Armor Frenzy

Chapter 633: saturation bombardment

The muzzle velocity of ordinary artillery shells generally does not exceed two kilometers per second. The naval guns of the expedition fleet have not undergone any special reinforcement, but in the vacuum environment of the universe, the muzzle velocity has a certain bonus, which is about 2,400 meters per second.

Moreover, the expedition fleet was not shooting ordinary shells, but rocket speed-up bombs.

This thing is actually an ordinary rocket extended-range bomb, but there is no resistance in space. As long as the shell does not hit the target, it can fly unrestrictedly. There is no range limit, and the role of the rocket can only be increased.

The speed of the cannonball itself and the rocket bonus, after six seconds, the speed per second has exceeded 3 kilometers, the red cannonball ripped apart the dark space, turned into dozens of rainbow lights and rushed to Ganymede.

Compared with the speed of warships, which are often dozens of kilometers per second, the speed of artillery shells is really nothing. To put it in a bad way, even if the expedition fleet uses the gun barrels against the **** of the alien warships, the shells shot out will not be able to catch up. Target.

But dead data on paper is of little use in combat, the data that really matters is the relative speed between the expeditionary fleet and the target!

The position of the Second Fleet is seven or eight hundred kilometers away from the Hexapods, and it has always maintained this distance. Once it finds that the alien fleet is approaching, it will immediately retreat.

This is because the effective range of the thin light is about 600 to 700 kilometers!

The range of Xiguang was not calculated casually, but was calculated based on the combat data of the First Fleet and the combat experience of the Second Fleet during this period of time.

Directed energy weapons are not good at this point. The power of the weapons will be greatly reduced if they are farther away. The same is true for human lasers, and the same is true for aliens' thin lights. On the contrary, there are not so many restrictions on missiles and shells.

What Gao Kai bullied was the insufficient range of the fine light.

It takes about four minutes for a shell with a speed of more than 3,000 meters per second to reach the target. If the target is an alien warship, when the shell flies to the local warship, it will not know where it will go, but Ganymede is a satellite. Satellites with a fixed speed and orbital orbit are unavoidable and unavoidable, and they are simply the best gun targets.

At this moment, the core of the battlefield is neither the expedition fleet nor the alien fleet, but Ganymede, where the alien fleet is entrenched. The relative speed of the enemy and us is very low, and the speed of more than 3,000 meters per second already exceeds the reaction speed of both sides. The cannonballs flew close to Ganymede, and hundreds of alien warships shot out a dense shimmer at the same time.

The defensive net composed of fine light could not stop the swirling cannonballs at all. The cannonballs passed through the gaps in the light net, and after hitting Ganymede, dazzling nuclear lights were set off.

The nuclear light illuminated the dark space, as well as the alien fleet floating near Ganymede. Dozens of artillery shells all exploded in just a few seconds, and the space was shrouded in darkness again, except for the debris on Ganymede. Stone sand dust is flying in all directions, and nothing else seems to have changed.

Ganymede is 170 kilometers in diameter, and the yield of nuclear artillery shells is relatively small, let alone dozens, even if tens of thousands of them are tied together and smashed on it, it cannot do anything to Ganymede.

But the success of this batch of shells opened a door for the expeditionary fleet, and it was confirmed that the defense net of the alien fleet could not stop the shells with a speed of more than three kilometers per second.

With this result, the purpose of this battle has been achieved, Gao Kai's eyes swept over several comrades: "How is it?"

"It should be fine," Lu Zuo said.

"Then let's get started!"

"Yes, order the formation to set off!"

The Kunlun has a row of "engine nests" on the left and right sides, and each aircraft nest is placed in a carrier-based aircraft. After receiving the order to start, all the doors of the aircraft nests are opened, and the two sides of the battleship seem to have two rows of super-sized aircraft. Wooden windows.

Next, a flame erupted from each window, and more than seventy fighter jets were ejected from the ship at the same time. The trained pilots accelerated their flight to Ganymede while dividing into six groups as planned, each group of exactly twelve fighter jets. .

The six formations quickly dispersed, and then rushed towards Ganymede at the fastest speed.

The distance of more than 700 kilometers is enough for the fleet to increase the speed to three kilometers per second.

At the same time, the Penglai, which was hundreds of kilometers away, also released all the warships, and the target was also Europa.

In order to prevent the fighters from being sniped by alien warships, Gao Kai issued a saturation strike order to the fleet as soon as the fleet set off. The ten warships headed by the Kunlun immediately poured artillery fire on the alien fleet at the highest rate of fire.

The turrets placed on the belly and back of the air carrier were fully fired, and every two seconds, a cannon shot was fired; missiles flew out from the honeycomb-like improved missile nest under the belly.

The **** Class 024 B-type turrets removed most of the laser turrets and replaced them with ordinary naval guns. The bow of the ship was firing on the eight turrets of the Class 024 class on Ganymede in turn, and each shot was like releasing a bunch of dazzling fireworks.

The 026-level artillery fire was even more intense, and dozens of artillery shells fired one after another like a tidal wave.

The firepower of the fleet was also greatly consumed. In less than a minute, ten warships fired more than 3,000 tons of shells at the enemy!

If it is on the ground, three thousand tons of artillery shells are really nothing, but the shells and missiles used by the space fleet are all improved versions that take into account the vacuum environment without resistance, and the fuel of the missiles and the propellant of the shells are reduced to a minimum. These three More than half of the thousand-ton shells are real shells, not shell propellants.

This only counts shells, not missiles.

For this battle, Gao Kai really invested his money. This shelling alone used up a quarter of the fleet's ammunition reserves.

The speed of cannonballs is the fastest, and the speed of missiles is second, but they are much faster than fighter jets. Gao Kai didn't expect the cannonballs and missiles to kill many enemies at all, but to find something for the aliens to do, lest the aliens stare at them. On the penetration of the aircraft group.

The saturation attack of the Second Fleet immediately detonated the alien fleet The speed of each ship's launching of thin beams was unprecedented, and the vertical and horizontal beams flew up and down, cutting the incoming shells and missiles.

Missiles with limited speed are inevitably cut by the thin light, and some of the shells are also cut by the thin light, and the beams quickly pass through the void, like a huge lightsaber, cut again and again.

There were too many fine lights and too dense, and the aircraft group just entered the fine light range, and was destroyed by the flying fine light.

The atmosphere at the headquarters suddenly became much more solemn.

The consumption rate of fighters is too fast. According to this trend, before the aircraft group can break through the defense network of the alien fleet, they will be destroyed by the aliens first.

If that happens, the air carrier will probably follow in the footsteps of the gunship.

Warships in human history have had a variety of combat modes, but space warfare has only appeared in science fiction works, and no one can tell how the space fleet should be arranged in the right direction.

Gunboats and motherships are the most mature combat modes of human beings. If neither of these two modes can defeat aliens, no one really knows what to do.

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