Armor Frenzy

Chapter 638: Assault

In the dark universe, groups of nuclear lights exploded, and in just a few seconds, more than 30 groups of nuclear explosions shone brightly in all directions.

The nuclear explosion not only sank a group of alien warships, but the flash of the explosion also interfered with the sight of the aliens, causing a brief confusion in the alien fleet.

In the past, this little confusion may not be a big deal, and it won't take long to recover, but the current situation is that the alien fleet follows the action of the expedition fleet, and this little bit of interference disrupts the plan of the alien fleet just right , the expedition fleet successfully avoided the enemy ship in front of it!

At this time, the distance between the two sides was only in the early 10,000 kilometers. The reduction in the distance greatly increased the hit rate of the shells. Anyway, there were a lot of rapid-fire shells. Gao Kai once again ordered the battleship to fire.

Dozens of rapid-firing cannons fired at once, and countless shells flew out of the barrels and flew into the alien fleet in a string.

The hit rate of artillery shells is actually still very low, but the number makes up for the lack of hit rate, and some alien warships are shot.

The missiles mixed in the shells made the situation of the alien fleet even worse.

As the distance got closer, the hit rate of the artillery shells soared, and the alien warships flickered with flashes of light, like firecrackers wrapped around the ship.

Despite the heavy losses, the alien fleet did not flinch. While firing at full force, it rushed towards the human battleship desperately, looking at the posture, even if it collided, it would destroy the human battleship, but the relative speed was so fast, unless it kept blocking a certain In front of the battleship, otherwise the chance of collision is not as high as the hit rate of the shells.

The most dangerous situation occurred on a 026-class battleship Yunhai. Three alien warships approached Yunhai from different directions. A large number of thin lights almost formed a beam of light, constantly passing by Yunhai.

At the critical moment, the sea of ​​​​clouds was full of firepower, and there were spewing flames all over the body.

Unkai can launch nuclear cannonballs completely, killing the enemy ship in front of them in one fell swoop, but the distance between the two sides is too close, and the nuclear explosion of the shell hitting the enemy ship is likely to affect Unkai.

Neither nuclear shells nor nuclear missiles could be used. The strength of the Yunhai was inexistent. It could only be supported with rapid-fire guns while evading it with all its strength, until it passed the enemy ship.

Recently, the straight-line distance between the sea of ​​clouds and the enemy ship was only a few hundred meters, but the relative speed was too fast, and the two sides missed it in less than a blink of an eye.

The two fleets crossed, and the expedition fleet successfully broke through the block, but Gao Kai's face was very ugly: "Yunhai, report the situation!"

"Report, the armor is severely damaged, the turrets from No. 1 to No. 7 are damaged, the rapid-firing guns on the port side are completely destroyed, and the interior compartment is depressurized!"

"Okay, all personnel are evacuated from the Sea of ​​Clouds... Wait, how is the power system of the Sea of ​​Clouds? Is there any damage?"

"The power system is fine!"

"Leave a few people on the boat, and all the others will be evacuated!"


After the communication ended, Lu Zuo hesitated for a moment to persuade: "Commander, there is no need to give up the Yunhai, right?"

Gao Kai sighed: "I would rather abandon the ship than let the soldiers go to the battlefield with seriously wounded warships."

Now is the halftime break. There is no need for the officers and soldiers on the Yunhai to leave the ship in lifeboats. A 024 and a 026 approach the Yunhai from the left and right sides respectively, and are connected to the Yunhai with the retractable gangway. The officers and soldiers on the Yunhai Evacuate into the friendly ship through the gangway, leaving only the captain and the first officer to pilot the battleship.

If it wasn't for one person who couldn't take care of it, even the first mate would not want to stay on the Yunhai.

The fleet continued to move forward, and it would take more than two hours to reach Iowei Zero. The alien fleet just now could not stop the expeditionary army.

At this time, the speed of the fleet was too fast, but Gao Kai had no intention of slowing down. Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the expedition fleet was less than a quarter of an hour away from Io.

Gao Kai felt that the time was almost up, and decisively ordered the fleet to fire.

The relative speed of the expedition fleet and Io Zero is about 80 kilometers per second, and the straight-line distance is about 70,000 kilometers.

At this distance, the impact of the vibration of the cannon on the landing point of the cannonball is negligible, at least Gao Kai is sure that most of the cannonballs can fall on Io.

If so, what is there to wait for? Humanity has been waiting for the opportunity to counterattack Io Zero for a long time, and the revenge of billions of people around the world is long overdue!

The order was issued, the artillery fire was fully fired, and ten warships including the Unkai poured their firepower on Io Zero at the highest rate of fire.

The artillery fire of the expedition fleet seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest. The alien warships of no less than three digits took off from Io Zero in a very short period of time, and quickly formed an interception. The fine light is covered, the number and density of which are beyond imagination.

Instead of intercepting the shells with thin light, the aliens used thin light to form a wall and wait for the shells to hit!

Even Gao Kai began to doubt whether the shells could hit, so he gritted his teeth and ordered the Sea of ​​Clouds to abandon the ship.

After receiving the order, Yunhai slightly adjusted the flight direction of the battleship, and the maximum power of the engine power rushed to Io Zero, and then the two left the ship in a lifeboat.

The lifeboat leaned towards the Kunlun, but it was impossible for the lifeboat to dock with the Kunlun until the battle was over.

At this time, another fleet was transferred from behind Io wei, and the number also exceeded a hundred ships. The two fleets joined forces to jointly deal with the incoming expeditionary force.

Gao Kai gritted his teeth and ordered the fleet to fire at full force, and all shells must be fired.

Anyway, after this battle, he must return to Earth, and carrying so many shells is also a burden.

The shells reserved by each ship have been used up a lot At present, there are only a little more than half of the remaining shells. There were not many rapid-fire shells left.

The first batch of shells touched the wall of light, and Gao Kai's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

The expedition fleet is still about 30,000 kilometers away from Io. Even the optical system on the ship cannot see the shells, let alone the naked eye. It was not until the shells penetrated into the atmosphere that they barely saw a straight line in the atmosphere. The red line of the earth.

After a few long seconds, a bright light suddenly burst out on the surface of Io Zero, and then a red flame burst out and quickly spread around.

One, two, three... More and more mushroom clouds rose on Io, and the alien fleet in orbit became a mess.

An unlucky alien warship was directly hit by a nuclear shell and turned into nothingness in the explosion, and the chaos of the alien fleet became more and more serious.

Taking advantage of his illness, there is no possibility of compromise between humans and aliens. Gao Kai widened his eyes angrily and roared sharply: "What about missiles, shoot them all out for me—"

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