weapons is extremely high. If you hold the trigger, more than 100 bullets can be shot in a blink of an eye. Experienced soldiers will not fire blindly at any time, only the first time they are on the battlefield. A novice, will hug the fire and never let go.

The machine gun is still like this, let alone the rifle. A fully armed soldier will carry more than 200 rounds of bullets on his body, and he will be full of six or seven magazines. All the bullets were fired.

Mortars, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and multiple crossfires formed a dense fire net in front of the defense line, and any giant insects that crashed into it would be torn apart by the relentless rain of bullets.

The first batch of fallen wolves piled up more than 200 meters away from the defense line. The wolves that were not afraid of life and death rushed to the only defense line like a tide. Fall down and then rush up, each fallen wolf worm is a bunker for its companions, and the corpses are gradually piled up into a low wall. Even a powerful 12.7mm heavy machine gun cannot penetrate dozens of them. Front and rear stacks of wolves.

With the cover of the corpse wall, the swarm moved forward slowly but firmly, slowly approaching the defense line.

The swarms are surging, and the ammunition consumption on the defense line is extremely high. Soldiers who have no combat tasks temporarily serve as temporary sub-shooters, and constantly send the ammunition accumulated behind the defense line to the position, and hang it on the ammunition chain that is about to be finished in time to maximize the firepower of the machine gun. 's continuity.

The swarm was getting closer and closer, and the returning convoy also slowly approached the position. After getting closer, the machine guns fired more accurately. The machine gunners began to clear the wolves from the car according to Bian Ge's order.

It was not until the convoy reached a distance of only fifty or sixty meters from the position that the machine gunners killed the last wolfworm, and the cross-fire effectively cut off the wolfworms following the armored vehicle, and the convoy finally returned safely with the blood of the car full.

However, this time around, not only did the ammunition in the armored vehicles burn out, but the armored vehicles also suffered some damage. If the wheels were not puncture-resistant tires, at least half of the twenty armored vehicles would have been thrown at the airport.

The convoy drove past the position and lined up behind the defense line. Ye Han jumped out of the car, feeling rather disheartened.

Bian Ge glanced back, and immediately turned around to continue to pay attention to the movement of the swarm: "Ye Han, replenish the ammunition immediately, leave the first squadron to me, you take the other two squadrons and the battalion headquarters to withdraw first, take over the defense of each intersection, and let the garrison garrison. Get out first."

The establishment of mobile troops is not directly appropriating the army standard, but is progressive in units, squadrons, brigades, and detachments. The battalion-level establishment should be the brigade headquarters.

"Yes!" Ye Han agreed, "How many intersections are there on the road?"

"I don't know, you directly contact and coordinate with the garrison."

"Understood!" Ye Han agreed, and immediately arranged for the troops to replenish ammunition.

The ammunition truck was parked nearby, and the soldiers charged up, filling the armored vehicle's magazine in just a few minutes.

Ye Han took the opportunity to contact the Shayuan headquarters, and only after asking did he know that there are more than 30 intersections that need to be defended from the airport to the next line of defense. There are less than 30 armored vehicles in the two squadrons and the battalion headquarters. There are not enough cars.

And Ye Han believes that at least two cars should be placed at an intersection.

It is unrealistic to fully take over the defense of this road. Ye Han immediately made a decision and ordered the troops to put two armored vehicles at each intersection, one by one, until all the armored vehicles entered the combat position.

The remaining intersections are not in a hurry to take over, and there is nothing wrong with letting the garrison guard for a while.

Ye Han did not wait for the ammunition to be replenished before jumping into the armored vehicle of the battalion headquarters and instructing several vehicles to evacuate first, but after withdrawing to the first intersection, he stayed behind to take over the defense, and let other vehicles continue to retreat.

The first group to be withdrawn was either ammunition trucks or cooking trucks. There was only one self-defense machine gun on board, and their combat capability was very limited. But at this juncture, Ye Han couldn't take care of that the team Take over defense in order.

A few minutes later, the first batch of armored vehicles that had been replenished with ammunition withdrew, Ye Han immediately ordered the auxiliary vehicles to continue to retreat, and the vacancies were filled by combat vehicles until all the armored vehicles of the two squadrons were all in place.

At this time, it had been more than 20 minutes since Bian Ge issued the retreat order, and the gunshots in the direction of the airport kept ringing.

"Ye Han wants to connect Bian Ge's radio: "Captain, the troops are all in place! "

"Get ready for battle!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Received!" Bian Ge cut off the communication and cut into the communication frequency of the Shayuan headquarters, "Commander Yu, how is the situation of the troops?"

"A large number of troops have withdrawn behind the Huangsha River line of defense, and only a small number of defensive troops remain on the north bank."

"Our department is about to evacuate the airport and request fire support!"


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