Armor Frenzy

Chapter 662: turbid water pouring

The beetles dig holes very fast, and they dug a tortuous passage hundreds of meters long in a short time, which made Ye Han secretly sigh, if you use this thing to dig a subway or something, it must be fast and good, not only can you dig out the hole , You can also take the wall by the way, without wasting the slightest bit, even the concrete is saved.

In contrast, the team member sent back to the ground was unexpectedly slow.

Although the impact crater was hit by the neutron bomb, the power of the neutron bomb is concentrated near the impact crater, and it shouldn't be difficult to find a working set of 12o rockets.

Besides, Ye Han doesn't have to have a 12o rocket, as long as it's a piece of equipment that can kill the giant beetle, that team member will not be so stupid that he can't even think of this, right?

I really can't find suitable equipment, so it's not impossible to call Tiangong for an airdrop, right? If this is a little later, the beetle carrying the alien might dig back to the ground.

The more Ye Han waited, the more anxious he became, but the team went deep into the burrow, the radio waves were blocked by the thick stratum, and they had long since lost contact with the ground.

"When we go back this time, we have to ask the boss to equip us with heavy weapons!" Ye Han said viciously.

Team 6 is not short of heavy weapons, but according to the military's vision, Team 6's combat method is to advance into space and then return to the ground.

In addition to the fierce firepower, heavy equipment is also characterized by high weight, and the power armor has the power bonus of auxiliary power. Each soldier can bring a lot of heavy weapons. I dare not say more, one person is sure to carry half a ton. no problem.

Although the electromagnetic orbit reduces the cost of launching a spacecraft, it is not as simple as taking a bus. There are strict standards for how many people to take, how much extra load, how much fuel should be added, and how to scientifically balance weights. It is said that as soon as a group of people swarms in, the spacecraft can immediately launch into the sky.

Let's put it this way, how to get in and out of the spacecraft is one of the fixed training subjects of the 6th team. The personnel and equipment must be "three fixed", that is, the personnel riding the same spacecraft are fixed; the position of each team member is fixed, and the equipment carried must be fixed in Specify the location.

If you need to bring unplanned equipment for some reason, you must not only add fuel, but also change the weighting scheme of the spacecraft and recalculate the weighting.

The principle of the aerospace department is that the lower the load, the better. If the 6th team has to bring a large amount of heavy equipment every time they go to space, it will not only increase the cost of shooting, but also waste a lot of space resources.

The cost saved is enough to produce more than a dozen sets of equipment of the same type on the moon, so the military would rather waste weapons and equipment than waste limited space resources.

If it wasn't that the armor of the 6th team had to be worn for a long time and slowly break in, the military could not wait to put all the power armor of the 6th team on the Tiangong, and it would be merciful to only put the heavy equipment in the sky.

When the troops came out, Ye Han thought they were going to space in a spaceship, but he didn't expect to go to the airport to take a transport plane. The soldiers had no other equipment besides their weapons. The team members had no choice but to take the giant beetle.

Liu Bin glanced at the giant beetle's plump butt: "Then what should we do now?"

Ye Han gritted his teeth: "Use cluster grenades!"

Liu Bin almost thought there was something wrong with his ears: "How do you tie it?" Many movies used this thing to blow up tanks, but the current military's equipment level is not comparable to that of the past, and wooden handle grenades have long been replaced by oval grenades. It's not that easy to tie the grenades together.

"Don't tie it up, see if you can stuff it into the chrysanthemum!" Ye Han said.

He didn't expect the grenade to be able to deal with the giant beetle at all, but it was a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he would give it a try if there was no other way.

Liu Bin was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth: "Is it possible?" Disgusting is second, the key is the idea of ​​hitting that place just now. The soldiers almost fired at the chrysanthemum of the beetle with their guns, but the giant beetle farts. Nothing happened, and his jaw dropped.

But the order is the order. I collected more than a dozen grenades, and was about to get closer. The beetle didn't know what it was digging. Suddenly, there was a sound like a rock rubbing against the front, and then a jet of water spurted out from under the giant beetle.

The water flow seemed to be sprayed from a high-pressure water gun, and the dark brown water flow rushed Liu Bin on the spot.

Ye Han was extremely stunned. Could such a fast current be an underground river? Where the **** did his grandma get to?

The giant beetle suddenly stopped moving forward and arched down a few times. The small half of the insect body immediately embedded into the ground. The gap between the insect body and the cave wall increased. Han and others were caught off guard, and were immediately swept away by the torrent-like water flow, and they couldn't help but follow the water flow all the way into the deepest part of the cave.

The power armor is well sealed, so you don't have to worry about the water penetrating into the armor, but the undercurrent in the water is just too pushes the crowd all the way down, as if they were put into a giant washing machine, and they were stirred up and down. not finished.

When everything was over, Ye Han, who was drowsy, woke up, and now the water was halfway down the hole. After standing up, the water surface was about his chest.

He didn't know where he was, and he couldn't see anyone before or after. He shouted a few words on the radio, but got a few replies, but others couldn't tell where they were either.

Ye Han gave a new order without hesitation: "Go up!"

There is no bifurcation in the hole, and the whole hole is like an irregular U-shaped tube. There are only two results when going uphill. One is to return to the impact pit, and the other is to catch up with the fleeing giant beetle.

The area where Ye Han was located was straight and straight. He chose a random direction and walked up the turbid water. The water level got lower and lower as he walked. He quickly left the flooded area, but the ground was still muddy.

After simply cleaning up the water-flooding weapon, Ye Han continued to walk upwards. After walking a few hundred meters, the ground was still full of traces of flooding. He immediately realized that the direction he was walking was leading to the underground river.

Ten minutes later, Ye Han saw a little light at the end of the hole. He involuntarily accelerated his pace. When he arrived near the exit, he found that there was a puddle of turbid water on the ground in front of him. The edges of the puddle were symmetrical and regular. trace.

Looking up, the edge of the beetle's exit was very irregular, and the sun was shining into the hole, and I didn't know what was reflecting the sun.

A few steps out of the hole, Ye Han was stunned to find that he was actually in a huge pool with a thick layer of dark-brown sludge remaining at the bottom of the pool.

The giant beetle that escaped was lying in the mud not far away, and there was a washbasin-sized hole where its head and chest meet.

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