Armor Frenzy

Chapter 484: downstream

A large amount of smoke was emitted from the burning of white phosphorus, covering the north bank layer by layer, covering the swarms of wolves rushing to the hog. Many bright spots fell into the water. Ω』Ω『E novel WwんW. 』1XIAOSHUO. COM

The explosions became more and more sparse, and the last explosion ended. Several wolves suddenly rushed out of the smoke screen with fireworks all over their bodies. They didn't know how much white phosphorus was on their bodies, and each wolf worm had more than a dozen burning points.

The fleeing wolf worms panicked, some turned their heads and dived into another piece of smoke, some jumped directly into the water, and some were burned to the ground as soon as the smoke came out, and could not get up again.

Even so, the dead worm continued to burn, like a worm-shaped stove, with yellowish plumes of smoke billowing outwards.

The breeze blew, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the north bank shrouded in smoke reappeared in the eyes of everyone. The slate-paved river bank park was already scorched everywhere, and countless wolves were scattered on it, like shrimp and crabs just out of the pot. Faint blue smoke, there are not a few people who have rotten intestines and belly.

Some of the wolves were still dead, or hooked their legs or moved their jaws, but none of them stood up.

The incendiary bombs only covered the line of the river bank, and many wolves could be seen far away from the river bank. Perhaps it was because of the fire-fearing nature in their bones. Those wolves refused to approach the burning area and kept lingering on the edge of the burning area.

Flame Hell is just that.

Ye Han let out a long sigh and said hatefully, "Happy!"

It is not the first time he has come into contact with white phosphorus incendiary bombs, but it is the first time he has witnessed the fire coverage of white phosphorus incendiary bombs at close range. Burn thousands of wolves on the North Shore.

In addition to the joy, Ye Han was also a little scared. Fortunately, none of the missiles hit the north shore, as long as one hit the south shore...

At this time, Ye Han didn't know that incendiary bombs have always been the first means of fighting giant insects today and for countless hours in the future, even if the giant insects destroyed by nuclear bombs are not as many as white phosphorus incendiary bombs.

The Shayuan headquarters was still in contact with Ye Han, and Commander Yu asked nervously, "What's the fun? How's the North Shore?"

"I can't explain one or two sentences clearly. Commander Yu can come and have a look when you have time." Ye Han said.

"Okay." Commander Yu agreed, "I will try to solve the dam issue as soon as possible."

The two said a few more words before cutting off the communication. Ye Han switched back to his own communication frequency and briefly explained the situation of the North Shore and the headquarters.

After listening, Bian Ge said, "The situation in the urban section of the Huangsha River has eased. You should immediately gather your troops to join the main force, and hand over the defense of the south bank to the garrison."

"Understood!" Ye Han called the second lieutenant guarding the bridge, and after instructing him to guard the south bank, he immediately organized troops to rush to the lower reaches of the Huangsha River.

Probably because the fiercest battle took place near the Shayuan Bridge, so most of the wolves rushed to the north bank of the Shayuan Bridge. It became a normal embankment park.

Some scattered wolves were crawling around on the shore, and when they saw that the team was so excited, they rushed to the river together, holding their heads high and making deterrent actions, as if they could rush over at any time.

Ye Han felt tired when he saw the wolf worm. He lay on the car and glanced at it. He knocked on the roof of the car and said, "What are you doing? Come out and shoot!"

The soldiers lifted the top cover one after another and got out of the car with their upper bodies.

Ye Han pointed to the north bank and said, "Have you seen it? If you are idle, you are idle. Come out and play."

Xiao Yuan suddenly smiled: "Boss, we can't fight like this, can we? It's got to be a bit of luck anyway, brothers, right?"

The soldiers roared loudly.

"Step on your ass!" Ye Han replied angrily, "Just ordering and not firing, Xiao Yuan's wife is the prize, look back and see."

"It's a big deal, no problem!" Xiao Yuan patted his chest in a big way.

"Come on, you." Chi Wei snorted twice, "It's all a pleasure to promise, who doesn't know you're a bachelor!"

"It's not a bachelor who agrees!" Xiao Yuan pouted in disdain.

The soldiers laughed again.

The main body of the army is men, and it is a group of strong men with excess energy. When a group of men gather together, they will not talk about women. This is the nature of genes. It will never change because of the discipline of soldiers, and make jokes with each other. No one really took it to heart.

Of course, a soldier would also talk dirty to his own people, and he would definitely not talk nonsense in front of outsiders.

Bang - Ye Han fired the first shot, and the bullet hit the head of a wolf worm on the north bank, which was only a minor injury to the wolf worm.

Ye Han smiled helplessly: "Xiao Yuan, your wife has nothing to do with me."

"It's okay, you're the captain, you're welcome even if you don't get hit. This is a special treatment... Brothers, one of them counts as one, and they all keep their mouths shut for me. You must not let the captain's sister-in-law know about this. Do you understand?"

"Let's go, get out of the car and run for me no matter how poor!"

"Don't talk, don't talk, I don't talk about it!" Xiao Yuan laughed wickedly, picked up his rifle and shot.

A squadron of 60 to 70 people, each shot is 60 to 70 bullets, and a dozen giant insects on the north bank will soon be shot, but it is still several kilometers away from the city, and there are insects on the north bank.

Ye Han didn't make another move, but he has been paying attention to the situation on the north shore. Now there are no large groups of wolves on the north shore. They are all small-scale operations. There are many corpses parked in some areas. I don't know if they died under the garrison gun or Bian Geli The city was easily killed.

Shayuan is a city that has been inhabited all the time. The streets are still smooth. It didn't take twenty minutes for the convoy led by Ye Han to arrive at the suburbs and join the main force.

At this time, the main force was hiding near the river The convoy was separated from the river by a beach covered with shrubs, and the lush vegetation barely blocked the convoy.

Ye Han jumped out of the armored car, and after asking Bian Ge's location, he found Bian Ge alone across the beach.

Bian Ge was squatting behind the bushes to observe the situation on the north bank, and Ye Han asked curiously, "What is this looking at?"

"It's nothing, just observe the wolves." Bian Ge said.

Ye Han turned his eyes to the opposite bank, and happened to see the wolf worms trot to the river a few times and stopped, and couldn't help but blurt out, "They want to cross the river?"

This is not an urban area. Both sides of the Huangsha River are naturally formed banks, not man-made embankments. The river is also shallow enough. There is even a small island overgrown with weeds in the middle of the river. .

Bian Ge said quietly, "Keep watching!"

Ye Han glanced at Bian Ge in surprise, and now the wolf worms on the other side had no intention of wading into the water at all. They stopped by the bank and poked their heads into the river. where to go.

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