Armor Frenzy

Chapter 649: 3 big bug nests

"It's only been two years, and the change is really not small." Ye Han sighed, "What's going on on the earth? The giant insect is not extinct yet?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yuan and Chi Wei fell silent, and even Bai Xiaoting was a little sad.

Ye Han glanced at this and looked at that, and couldn't help but have a bad premonition in his heart: "What is your expression? What happened?"

Xiao Yuan looked at Chi Wei: "Are you here?"

"Come on, aren't you being eloquent?" Chi Wei replied.

"What can I say?" Xiao Yuan sighed, "The current situation is good or bad, I can't say a word or two at all."

"It's okay, I'm listening, I have time now." Ye Han said.

Xiao Yuan smacked his lips: "Generally speaking, the situation is not bad. There are no major problems in the country, but there are many bugs on orders, and there are casualties every day, but everyone is used to it. It's just that life is a little more difficult."

Ye Han asked suspiciously: "Listen to what you mean, is there a situation abroad?"

"It's more than just a situation, it's a big situation." Xiao Yuan said, "I haven't stopped fighting bugs for the past two years, but bugs have never stopped talking, but they have become more and more powerful. Captain, don't you know, these two years the bugs have gone back and forth again. It has evolved, it is bigger, faster, more aggressive, and the shell is harder, even 7.62 machine gun bullets can't penetrate it, and the worst is 12.7."

"It's so serious?" Ye Han was extremely surprised, "I thought the situation on Earth was good."

"It's not like that at all, the ground is not as optimistic as the space." Xiao Yuan said, "The price of infantry to deal with giant insects is too high, and countries that are not capable of equipping power armor let the giant insects fight, and now it is us and the United States. If the guy is stronger, the younger brother of the Yankee can maintain it, and the rest of the country is like that."

Beidu also has allies, but the younger brothers of the Yankees are all very rich, even if the insect plague consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, there is still a foundation.

Most of Beidu's allies are developing countries in the third world. Even the richest countries do not have the strength to equip power armor. Even if Beidu is sold at cost, they cannot afford it. Over the years, the dead, the dead and the wounded, people do not know how many times.

To put it horribly, these countries have been able to survive until now, purely because of human lives.

Ye Han immediately grasped the point of the words: "The Americans also use power armor?"

"More than just using it, I heard that Beidu is cooperating with Yankees to develop the next-generation power armor, and I don't know if it is true or not." Xiao Yuan said.

"I've heard that too." Chi Wei said, "If the bugs were so difficult to deal with back then, let alone the space fleet, even the Beiyuezhou base would not be able to be built."

"Isn't there nothing wrong in the country?" Ye Han was puzzled.

"But there are overseas!" Chi Wei sighed, "Now the three major insect nests recognized internationally are Africa, Siberia and South America, the United States is next to South America, Europe is next to Africa, we are next to Siberia, the most powerful in the world. The country is all about letting the bugs hold its hands."

"Isn't it true, Siberia is still the smallest worm nest!" Xiao Yuan said, "A large group of worms have to freeze to death every autumn, or we won't be much better here.

"What's the situation in Europe?" Ye Han couldn't help asking.

"Europe... It used to be the Suez Canal that blocked the giant worms, but now that river can't stop the worms. The European coalition has put hundreds of thousands of people behind the canal to block the worms, otherwise the worms would have swallowed the whole of Europe long ago. Yes." Chi Wei said.

"It can't be said that, if there were no flying insects in Africa, Europe would have been finished long ago." Xiao Yuan said.

"Neither does Siberia." Chi Wei said.

Ye Han asked curiously, "Are there in South America?"

"Well, there are only a few kinds of bugs in Siberia and Africa. The bugs in South America are different. There are many and miscellaneous. There are seven or eight kinds of flying insects."

"What about America?"

"What else can I do? Find a way to block it!" Xiao Yuan said, "It seems that he has set up a line of defense in Bahama."

"Panama!" Chi Wei reminded that iron is not steel, "I heard that the Americans threw dozens of neutron bullets in order to deal with insects, which is more ruthless than when we dealt with giant locusts."

Ye Han nodded, finally having a comprehensive understanding of the current situation in his mind.

The world's three largest insect nests, or the world's three largest insect nests, are not as simple as they seem.

Africa was the first region to fall into the worm population, where a single species of giant worms were huge in number, but they had to conquer each other in order to obtain food, and the internal friction was equally serious.

Moreover, the land connection between Africa and Europe is cut off by the Suez Canal, and giant insects cannot fly. As long as they hold the north bank of the canal, they can cut off the northward passage of the African ant colony and ensure the safety of Europe.

The situation in South America is similar. It is useless to have a large number of insects. The land connection between South America and North America is only a small place like Panama. That narrow terrain is easier to defend than Europe. The Yankees are far better off than Europe.

In contrast, seemingly innocuous Siberia is the biggest trouble.

That place is located in northern Asia, to the south is Asia, and to the west across the Ural Mountains is Europe. Although the swarms currently living in Siberia are not powerful, the evolution rate of giant insects has always been unexpected. The insects living in Siberia are likely to evolve. With the ability to grow rapidly, as long as the conditions are right, it can grow up in a very short period of time and become the mainstay of the swarm.

By that time not only will it be troublesome to directly confront the northern line of defense against the swarm, but Maozi's Ural line of defense will be equally dangerous.

Ye Han felt that even the problems that he could see were impossible for Bei to not see. Eighty percent of the time there was a plan to deal with them, so he didn't need to worry about Beidu at all.

In addition to the three major insect nests, there are many small-scale insect nests around the world. Most of these insect nests are concentrated on tropical islands, and each island is a paradise for a group of insects.

Research has found that there is no need to spend manpower and material resources to annihilate the giant insects on the island.

Island ecosystems are notoriously fragile. Even before there are no giant insects, it is very troublesome to maintain ecological balance. The emergence of giant insects destroys the fragile island ecosystem in one fell swoop. After eating up the only food, the insect swarms Sadly, he found that he could no longer find food. If he did not kill each other, he would only be hungry.

As a result, the swarm gradually withered in the increasingly serious internal friction, until it could no longer be maintained, and human beings could retake the islands occupied by the giant insects from the giant insects without any bloodshed.

All in all, according to different situations, there are different coping methods, one prescription cannot cure all diseases, and specific problems must be analyzed in detail.

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