Armor Frenzy

Chapter 658: life for life

The commander at the scene was so anxious that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage. He covered his hands and shouted hoarsely: "Tiangong Tiangong, the shelling is invalid, the shelling is invalid—"

"Fire support coordinated!"

Before he finished speaking, a line of crimson light descended from the sky, and the top of the alien battleship suddenly exploded like a cracked egg shell, with a cobweb-like crack, and there was a hole the size of a fist in the middle of the crack. With a faint blue smoke.

The commander clenched his hand and was stunned, unable to understand what happened.

Several consecutive crisp sounds sounded one after another, and there were more black holes on the alien battleship, as if an invisible big hand was pounding the alien battleship vigorously.

About two seconds later, the sharp whistling from the sky penetrated into everyone's eardrums, and the commander could not help but suddenly realize.

This must be the space warship greeting aliens with piercing bullets, because the speed of the shells is too fast, leaving the sound far behind, so this phenomenon occurs.

As expected by the commander, this is a round of armor-piercing projectiles from the o24 level. This is an armor-piercing projectile specially designed to hit ground targets. In order to prevent the projectile and the atmosphere from violently rubbing against the quality of the warhead, the military industry department also painted the slender warhead. A layer of aerospace-grade insulation.

It's the stuff painted on the surface of a returnable spacecraft.

But use armor-piercing bullets to hit alien warships... Alien warships are less than 300 meters long, and armor-piercing bullets are only about the thickness of a fist. How effective can they play?

Not only commanders have such doubts, but many fighters have the same thoughts.

Just when everyone was in shock, the o24 class that confirmed the effect of the blow suddenly exploded. The seven turrets located in the bow fired at the same time, and hundreds of armor-piercing projectiles turned into red rays of light, in a very short time from the tail of the alien battleship. Hit the head, and the sound of armor breaking and tearing air mixes, drowning out all other sounds.

When everything was over, the top armor of the alien battleship had turned into a sieve with holes everywhere, and the cobweb cracks were all over the ship, as if a touch of a finger would shatter into pieces.

The commander did not relax his vigilance because of the heavy damage of the alien warship, but immediately ordered the troops to be more vigilant to prevent the aliens from breaking through.

He has no combat experience, but at least he understands the reason why a dog jumps over a wall.

Everyone was ready for battle, but the aliens remained silent for a long time. A similar thought appeared in everyone's minds: Could it be that a single shot can kill all the aliens in the battleship?

About half a minute after the bombardment, the hatches on the alien battleship that had been open all the time suddenly shot out shreds of light, swept away, and most of them cut into the bunkers arranged by the defenders. All over the place.

The silk light that was cut on the defenders was like a knife, and the defenders suffered heavy casualties. A silk light happened to swept across the commander's neck and cut the carotid artery without any difficulty.

The commander only felt a pain in his neck, and blood poured out like a fountain. He instinctively covered the side of his neck, but the blood still seeped from between his fingers.

A nearby soldier immediately took out a towel, twisted the kettle to wet the towel, but when he pressed the towel to the side of the commander's neck, the commander had stopped breathing, and those lost eyes stared up at the sky blankly. There is still a little bit of unwillingness and nostalgia left.

The thin light came and went quickly. After killing a large number of defenders, it ended quickly. Then dozens of aliens rushed out of the ship, ran a few steps, and suddenly jumped into the air. A pair of huge membrane wings spread behind the aliens. Kai, supported them to fly high, and poured silk light on the defenders condescendingly.

The defenders who lost their command fought back hard, but they had a natural advantage in air-to-ground, which made the defenders who had suffered heavy casualties even worse.

What made the defenders even more unbearable was that an alien actually flew over the evacuating people and wanted to massacre civilians.

All the officers and soldiers were furious, and several armored vehicles fired the surface-to-air missiles immediately, but only hit one alien.

In order to destroy the enemy, the brave warriors left the relatively safe armored vehicle, jumped on the roof of the vehicle and operated the anti-aircraft machine gun.

Anti-aircraft machine guns may be limited in killing aliens, but the fragile membrane wings on the backs of aliens cannot stop the tearing of the warheads, shooting down several aliens one after another.

The armored vehicle was immediately attacked by the aliens, and the soldiers sacrificed their lives and sacrificed one to get on the other.

Surrounded by the corpses of their comrades cut into pieces, and under their feet are the still warm blood and internal organs of their comrades, the soldiers did not care so much, because the new shooters were likely to be mercerized in the next second, mixed with their comrades, and then again. Neither are they separated from each other.

In short, as long as the machine gun can still fire, as long as people are not dead, as long as there are bullets, the machine gun will not stop.

The roar of the anti-aircraft machine guns didn't stop until the alien warship shot a thin beam of light that cut all the armored vehicles open.

But the defenders had more than anti-aircraft machine A soldier had his left leg broken at the knee, and all his comrades had been sacrificed. The severe pain made him almost faint.

He gritted his teeth and endured the pain, climbed to the side of the 12o rocket to straighten the bazooka that hadn't had time to shoot, knelt down on one knee to support his body with his broken leg, aimed at the hatch of the alien battleship and pulled the trigger.

The moment the rocket was unloaded, he was hit by the alien's silk light, which went from the left shoulder to the right crotch.

At the last moment of his life, he saw the rockets flying into the alien battleship, and the soldier closed his eyes and died with a smile.

The rocket exploded, blazing flames spewed out from the ship like a fire dragon, and the armor covered with spider webs suddenly collapsed like shattered glass.

When the others saw this, they immediately abandoned the aliens and turned their targets to the battleship. The aliens raging everywhere immediately returned to help, focusing on cleaning up the defenders who attacked the battleship.

At this time, the casualties of the defenders had exceeded two-thirds, and the remaining one-third could not form a coherent line of defense. The battlefield was bloody.

The commander with the highest rank on the scene was only a lieutenant. The lieutenant who witnessed all this clearly realized that the task of blocking the alien warship could not be completed, and the time when the friendly forces arrived could not be determined. It will bloom everywhere, and the civilians of the whole city will be in danger.

The signal soldier beside him had already sacrificed. The lieutenant was heartbroken. He broke off the fingers of the signal soldier, grabbed the hand that the signal soldier was holding tightly, and cried while crying: "Fengcheng calls Tiangong, Fengcheng calls Tiangong, please fire at me, please fire at me... The troops are about to run out, fire at me for the old and young men of Fengcheng... Tiangong, don't let us die in vain, don't let us die in vain..."

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