Armor Frenzy

Chapter 640: stage victory

The first half of the Yunhai that fell into Io weighed more than 2,000 tons. Not long after it touched the atmosphere, the half of the wreckage was covered with a layer of red flames due to severe friction. The armor directly below was especially serious. The high temperature made the metal close to Incandescent state, bright and dazzling.

The alien warships outside the atmosphere tried their best to cut the wreckage of the warships. Pieces of metal were cut by the fine light, and they floated near the main body and fell together.

But how can the wreckage of a battleship of more than 2,000 tons be so easy to cut? The aliens watched helplessly as the wreckage of the battleship fell to the ground but was helpless.

The wreckage finally touched the ground, and an explosion stronger than a nuclear explosion exploded in an instant. The shock wave generated by the explosion exceeded the speed of sound and spread in all directions at a high speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it spread to half of the moon, and it continued to spread, sweeping away. global trend.

The impact lifted Io's shallow crust, the high temperature of the explosion melted everything, and hundreds of millions of tons of soil and gravel were thrown high into the sky, and a large amount of material was thrown out of the atmosphere from Io's gravity and became a small celestial body around Jupiter.

The massive amount of magma gushing out from the self-destruction center rose and swelled like an ocean wave.

On the other side of Io, a large number of spaceships flew into the sky desperately, racing against time to fly out of the atmosphere. Some spaceships succeeded, but more spaceships were blown over by shock waves before they flew out of the atmosphere. Most of them fell directly. Only a few spaceships regained control and entered space. .

A large amount of smoke and dust was thrown into the air, and as the shock wave spread in all directions, the high temperature and flames slowly but firmly spread outward, and seemed to have a global trend.

Expedition fleet.

Ye Han silently stared at Mi Wei Ling, who was drifting away, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Io is finished." Lu Zuo couldn't hide his joy, and the folds on his face bloomed with a smile, "This power is not worse than the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, right?"

"It should be stronger...and much more courageous." Gao Kai sighed, "Io is over, but the aliens are not over."

Lu Zuo had a different point of view: "Io is over, what kind of climate can the remaining aliens be?"

"I also think that blowing up Io is equivalent to breaking the roots of the aliens, but thinking about the Beiyuezhou base, I can't feel at ease. I always feel that the remaining aliens will be a scourge sooner or later."

"The shells and missiles have been exhausted. We must have no choice. Let's report back and organize another expedition fleet." Lu Zuo suggested, "Would you like to wait and feel the bottom of aliens?"

Gao Kai shook his head: "We don't have any food, what else are we going to leave? Let the observation team read more records, and let's go back and give them a headache."

"Okay, I'll let you know right away."

Lu Zuo left, Gao Kai saw that Ye Han was still staring at the screen, and took two steps to stop beside Ye Han: "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Ye Han smiled, "I didn't expect to solve the problem so easily."

"To tell you the truth, I'm also quite surprised." Gao Kai recalled it carefully and was full of emotion, "I always feel that the aliens still want to show weakness and surround themselves, but this time they got rid of it."

"It's really not worth the First Fleet." Ye Han's eyes were deep.

"It can't be said that without the First Fleet, there will be no success of the Second Fleet. Whether it is merit or demerit, it is better to leave it to future generations to comment."

Ye Han glanced at Gao Kai in surprise: "What's the matter? Leave it to future generations to comment? Why is this guy so emotional?"

"What emotional rationality, I feel it." Gao Kai glared at Ye Han.

Ye Han pretended not to see it, and changed the subject: "What about the remaining aliens?"

"You're also worried that they will become a climate?" Gao Kai was amazed.

"Does it need to be said? You and I are both from Beiyuezhou. What we humans can do, there is no reason why the aliens can't do it." Ye Han was on the case.

"It's not my time to worry about things in the future. It's amazing that I will come to the Fourth Fleet of the Third Fleet in the future, and I will always be able to kill all the aliens... Don't say it, this is a lost cause, not that the aliens have always been Hanging above our heads, how can we build a Beiyuezhou base so quickly? Maybe it will take another fifty years and a hundred years before we can build a lunar base."

"That's true." Ye Han smiled, "After this, the population problem is not a problem anymore."

The number of people in the world has dropped by more than one-third, and the living space that has long been saturated is indeed a lot easier.

"Hehe, wasn't the change of dynasties in ancient times because of overpopulation and land annexation? After a war is fought and a large number of people die, the new dynasty can be stable and prosperous for a while."

"Hey, Io is solved, there are still so many bugs on the earth that have not been solved."

"The bugs are easy to talk about." Gao Kai was not worried at all. "Aliens are the root of the bugs. Let's cut off the roots of the giant bugs and deal with the bugs slowly. Sooner or later, we can get rid of all the bugs."

"When all the bugs are removed, there will be people left on the earth, right?" Ye Han said.

Giant worms on the ground run rampant, giant shrimp and giant crabs in the sea, no matter what the final outcome of the war between humans and giant worms will be, crustaceans will definitely be the dominant creatures on earth in the future.

Gao Kai couldn't help laughing: "You think so far... In the future, if you shoot the animal world, will you be able to shoot other than bugs?"

"There is nothing else to raise except worms. In the future, there will be no other meat to eat except worms. The pastures and farms are stocked with worms, and the people who pull carts and plow the fields are also worms. Even in a costume drama, they have to ride Insects go into battle to kill the enemy...why? Because there are no horses, the horses are eaten by the insects!"

"Fuck you, Jing nonsense!" Gao Kai made Ye Han very happy, "What do you think your brain is? Why is your thinking different from others?"

"This, it's not just what I thought about it myself." Ye Han thought of the giant snail and couldn't help but smile, "The hardest and most difficult days have survived, and Io also exploded, and the future will only be better. , couldn't be worse."

Gao Kai laughed: "I hope so."

"You're really discouraged." Ye Han accused, "You can't say something to cheer up when you're still the commander of the fleet?"

"Take it down, don't think about it, how many days can I be the commander of the fleet?"

"That's true. With such a big military exploit, you must be offered up. What, you'll be prosperous in the future, but don't forget us old comrades-in-arms."

"Fuck you, you're a colonel before you're thirty, you're a colonel, I was a major when I was thirty, major!"

"I didn't say it, you take care of me first, and if I can make it available to me in the future... You definitely won't be able to borrow it. It's no problem to help your son!"

"Come on, you, it's better for our generation to finish all the battles that should be fought and leave some peace for future generations."

Ye Han sighed faintly and looked at Jupiter from afar: "Is this thing something we can keep if we want to?"

Gao Kai was slightly but quickly replied, "We're halfway there."

The two smiled at each other and flew back to the distant earth in unison.

——The following does not count the number of words——

The whole book... it's not over!

Does this chapter look like the finale? But in the following statement, it’s just like, according to the plan, it will take at least a few more months to write, but the specific amount of writing depends not only on me, but also on the support of the majority of book friends!

To borrow a sentence from Mr. Guo: If there is no gentleman, no artist will be raised. If you don’t subscribe to writers, you will starve. You must run for life, and you can’t put your energy into code words!

The current subscription is indeed better than the previous one, but it must be said that the previous data calculation is wrong, because two chapters are updated every day, so the data mentioned when the last chapter was opened is actually high.

Here again, I urge capable book friends to come to the starting point to support the genuine version. It is only two or three cents a day, and WeChat recharge is very convenient.

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